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Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-1 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-1 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-1 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 – Unit 1 MODIFYING A PRESENTATION AND USING HELP Chapter 2

2 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-2 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Performance Objectives Check spelling Insert and delete text in slides Find and replace text in slides Cut, Copy and Paste text in slides Rearrange text in the Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, delete, move and copy slides Copy slides between presentations Duplicate slides Reuse slides Preview a presentation Use the Help feature

3 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-3 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Checking Spelling OR Click on the Review tab Click Spelling button Change or Ignore errors F7 key Checker stops at the misspelled word

4 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-4 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Inserting and Deleting Text Text can be inserted or deleted in the Slide placeholder Text can be inserted or deleted in the Outline pane OR

5 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-5 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Inserting and Deleting Text…/2 Selecting Text - Methods To do thisPerform this action Select text as mouse pointer passes through Click and drag mouse Select entire wordDouble-click word Select entire paragraph Triple-click anywhere in paragraph Select entire sentence Ctrl + click anywhere in sentence Select all text in selected placeholder Click in the placeholder, then click Edit, Select All or press Ctrl + A

6 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-6 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Finding and Replacing Text Ctrl + F Type the text to find Click the Home tab, then the Find button Click Find Next button OR Find Dialog Box

7 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-7 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Finding and Replacing Text../2 Ctrl + H Type the text to find Type the replacement text Click the Home tab, then the Find button Replace Dialog Box OR Click Replace button or Replace All button

8 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-8 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Cutting-Copying-Pasting Text in Slides Cut, Copy and Paste buttons are located in the Clipboard group in the Home tab Cut or Ctrl + X Copy or Ctrl + C Paste or Ctrl +V Deletes text to clipboard Copies text to clipboard Places clipboard contents to selected location in document Select text first

9 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-9 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Cutting-Copying-Pasting Text in Slides../2 Cut – Used to move selected text to another location or to remove text Copy – Used to Copy selected text to another location Paste – Used after Cut or Copy to place selected text in desired location Shortcut Menu – Right-click selected text and use menu commands

10 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-10 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Hold down the Ctrl key while dragging to copy the text Rearranging Text in the Outline/Slides Pane Position mouse pointer on slide icon or bullet until the arrow turns into a 4-headed arrow Drag until horizontal line is in desired location

11 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-11 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Rearranging Text in the Outline/Slides Pane../2 Position mouse on slide icon and hold down left mouse button to select all text on slide Position mouse on bullet and hold down left mouse button to select only bulleted text

12 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-12 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Click inside placeholder to select it Size and Rearrange Placeholders on a Slide Sizing handles: drag handle in desired direction Rotation handle rotates placeholder Drag corner sizing handle to change width and height

13 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-13 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Size and Rearrange Placeholders on a Slide../2 Click border of placeholder and drag outline to desired location Hold down Ctrl key while dragging to copy the placeholder

14 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-14 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Inserting a Slide Ctrl + M OR In Normal view Click New Slide button in the Slides group in the Home tab In Slide Sorter view Click the slide that will precede the new slide, then click New Slide button Slide is inserted after the active slide

15 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-15 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Deleting a Slide In Normal view In Slide Sorter view Select slide(s) in Slide pane and then press the Delete Key or Delete button Select slide(s) and then press the Delete key or Delete button

16 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-16 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Moving and Copying a Slide To Move In Normal view Click slide, hold mouse down and drag, then drop when a thin horizontal line displays the desired location To Copy In Normal view Hold down Ctrl key while dragging slide miniature OR Ctrl + X, position at desired location, then Ctrl + V Ctrl + C, position at desired location, then Ctrl + V OR

17 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-17 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Moving and Copying a Slide../2 To Move In Slide Sorter view Click slide, hold mouse down and drag, then drop when a thin vertical line displays the desired location OR Ctrl + X then Ctrl + V To Copy In Slide Sorter view Hold down Ctrl key while dragging slide miniature Ctrl + C then Ctrl + V OR

18 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-18 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Copying a Slide Between Presentations Select slide(s), click Copy button Open target presentation, click Paste button The copied slide will take on the design theme of the presentation into which it is copied

19 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-19 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Duplicating Slides Click the New Slide button arrow Click Duplicate Selected slides Select slide(s) to duplicate Hold down Shift key to select contiguous slides Hold down Ctrl key to select non-contiguous slides

20 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-20 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Reuse Slides Reuse Slide(s) Click reuse slide Click the New Slide button arrow Browse to folder and double-click presentation To retain original formatting, insert a check mark in the Keep Source Formatting check box

21 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-21 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Inserting Headers and Footers Click Options button, then Header and Footer Options to Insert Header and Footer in Slides or Notes and Handouts Check to insert date and time Update time automatically Type Header or Footer to print on slides and handouts Click

22 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-22 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Previewing a Presentation Click the Office button Point to Print, then Click Print Preview

23 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-23 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Previewing a Presentation../2 Print Preview Window

24 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-24 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Previewing a Presentation../3 Change Zoom Specify print slides or handouts Click Options button to display more options Close Preview Print Change Orientation See Next or Previous Page

25 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-25 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Using the Help Feature Click on the Dialog Box Help button to display topics relating to the dialog box

26 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-26 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Using the Help Feature Type your topic and press Enter Click topic to display information Click the Microsoft Office PowerPoint Help button (located in the upper right hand corner of the screen) Press F1 OR

27 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-27 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary How do you display the Find dialog box? Ctrl + F Click the Home tab, then the Find button OR Features Summary

28 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-28 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary How do you display the Replace dialog box? Ctrl + H Click the Home tab, then the Replace button OR Click Replace Features Summary

29 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-29 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary How do you check spelling ? OR Click Spelling button F7 Features Summary

30 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-30 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary How do you delete a slide ? Select slide(s) in Slide pane and then press the Delete Key or Delete button Features Summary

31 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-31 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary How do you insert a new slide? Ctrl + M OR Click New Slide button in the Slides group in the Home tab Features Summary

32 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-32 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary How do you Preview a Presentation? Click the Office button Point to Print, then Click Print Preview Features Summary

33 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-33 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary How do you use the Help Feature? Click the Microsoft Office PowerPoint Help button (located in the upper right hand corner of the screen) Press F1 OR Features Summary

34 Copyright 2007, Paradigm Publishing Inc. POWERPOINT 2007 CHAPTER 2 BACKNEXTEND 2-34 LINKS TO OBJECTIVES Check Spelling Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Insert, Delete, Find and Replace Text Cut- Copy-Paste Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Rearrange text in Slides/Outline pane Size and rearrange placeholders Size and rearrange placeholders Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Insert, Delete, Move and Copy Slides Copy slides between presentations Copy slides between presentations Duplicate Slides Reuse Slides Preview Use the Help Feature Features Summary Coming Next FORMATTING SLIDES Chapter 3

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