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Educational Technology

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1 Educational Technology
Satisfy our educational needs and desires for learning

2 What Educational Technology means
technology to support the learning process It’s also known variously as e-learning Refers to their inventions and discoveries Broadest term in application of scientific Education in order to effect learning

3 Development of Educational Technology
Can be traced back during ancient Man used pointed sticks to in script signs and symbol on the leaves Barks of trees and the time When tribal priests systemized bodies of knowledge

4 History of education technology
Made to start with educational film (1900’s) Or Sidney Pressey’s mechanical teaching machines (1920’s) First large scale usage of new technologies can be traced to USWWII training of soldier through training film

5 History of education technology
Today, presentation-based technology on the idea People can learn contents through aural and visual reception, exist in many forms another interesting invention of the 1940’s was hypertext, i.e.., V. Bush’s memex

6 In 1950’s led to two major still popular
Skinner’s – work led to “ program instruction” focusing on the formulation of behavioral objectives Bloom – endorsed instructional techniques the varied both instruction and time according to learning requirements models based on these design

7 1970’s to 1990’s Computer-based training (CBT)
Computer-aided instruction or Computer-assisted Instruction (CAI) Refers to as web-based training (WBD) The course designer divides learning content into smaller chunks of text augmented Frequent Multiple Choice question immediate feedback are added for self-assessment and guidance

8 1980’s and 1990’s Produced a variety of schools
Under umbrella of the label computer-based learning (CBL) Preferred technologies were micro-worlds, stimulation and hypertext Educational started in 80’s and became popular by mid 90’s Earlier typed, based on either Computer Based Training (CBT) Interaction between the student and computer drills

9 Today the prevailing paradigm in the regular School System
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) The primary form, of interaction between students and mediated by the computer. Teacher/Tutor facilitation and requires scenarization of the flexible learning activities.

10 In 2000’s Emerge of multiple mobile and ubiquitous technologies
Situated learning theories favoring learning-in- context scenarios. Some literature uses the concept of integrated learning to describe blended learning scenarios that integrate both School and authentic


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