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The By Wes and Ben. You’re in the state championship hockey game. There is 5 minutes left in the game and the crowd is on their feet. The game is tied.

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Presentation on theme: "The By Wes and Ben. You’re in the state championship hockey game. There is 5 minutes left in the game and the crowd is on their feet. The game is tied."— Presentation transcript:

1 The By Wes and Ben

2 You’re in the state championship hockey game. There is 5 minutes left in the game and the crowd is on their feet. The game is tied 2-2 and you are in a scramble in front of your net. Billy Bob Strovenski is slashing your goalie and says if you don’t fight him, he will punch your goalie in the back of the head. You get mad and you are steaming like a pot on the stove. Do you fight him? Do you not fight and you protect your goalie?

3 You decide to punch Billy while protecting, your goalie but you don’t know were to do it. You can punch him in the gut a couple of times, or you can punch him in the head causing him to drop to the ice with on punch Do you punch him in the head? Do you punch him in the gut?

4 So steamed from what’s happening you decided to give him the fight he is wanting. You put your hands in a fighting position and so does Billy. You have the option to punch or kick him. You know that a kid what probably get him down faster and injure him, but it can also get u in lots of trouble. You also know that a good heavy punch will knock him out, making him wake up seeing stars. Do you punch him? Do you kick him?

5 You decided not to fight him. Billy gets really mad causing him to go crazy on your goalie. You, seeing your goalie getting pummeled by a large kid, go over to protect him. You have two options to decide you are going to protect him. Do you punch the monkey fisted Billy. Do you push Billy towards the plexi glass and boards.

6 You decide to kick Billy, but you don’t know were to do it. You see that he’s not a very tall kid, so you see it will be very easy for you to kick him in the head. You also see that you could kick him in the ankles, causing him to trip and fall onto his flat face. Do you kick him in the head? Do you kick him in the ankles?

7 You decided to wound up and punch Billy till he drops. Filled with adrenalin, you start to pick out your spot on his body you want to hit first. You could punch his head causing him to black out onto the ice and have everyone laugh at him. He would be called a “pansy” for the rest of his hockey career. On the other hand you could punch Billy right into the kidney. This would make him cry and call for his mommy. Do you punch him in the head? Do you punch him in the kidney?

8 You kicked Billy in the head. Immediately, he falls to the ice crying. You start to feel bad but on the other hand you are too angry to be sympathetic. The referee blows the whistle and you know you’re in trouble. The referee throws you out of the game, and you are not allowed to play hockey for a whole month. You are not even allowed to go to practice. You now start thinking you made a big mistake. The End.

9 You punch Billy in the kidney. He really gets mad to and punches you back. You getting the next punch, punch him in the kidney again. This time it hurts him so bad he falls to the ice. You feel proud of yourself for winning your first fight.

10 You decided to kick Billy in the ankles, he trips and falls, and starts crying, because of his Achilles heel. The referee blows the whistle, and throws you out of the game for an injury.

11 You punch Billy in the head. It is like a K.O. punch you would do in a video game. You are filled with some much adrenaline, that you jump onto him on the ice, and start punching him so more. The referee blows the whistle, and gives you a five minute major for roughing.

12 You decide to punch Billy in the gut while protecting your goalie, Billy gets angry and punches you back. You fall to the ice knowing that if you throw one more punch you can get a major penalty. Your right the referee blows the whistle, and gives you two minute minor, whistle Billy gets a game misconduct.

13 You decided to push him away from your goalie, but you don’t know where to push. If you push him in the chest he might punch and swear at you, but if you push him in the back, he will fall to the ice, causing the your teammates to laugh hysterically. Do you push him in the back? Do you push him in the chest?

14 While protecting your goalie, you punch Billy in the head. He punches you back, and it turns into an all out brawl. After about a minute of fighting, the referee comes over and throws both of you into the penalty box. You an Billy both get five minute majors.

15 You push Billy in the chest. He punches you just like expected, the referee only sees Billy’s punch and gives him a two minute minor for roughing. The crowd and your coach is pleased with you for making the right decision.

16 You are to mad to play clean so you push Billy in the back. Billy falls to the ice, and gets back up, and skates off. You seem pleased but right when you start to skate off the referee blows the whistle. He saw you push Billy, and thought it was a punch, so he gives you a two minute minor for roughing.

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