Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint1 Learning Microsoft ® Office 2003 – Deluxe Edition Teaching Concepts Visual Aid.

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1 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint1 Learning Microsoft ® Office 2003 – Deluxe Edition Teaching Concepts Visual Aid

2 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 2 Work with Microsoft Office PowerPoint

3 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 3 PowerPoint Basics PowerPoint is a presentation graphics program that lets you create materials to be used in various types of presentations. Presentations can include text, graphics, charts, and multimedia objects such as sounds and movies. Presentation objects include slides, handouts, and notes pages. Slides contain the bulk of information in a presentation Notes pages show the slide and attached notes

4 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 4 Create a New Blank Presentation If you prefer to start from scratch in a new presentation, click Blank presentation in the New Presentation task pane. The Slide Layout task pane displays to let you select the layout of your first slide A blank presentation displays in black and white You can always apply a design template at any time after creating a blank presentation.

5 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 5 Apply a Slide Layout When you begin a new, blank presentation, you can accept the default slide layout or select a new layout Use the Slide Layout task pane to select and apply a layout Rest the pointer on a layout to see its name Layouts are organized by type The Slide Layout task pane also appears any time you add a new slide so that you can choose a layout for the new slide.

6 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 6 New Presentation with Slide Design You can apply a design template as you create a new slide show. In the New Presentation task pane, click From Design Template. Choose a design template to apply to the blank presentation Tip The Slide Design task pane shows design templates you have used recently at the top of the list.

7 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 7 Enter Text in a Placeholder To enter text in a placeholder:  Click a placeholder to open it  Begin typing at the insertion point  When finished, click outside the placeholder to close it Each slide layout has a specific arrangement of placeholders for text and/or objects. The positions of these placeholders are controlled by the slide master.

8 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 8 PowerPoint Views Slide pane Notes pane Outline/Slides pane with Slides tab displayed PowerPoint’s Normal view consists of three panes. The Outline/Slides pane displays either thumbnails of slides in the Slides tab or an outline of slide text in the Outline tab.

9 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 9 PowerPoint Views (cont’d) Slide Sorter view shows all slides in the presentation as thumbnails that are easy to move when organizing a show. Slide Show view shows each slide in order using the full screen. This is the view used to deliver presentations. Switch views by clicking these buttons

10 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 10 Check Spelling in a Presentation To check spelling in a presentation:  Click Tools, Spelling  PowerPoint moves from slide to slide to locate errors  Choose to ignore or change highlighted words  Click OK when finished As with other Office 2003 applications, PowerPoint allows you to add words to a custom dictionary.

11 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 11 Print Presentation Materials To print presentation materials:  Click File, Print  Choose what slides to print  Choose the print output: slides, handouts, notes pages, or outline  If printing handouts, choose how many slides per page  Click OK

12 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 12 Change the Slide Layout To change a slide’s layout:  Display the slide in Normal view  Select Format, Slide Layout  Click on a slide layout to apply it  New placeholders may appear on the slide To apply a layout to more than one slide, select slides in the Slides tab, then choose Apply to Selected Slides from the drop-down menu on the desired slide layout.

13 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 13 Change the Design Template Change the design template by displaying the Slide Design task pane and selecting a new design template. Rest the pointer on a design thumbnail to see its name Tip You can apply a design template to all slides or to selected slides. As soon as you apply a slide design template, formats on existing slides change to those of the new design.

14 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 14 Use Content Layouts PowerPoint offers a number of content layouts Click an icon to insert an object Content layouts give you quick access to a number of objects you can add to a slide: tables, charts, clip art, pictures from files, diagrams, and media clips. When you click an icon, another dialog box may open to allow you to choose options for the object.

15 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 15 Insert a Text Box To insert a text box:  Click the Text Box tool on the Drawing toolbar  Click on the slide to create a nonwrapping text box Or  Click and drag to set the width of a wrapping text box  Type text in the box Text boxes allow you to place text anywhere on a slide, not just where default placeholders appear.

