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David Smith MS ATC Sports Medicine 1.  Average College Male ◦ 12%-15%  Athlete ◦ 8%-12%  Lowest Healthy ◦ 3%

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1 David Smith MS ATC Sports Medicine 1

2  Average College Male ◦ 12%-15%  Athlete ◦ 8%-12%  Lowest Healthy ◦ 3%

3  Average College Female ◦ 20%-25%  Athlete ◦ 10%-18%  Lowest Healthy ◦ 10%

4  The number of calories consumed-the number of calories expended  Can expend calories by ◦ 1) Metabolic Rate ◦ 2) Exercise  If higher number of calories consumed than expended=gain weight  If lower number of calories consumed than expended=lose weight

5  Caloric Intake ◦ College Athletes2000-5000 Calories  Caloric Expenditure ◦ College Athletes2200-4400 Calories Some people require more than 5000 calories if they are endurance athletes

6  Methods of Weight Loss ◦ 1)Dieting ◦ 2) Increase amount of exercise ◦ 3)Diet and increase amount of exercise

7  Long term weight control through dieting is only successful about 20% of the time.  Most people can not keep on a strict diet and fall off and return to previous eating habits.  Minimum Caloric Intake: ◦ Females1000-1200 Calories ◦ Males1200-1400 Calories ◦ Weight loss through dieting is 35%-45% lean tissue

8  Weight loss through Exercise is loss of 80%- 90% of fatty tissue.  Exercise results are: ◦ Weight Loss ◦ Increases cardio efficiency ◦ Increases strength ◦ Increases flexibility ◦ Lowers Heart Rate ◦ Lowers Blood Pressure

9  This combination is the MOST efficient way to lose weight!  This includes moderate caloric restriction and increased exercise.  1-2 Lbs/Week Safe  4-5 Lbs/Week may be lost due to dehydration  To lose 1 Lbs must expend 3500 calories

10  Bulimia ◦ Commonly Female ◦ Adolescent to Middle age ◦ 1/200 aged 12-18 develop patterns of anorexia too

11  Bulimics tend to: ◦ Eat 1000’s of calories at 1 sitting after a period of starvation ◦ They follow up the eating with vomiting or using laxatives ◦ The Definition is:  Recurrent episodes of rapid, uncontrollable ingestion of large amounts of food in a short amount of time, followed by purging, either by vomiting or using diuretics

12  Characteristics of Bulimics: ◦ Typically white ◦ Middle to Upper Class ◦ Perfectionist ◦ Over Compliant ◦ Obedient ◦ Highly Motivated ◦ Good Grades ◦ Well Liked ◦ Good Athlete (Usually Gymnastics,Dance,Track, may also be Male gymnasts and wrestlers)

13  Side Effects ◦ Stomach Ruptures ◦ Tooth Decay ◦ Mouth and Throat Irritation and sores ◦ Liver Damage ◦ Disrupted Heart Rhythm

14  30%-50% of anorexics have symptoms of Bulimia  Distorted Body Image andmajor concerns of weight gain  15%-20% of diagnosed anorexics DIE!!!

15  Any athlete with an eating disorder must be confronted in a sympathetic manner  Early detection is essential  Refer them to a Doctor ASAP  They may follow up with a Psychiatrist  Key to treatment is getting them to realize they have a problem  They must volunteer for help can not make someone get treatment

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