ED 315 Inclusive Practices for Students with Learning Problems Spring 2013.

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1 ED 315 Inclusive Practices for Students with Learning Problems Spring 2013

2 Chapter 1 SLO’s History of Education for Students with Special Needs Identify different Types of Students with Special Needs Identify the Location of students with disabilities be educated Understand Views of Inclusion Identify Dimensions of Inclusive Classrooms

3 HISTORY OF EDUCATION FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS 20% of children with disabilities were served in 1970 Options for parents are private educational programs or programs specifically designed for students with disabilities Students with disabilities whose parents did not have adequate resources, actually stayed home and received no formal education Residential programs are where intellectual disabilities and sensory deficits students were placed and lived their until the age of 21 years of age.

4 Relative isolation---60 to 70 years of the 20 th century Integration phase--- 1970’s Inclusion phase--- mid 1980’s

5 DEFINING STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 It provides the legal basis for the current special education services provided in public schools Under this act, students with disabilities are defined as those who exhibit on of the several specific conditions that result in their need for special education and related services Means a child with intellectual disabilities, hearing impairments, speech or language impairments, visual impairments, serious emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, or specific learning disabilities, and who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services.

6 Assignment Your Assignment will be to present your finds on one of the following disabilities: Intellectual Disabilities Learning Disabilities Emotional Disturbance Hearing Impairments -Visual Impairments -Orthopedic Impairments -Other Health Impairments -Autism -Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) -Speech or Language Impairments

7 Students Eligible for Section 504 & the ADA 1. Impairments that result in substantial limitations of major life activities such as breathing, walking, seeing, hearing, and learning. 2. Students Classified as Gifted & Talented 3. Students At Risk for School Problems -ELL, Poverty, & drug-use

8 Key Elements of IDEA Individualized Education Program (IEP) IEP Goals and Objectives Tips for Adapting a Lesson Least Restrictive Environment: Schools must provide educational services for students with disabilities with their nondisabled peers, in general classroom settings, unless the needs of the child cannot be met there

9 Due-Process Safeguards Makes parents & schools equal partners Response to Intervention (RTI) Provides interventions at different levels Key Changes in the 2004 Reauthorization of IDEA

10 Turn to page 15

11 Where should Students with Disabilities be Educated? Inclusive Education Barriers to Inclusion General education setting Organizational barriers Attitudinal barriers Knowledge barriers

12 Role of Classroom Teachers in the Inclusion Model Act as a team member on assessment and IEP committees Advocating for children with disabilities when they are in general education classrooms and in special programs Counseling and interacting with parents of students with disabilities

13 Role of Classroom Teachers in the Inclusion Model, cont. Individualizing instruction for students with disabilities Understanding and abiding by due-process procedures required by federal state regulations Being innovative in providing equal educational opportunities for all students, including those with disabilitie

14 Role of Special Education Personnel in the Inclusion Model Supportive Role RTI Model: Key consultant assisting with planning, implementation of interventions across the continuum of education Work directly with the classroom teacher

15 Perceptions of Inclusion General education teachers play a very critical role in providing services to students with disabilities Attitudes of classroom teachers are important in the quality of services for students with disabilities Most classroom teachers are supportive of an inclusion model Parental support for inclusion is important for its ultimate success

16 Critical Dimensions of Inclusive Classrooms Sense of Community and Social Acceptance Appreciation of Student Diversity Attention to Curricular Needs Effective Management and Instruction – Successful Classroom Management – Effective Instructional Techniques – Appropriate Accommodative Practices – Instructional Flexibility Personnel Support and Collaboration

17 ED 315 Inclusive Practices for Students with Learning Problems Spring 2013

18 SLO’s Understand how to create Professional Collaboration Describe how to Create & Maintain an Inclusive Classrooms Describe how to plan for Successful Inclusion One Student at a time Understand Families and children with disabilities Understand Home-School Collaboration Describe Home-based intervention

19 Professional Collaboration Collaboration-Consultation – General and special educators Co-Teaching – An instructional efforts and responsibilities for students with disabilities included in a general education classroom Cooperative Teaching Arrangements – See table 2.2, p. 37 Using Paraprofessionals

20 Creating & Maintaining Inclusive Classrooms Preparing Staff for Inclusion – Exposure to Good inclusive classrooms – Information and skills needed Preparing Students for Inclusion – Awareness Programs – Discussions – Imaginative literature – Guest speakers – Simulations

21 Maintaining Effective Inclusive Classrooms Collaborative problem solving Support program for teachers Support program that provides valid information and assistance Support must disassociate from evaluation or judgment Support programs should not create additional problems or increase stress

22 Planning for Successful Inclusion One Student at a Time What are some ways you can… Collaborate with Families of Students with Disabilities Cultural Considerations Impact on Siblings Parental Support

23 What are some ways you can communicate with parents? (Think-Pair-Share)

24 Home-Based Intervention Provide Reinforcement & Encouragement Provide Instructional Support

25 Wrap-Up On a scale from 1-5 (5 being the highest), my understanding of the content is…. (explain why…)

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