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Published byBrianna Valerie Craig Modified over 9 years ago
Benn Ackley Ajay Bawa Clarence Cheung Steven Leonard Nhat Nguyen Edrick Soetanto
Company Background Customer Request EER Diagram Relational Schema Normalization Analysis Forms and Reports Query implementation Future improvement
Location: Sun Valley, CA Provides ultra precision machining of Beryllium Alloys and other exotic metals used in aerospace, defense, optics, and nuclear industries. Major clients: ◦ Boeing ◦ Northrop Grumman ◦ Raytheon
Current database: Delmar- a 16-bit legacy database Difficulty with current database: ◦ Slow and unreliable ◦ Many glitches ◦ High maintenance cost To create a database allowing: ◦ LA Gauge engineers to effectively communicate with the floor machinists and keep track of the work flows. ◦ Easy input of series of operations and specifications to machine a product. ◦ Sales Associate to input customer and order data Estimated data size: 5,000 – 10,000 records.
1. Customer (Customer_ID, Company, Lname, Fname, Email, Job_Title, Business_Phone, Street_Address, City, State, ZIP, Country, Web_Page, Primary_liaison 7 ) 2. Order(Order_ID, Order_Date, Customer_ID 1 ) 3. Product(Product_ID, Product_Name, Description, Product_Sales_Price, Amount_On_Hand, Order_ID 2 ) 1.Purchased(Product_ID, Purchased_Cost, Purchased_Date, Supplier_ID 5 ) 2.In-House(Product_ID, Manufacturing_Cost, Manufacturing_Date,) 4. Shipment(Shipment_ID, Tracking_Number, EID 7a ) 1.Ship_In(Shipment_ID, Supplier_ID 5, Received_Date, Receiving_Employee 7, RM_ID 6 ) 2.Ship_Out(Shipment_ID, Customer_ID 1, Shipped_Date, Shipping_Cost) 5. Supplier(Supplier_ID, Company, Lname, Fname, Email, Job_Title, Business_Phone, Business_Phone, Street_Address, City, State, Province, ZIP, Country, Web_Page, Account_ID 23 ) 6. Raw_Material(RM_ID, RM_Name, Description, RM_Cost, Supplier_ID 5, Shipment_ID 4, Account_ID 23, Amount_On_Hand, Units, Amount_Purchase ) 7. Employee(Employee_ID, Lname, Fname, Email, Phone, Streeet_Address, City, State, ZIP, Country, Schedule, Working_Hour, Department_ID 12, Starting_Date, Salary, Supervisor 7 ) a)Sales_Associate(Employee_ID, Commission) b)Technician(Employee_ID) c)Other(Employee_ID, Job_Duty) 8. Job(Job_ID, Job_Name, Job_Description, Tech_ID 7b, Product_ID 3b, Employee_Modify 7b, Modifying_Date)
9. File(File_ID, File_Name, File_Description, Tech_ID 7b, Modifier 7b, Created_Date, Modifying_Date, Job_ID 8 ) 10. Procedure(Procedure_ID, Job_ID 8, Procedure_Name, Description, File_ID 9 ) 11. Operation(Operation_ID, Procedure_ID, Job_ID 8, Description, Operation_Name, WorkCenter_ID 13, Hardware_ID 14 ) 12. Department(Department_ID, Department_Name, Department_Location, Department_Phone) 13. WorkCenter(WorkCenter_ID, WorkCenter_Name, Description, Location, WorkCenter_Capacity, Operating _Hours, Managing_Department 12 ) 14. Hardware(Hardware_ID, Hardware_Name, Hardware_Description, Hardware_Usage_Period, Hardware_Size, Hardware_Weight, Hardware_Brand, WorkCenter_ID 13, Operation_ID 11 ) 9.Tool_Type(Hardware_ID, Replacement_Period) 10.Machine_Type(Hardware_ID, Machine_name, Description, Cost) 15. Tool_Token (Tool_Token_ID, Tool_Token_Name, Quantity, Hardware_ID 14a ) 16. Machine_Token(Machine_Token_ID, Machine_Token_Name, Quantity, Hardware_ID) 17. Product_components(Product_ID 3, Component_ID 3, Quantity) 18. Is_authorized_to_use(Hardware_ID 14b, Tech_ID 7b ) 19. Request (Order_ID 2, Product_ID 3, quantity) 20. Is_Composed_Of (Product_ID 3, RM_ID 6 ) 21. LA_Gauge_Account (Payment_ID, Order_ID 2, Customer_ID 1, Amount, Due_Date, Date_Of_Payment, Penalty) 22. Machine_Status(Machine_ID 14b, Inspection_Date, Status) 23. Product_Materials(Product_ID 14b, RM_ID, Quantity)
RELATIONAL SCHEMA: 1:1 RELATIONSHIP 8. Job(Job_ID, Job_Name, Job_Description, Product_ID 3b, Employee_Modify 7b, Modifying_Date)
RELATIONAL SCHEMA: 1:N RELATIONSHIP 7. Employee(Employee_ID, Lname, Fname, Email, Job_Title, Phone_Address, Streeet_Address, City, State, ZIP, Country, Schedule, Working_Hour, Department_ID 12, Starting_Date, Supervisor 7 ) a.Sales_Associate(Employee_ID, Commission) b. Technician(Employee_ID, Salary) c. Others (Employee_ID, Wage, Job_Duty)
In 1NF: ◦ Procedure(Procedure_ID, Job_ID, Procedure_Name, Description, File_ID) Functional Dependencies: ◦ FD1: {Procedure_ID} {Procedure_Name} ◦ FD2: {Procedure_ID, Job_ID} {File_ID} In 2NF: ◦ Procedure1(Procedure_ID, Job_ID, File_ID) ◦ Procedure2(Procedure_ID, Procedure_Name, Description) The relations are in 2NF and satisfy both 3NF and BCNF requirements as well
