Chapter 1: Lesson 1 Main Topic: What does a Historian Do?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1: Lesson 1 Main Topic: What does a Historian Do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1: Lesson 1 Main Topic: What does a Historian Do?

2 What is History? Historians look for the effects, or results of an event. They do this by asking: 1.What Happened? 2.Why did it happen? 3.How did things change? 4.How has it influenced today? 5.What would have happened if….?

3 Why study History Integral – essential; necessary - we use History to help us make BETTER choices in the future - Studying history helps us understand how we fit into the human stories

4 Measuring Time Decade – a set of 10 years Century – a set of 100 years Millenium- set of 1000 years

5 4 main era’s Era – large division of time 1. Pre-History (time before written history) 2. Ancient History (from developed writing- 500A.D) 3. Middle Ages (500AD – 1400AD) 4. Modern History (1400AD – Present Day)

6 Calandars Julian Calendar – (named for Roman Leader Julius Ceasar) - Started at the founding of Rome - leap year was included with this calendar

7 Calendars Gregorian – (Pope Gregory XIII) -Created because the Julian Calendar was losing time -Also included leap years at a year divisible by 400. Ex. 1600, 2000 -Today most of the world uses this calendar

8 Dating Events B.C. – “Before Christ” or B.C.E “Before the Common Era” A.D. – “anno domini meaning “in the year of our lord” or C.E. “Common Era” Timelines – timelines show the order of events over time

9 Types of Historians Archaeology – The study of Artifacts Paleontology – Study of Fossils Anthropology – Study of culture and how it changes over time. What people valued and believed

10 Human Discoveries Species - class of individuals with similar physical characteristics -Modern History – Homo Sapiens LUCY – partial skeleton of a human who lived 3.2 million years ago, She was discovered by Donald Johanson in 1974 Lucy was 3 1/2 feet tall and 60 pounds. She belonged to the species Australopithecus afarensis

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