16 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 16 Duplicate and Delete Slides To duplicate a slide:  Select the slide to duplicate  Click Edit, Duplicate To delete a slide:  Select the slide to delete  Click Edit, Delete Slide Tip You can also use the Copy/Paste functions to create a duplicate of a slide. The duplicate slide appears below the original in the Slides tab You can duplicate, delete, copy, or move slides in the Slides tab or Slide Sorter view.

17 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 17 Work in Slide Sorter View Slide Sorter toolbar With slides displayed as thumbnails, you can easily select, copy, and move slides. Add transitions and rehearse timings using tools on the Slide Sorter toolbar. Move a slide by clicking to select and then dragging to the new location Vertical line shows location where slide will appear when moved

18 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 18 Work in the Outline Tab To type text for a new slide:  Click next to a slide icon  Type the slide title  Press Enter and then Tab  Type the bullet entries To edit text:  Select text by dragging or clicking to the left of the entry  Replace or modify text To move slides in the Outline tab, select a slide and use the Move Up and Move Down tools on the Outlining toolbar.

19 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 19 Add a Summary Slide To add a summary slide:  Select the slides to summarize in the Outline tab or Slide Sorter view  Click the Summary Slide button on the Outlining or Slide Sorter toolbar By default, a summary slide has the title Summary Slide. You can change this title to better suit your presentation. The summary slide is inserted before the first of the slides selected for the summary Tip When selecting slides in the Outline tab, it is helpful to collapse slide text to show only titles, as shown above.

20 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 20 Create Slides from an Outline To create slides from an existing outline:  Click File, Open  Change Files of type to All Outlines  Click the outline file  Click Open  In PowerPoint, adjust slide layouts as necessary Another way to create slides from an outline is to click Insert, Slides from Outline. This command inserts the slides into the currently active presentation.

21 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 21 Link an Excel Worksheet You can link an Excel worksheet to a slide so that changes to the worksheet will also show on the slide. First, copy the worksheet data you want to link to a slide Then, click Edit, Paste Special, and choose the Paste link option to paste the data on the slide Use the Paste option in the Paste Special dialog box to embed worksheet data on the slide rather than link it.

22 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 22 Change Text Formats Drag across text to select it You can then format the text by:  Changing alignment  Changing font, font size, or font style  Applying a font effect  Applying a different font color

23 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 23 Change Slide Color Scheme To change the slide color scheme:  Display the Slide Design task pane  Click Color Schemes  Click one of the color schemes to apply to all slides Or  Select slides and then apply the scheme to the selected slides You can customize a default color scheme by clicking Edit Color Schemes and then choosing new colors for the scheme. Currently selected scheme has a blue outline

24 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 24 Work with the Slide Master Each applied slide design creates a set of slide masters Slide Master View toolbar Master place- holders Footer placeholders Masters allow you to make formatting settings and insert graphics that apply to all slides which use that master design. PowerPoint provides masters for slides, title slides, notes pages, and handouts.

25 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 25 Insert Footer Information To insert footer information on slides:  Click View, Header and Footer  Specify a date option  Specify slide numbers  Type a footer  Click Apply to apply to the current slide or Apply to All to apply to all slides If you click in the Don’t show on title slide check box, the footer information appears on all slides except the title slide.

26 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 26 Draw Graphic Objects To draw graphic objects:  Select the desired tool on the Drawing toolbar Or  Select an AutoShape  Drag on the slide to draw the object the desired size  Drag the object to move it into place if necessary AutoShapes can help you easily draw complex shapes such as arrows, stars, geometric figures, and even curving lines.

27 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 27 Group Objects To group objects:  Select the first object  Hold down Shift and select additional objects  Selected objects are surrounded by handles  Click Draw on the Drawing toolbar  Click Group

28 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 28 Create an Organization Chart To create an organization chart:  Click the Insert Diagram or Organization Chart icon in any content placeholder  Select Organization Chart  Click in each box and type text  Use the Organization Chart toolbar to add shapes or change formats You can also add an organization chart using the Title and Diagram or Organization Chart layout, using the Diagram command on the Insert menu, or the Insert Diagram or Organization Chart button on the Drawing toolbar.

29 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 29 Create a Chart To create a chart:  Click the Insert Chart icon in any content placeholder  In the datasheet, replace sample data with your data  Click outside the chart to see the updated chart  Double-click any part of the chart to change its formats Tip You can import data for the chart from an Excel worksheet.