In 1NF: Operation(Operation_ID, Procedure_ID, Job_ID, Description, Operation_Name, WorkCenter_ID, Hardware_ID) ◦ Functional Dependencies: FD1: Operation_ID {Description, Operation_Name} FD2: {Operation_ID, Procedure_ID, Job_ID} {WorkCenter_ID, Hardware_ID} FD3: Hardware_ID WorkCenter_ID In 2NF: ◦ Operation1(Operation_ID, Procedure_ID, Job_ID, WorkCenter_ID, Hardware_ID) ◦ Operation2(Operation_ID, Description, Operation_Name)
In 3NF: ◦ Operation1A(Operation_ID, Procedure_ID, Job_ID, Hardware_ID) ◦ Operation1B(Hardware_ID, Workcenter_ID) The relations are in BCNF too
In 2NF: LA_Gauge_Account ( Account_ID, Amount, Date, Order_ID, Customer_ID) Functional Dependencies: FD1: Account_ID {Amount, Date, Order_ID, Customer_ID} FD2: Order_ID Customer_ID In 3NF: ◦ LA_Gauge_Account1(Account_ID, Amount, Date, Order_ID) ◦ LA_Gauge_Account 2(Order_ID, CustomerID) The relations are in BCNF too
In 3NF Department (Department_ID, Department_Name, Department_Location, Department_Phone) ◦ Functional Dependencies: FD1: Department_ID {Department_Name, Department_Location, Department_Phone} FD2: {Department_Name, Department_Location} Department_ID FD3: {Department_Phone} {Department_Location} In BCNF: ◦ Department1(Department_ID, Department_Name, Department_Phone) ◦ Department2(Department_Phone, Department_Location)
In BCNF Order(Order_ID, Order_Date, Customer_ID) Functional Dependencies: FD1: Order_ID {Order_Date, Customer_ID}
Form: Add new customer
Form: Add new job
Report: Customer Payment Account
Report: Employee salary
Functions: ◦ To indicate if any of the raw material is out of stock. ◦ To compute the optimal order amount using the Economic Oder Quantity (EOQ) Purposes: ◦ Help the sales department order the out-of-stock items ASAP minimize any possible delays & start the production process on time ◦ Help decrease the storage cost and increase the company’s cash flow.
EOQ model assumptions: ◦ Fixed cost is 100$ and holding cost is 10% material price ◦ Deterministic demand Q*: optimal order quantity D: the product’s demand rate S: fixed cost per order H: annual holding cost per unit of product
SELECT sub.*, SQR(2*sub.demand*100/(0.1*sub.rm_cost)) AS reorder_quantity FROM (SELECT rm.rm_id, rm.amount_on_hand, rm.rm_cost, (rm.amount_purchased- rm.amount_on_hand)/DATEDIFF('ww',s.received_date,DATE()) AS demand, s.received_date FROM Raw_Material AS rm LEFT JOIN Ship_In AS s ON s.rm_id=rm.rm_id) AS sub WHERE sub.amount_on_hand<=sub.demand; Implementation
Functions: ◦ To sums up the total usage time of each machine starting from its first operation ◦ To estimate the remaining service time (the survival period) of each machine using the survival analysis. Purposes: ◦ Help the maintenance team determines when a check- up or a replacement is necessary ◦ Help the financial department and the executive committee in distributing future investment accordingly (since a machine may cost up to million dollars)
Option Compare Database Private Sub Command0_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Command0_Click Dim mySQL As String mySQL = "SELECT [Inspection_date], [status] INTO m_status FROM machine_status WHERE [machine_id] = 1" DoCmd.RunSQL mySQL DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, TableName:=“m_status", File:="C:\machine_status.csv", HasFieldNames:=True Shell("c:\run_cox_survival.R", 1) Exit_Command0_Click: Exit Sub Err_Command0_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_Command0_Click End Sub Implementation
Integrate our database with a job scheduling package ◦ Record job start and stop times to determine historic operation duration ◦ Analyze whether SPT or Moore’s Algorithm is more efficient Provide job tracking report for customers to view online ◦ They would always know where their product was and who was working on it ◦ Could also be used by management to snapshot the factory status Iterate with test users to obtain feedback and refine the database Users would identify additional functionality and workflows
Functions: To rank each product based on its service category from the highest profitability to the lowest ones. Purposes: ◦ The marketing department could recruit more customers interested in purchasing the top profitable products. ◦ The financial department can distribute more investment into advancing the current technology of that given services improves the product’s quality and attracts more customers.