30 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 30 Export Materials to Word To export slides/notes to Word:  Click File, Send To, Microsoft Office Word  Select a page layout for slides and notes or select Outline only  Choose whether to paste or paste link the exported material  Click OK

31 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 31 Start and Navigate a Show To start a show, click the Slide Show button Advance slides by:  Clicking the mouse  Using arrow keys  Using automatic timing  Using the shortcut menu to jump to a specific slide  Using the popup menu buttons You can also click F5 to start the show, or click View, Slide Show.

32 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 32 Apply a Transition To apply a transition:  Click Slide Show, Slide Transition  Select a transition effect  Adjust speed and specify sound effect if desired  Choose an advance option: on mouse click or automatically after a set time Transition effects apply to the currently selected slide. Click Apply to All Slides to use the same effects on all slides in the presentation.

33 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 33 Add a Sound Clip To add a sound clip:  Click Insert, Movies and Sounds, Sound from Clip Organizer  Click a sound from those displayed  Choose a play option to play the sound when clicked or automatically Type a keyword to search for specific sounds Click this link to find sounds on the Office Online Web site You can insert sound clips stored on your system by clicking Insert, Movies and Sounds, Sound from File.

34 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 34 Hide a Slide To hide a slide:  Select the slide to hide in the Slides tab or in Slide Sorter view  Click Slide Show, Hide Slide To unhide a slide:  Select the hidden slide  Click Slide Show, Hide Slide The number of a hidden slide shows a slash to indicate it’s hidden You can show a hidden slide using the Go to Slide submenu in Slide Show view.

35 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 35 Apply an Animation Scheme To apply an animation scheme:  Display the slide you want to animate in Normal view  Click Format, Slide Design and click the Animation Schemes link  Select an animation scheme in the list to apply it to the current slide  Click Apply to All Slides to apply the scheme to every slide in the presentation To preview an animation, select a scheme in the Animation Schemes list and click Play.

36 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 36 Use Custom Animations Numbers indicate the order of animation effects Custom animation gives you more control over animations. You can add effects for an object’s entrance or exit, to emphasize it after it appears, or to control its movement on the slide. Then you can decide how to start the effect and set its speed and other properties. First select an object on the slide and click Add Effect Select an effect and then modify its start, direction, and speed Click Play to test the animation effects Effects display in the Animation Order list

37 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 37 Annotate Slides To choose pen type, right-click and select Pointer Options You can choose to save or discard your annotations when exiting the show. You can use your mouse to draw directly on slides in a variety of pen styles. Choose a color for annotations

38 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 38 Notes and Handout Masters On the Notes master, you can format the header and footer information and notes text The Notes master and Handout master allow you to change formats that will apply to all notes pages or handouts you print. On the Handout master, you can format the header and footer information and adjust the number of slides on the handout

39 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 39 Use Package for CD To package a show:  Click File, Package for CD  Enter a name for the CD or storage folder  Click Options to choose additional options such as the PowerPoint Viewer, embedded fonts  Click Copy to Folder to save to your hard drive or Copy to CD

40 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 40 Set Up a Presentation To set up a presentation:  Click Slide Show, Set Up Show  Select slides to include  Select the show type  Specify the advance option  Select options for showing the presentation  If you are using more than one monitor, make multiple monitor settings  Select a pen color

41 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 41 Save a Presentation for the Web To save a presentation as a Web site:  Click File, Save as Web Page  Click Change Title to change the Web page title  Type a file name  To access advanced publishing options, click Publish You can save the presentation Web site to your hard drive, to a local network, or to a Web server.

42 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 42 Set Publishing Options Specify slides to include in Web site Choosing All browsers makes the presentation viewable by most people Click Web Options to change navigation and other options Click Publish to save the Web presentation

43 Microsoft Office 2003—PowerPoint 43 Change Page Setup To change the size of slides:  Click File, Page Setup  Click the Slides sized for list to see other available sizes Or  Specify custom width and height measurements The Slides sized for list includes standard options for overhead transparencies and 35mm slides as well as many other page sizes.

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