SELECT ptop.product_id, (ptop.product_sales_price - pc_sub.cost - pm_sub.cost) AS profit FROM (product AS ptop LEFT JOIN (SELECT p.product_id, SUM(p2.product_sales_price * pc.quantity) AS cost FROM ( (product p LEFT JOIN product_components pc ON pc.product_id = p.product_id ) LEFT JOIN product p2 ON pc.component_id = p2.product_id ) GROUP BY p.product_id ) AS pc_sub ON pc_sub.product_id = ptop.product_id) LEFT JOIN (SELECT p.product_id, SUM(rm.rm_cost * pm.quantity) AS cost FROM ( (product p LEFT JOIN product_materials pm ON pm.product_id = p.product_id ) LEFT JOIN raw_material rm ON rm.rm_id = pm.rm_id ) GROUP BY p.product_id ) AS pm_sub ON pm_sub.product_id = ptop.product_id ORDER BY ptop.product_sales_price - pc_sub.cost - pm_sub.cost DESC;SQL
Functions: ◦ To sort out all of the different works centers needed to perform a given job and rank them according to the job’s priority ◦ Within one work center, lists out the operating hours of each machine along with the names of the technicians who are authorized to operate that type of machines. Purposes: ◦ To help the scheduling department ease down the difficulties in scheduling the work centers and the technicians’ working schedule ◦ Increase productivity
4a. SELECT p.procedure_name, p.description, f.file_name FROM [procedure] AS p LEFT JOIN file AS f ON f.File_id=p.File_ID WHERE p.job_id=job; 4b. SELECT o.operation_name, o.description, w.workcenter_name, h.hardware_name FROM (([procedure] AS p LEFT JOIN operation AS o ON o.procedure_id=p.procedure_id) LEFT JOIN workcenter AS w ON w.workcenter_id=o.workcenter_id) LEFT JOIN hardware AS h ON h.hardware_id=o.hardware_id WHERE p.job_id=job; SQL (4a & 4b)
4c. SELECT e.fname, e.lname, tech.cnt FROM employee AS e LEFT JOIN (SELECT a.tech_id, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM ((job AS j LEFT JOIN [procedure] AS p ON p.job_id=j.job_id) LEFT JOIN operation AS o ON o.procedure_id=p.procedure_id) LEFT JOIN is_authorized_to_use AS a ON a.hardware_id=o.hardware_id WHERE j.job_id=job GROUP BY a.tech_id) AS tech ON tech.tech_id=e.employee_id WHERE tech.cnt>0 ORDER BY tech.cnt DESC; 4d. SELECT p.product_name, p.description, pc.quantity, p.product_sales_price FROM (job AS j LEFT JOIN product_components AS pc ON pc.product_id=j.product_id) LEFT JOIN product AS p ON p.product_id=pc.component_id WHERE j.job_id=job; SQL (4c & 4d)
Access Implementation: List out the work center & operation
Access Implementation: List out the procedures & files
List out the employees authorized to use a certain hardware
List out the employees authorized to use a certain hardware (cont)
List out which job correspond to which product
Function: To rank all of the sales associates (SA) according to their effectiveness index, which is calculated as the ratio of the profits made from all of the orders that employee makes during that year to their base salary. Function: ◦ Help the human resources department compute the employees’ year-end bonuses and reward the SAs with a high effectiveness index accordingly.
SELECT e.fname, e.lname, sub.total_sales / e.salary AS profitability FROM (SELECT c.primary_liason, SUM(o_amt.order_total) AS total_sales FROM ( ( [order] o LEFT JOIN ( SELECT r.order_id, SUM(r.quantity * p.product_sales_price) AS order_total FROM request r LEFT JOIN product p ON p.product_id = r.product_id GROUP BY r.order_id ) o_amt ON o.order_id = o_amt.order_id ) LEFT JOIN [customer] c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id ) WHERE o.order_date >= DATEADD('yyyy', -3, DATE()) GROUP BY c.primary_liason ) AS sub LEFT JOIN employee AS e ON e.employee_id = sub.primary_liason ORDER BY sub.total_sales / e.salary DESC;SQL
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