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1 Poverty Environment Partnership (PEP) Independent Evaluation Preliminary Results Manila, June 2008 SusDev Tech, LLC Dr. Kenneth Green, President Dianna.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Poverty Environment Partnership (PEP) Independent Evaluation Preliminary Results Manila, June 2008 SusDev Tech, LLC Dr. Kenneth Green, President Dianna."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Poverty Environment Partnership (PEP) Independent Evaluation Preliminary Results Manila, June 2008 SusDev Tech, LLC Dr. Kenneth Green, President Dianna M. Moyer, Associate

2 2 Terms of Reference Review Objectives Provide an external assessment of the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of PEP to improve performance and provide some elements to build upon in the next series of meetings. Review findings will allow the PEP group to Draw lessons from its experience with PEP meetings and PEP products to date, Identify the opportunities and limits of these meetings Position the PEP meeting in the context of other donor or international gathering and Better define the objectives of PEP for the next two to four years and the issues to be discussed and coordinated.

3 3 Evaluation Methodology 1. Review of Products, Meetings, Website, and other Networks Detailed Review and Analysis of PEP Meetings: topics covered and evolution of topics, participants, commitments made & follow-up, progress on joint publications, etc. Review of PEP Products/Joint Publications Review of Other Networks and Pertinent Programs (Environet, PEI, Katoomba, Cities Alliance, GEF Council, Ecoagriculture Partners, among others) Review of PEP website Produced 12 PEP Meetings Overview 2. Interview and Survey Process: Interviews (face – face & phone) and Focus Groups / Short Survey: 34% (25) completed or scheduled 3. Incorporation of Comments at PEP 13 and Drafting of Final Report

4 4 Meetings Overview Donor Harmonization at Regional level, in Country Activities, and in Producing Common Messages (at International Meetings and with Partner countries) Environmental Mainstreaming: In PRSPs, In Agencies, In Countries, In Program-based Approaches, and in Budget Support Building country capacity at National, Local, and Civil Society Levels (via PEP workshops, databases, and analytical tools and services) Analytical tools: Poverty Social Impact Analysis, Participatory Poverty Assessments, Poverty/ENV mapping, CEA, SEA, Social Impact Assessment of Protected Areas, User guide on PE Mainstreaming

5 5 Meetings Overview (cont) Poverty-environment Indicators Joint training Preparation & Follow-up for International ENV meetings: WSSD, MDG+5, Bali UNFCC Thematic Focuses: Politics, Governance & Conflict; Disaster Resilience and Poverty and Environment; Climate Adaptation and Pro-Poor Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Land Degradation (REDD); Economic Analysis (fiscal reform/pro-poor growth/trade); Infrastructure; Protected Areas and Poor People; Security and Environment; Agriculture; Urban Issues; and PES Follow-up on Joint PEP Products

6 6 Growing in Number of Participants (150 in last PEP), NGO Participation Expanding, and Country Participation weak, except in 10 th and 12 th PEPs. Participants

7 7 Participants

8 8 Growing in Number of Presentations and Issues Covered Note – A theme/topic may have several presentations Themes

9 9 Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management Climate Change Environmental Health and Poverty Reduction Environmental Fiscal Reform (2) Environment and Economic Growth Linking Poverty Reduction and Water Management MDG+5 (3 publications) REDD Background and Summary Papers Joint Publications

10 10 Concept Paper - P-E Indicators Environmental Toolkit - P-E Analytical Tools Work on conciliated WB/DFID Methodologies to measure environmental mainstreaming in PRSPs U.S. work on ecosystem services UNDP Concept Paper on Poverty-Environment Network (PEN) Country Level Capacity Building activities (harmonized application of macro-level instruments, PEP tools (database on P-E analytical work, local consultants and research institutions), PEP workshop on analytical work for local research institutions, PEP review of developing country needs Clarification of various analytical tools and need to identify work originating in countries Tables of Agency in-country work, local agency staff, and consultants (OECD/DAC has something similar on website) Pending or Lost Products (18) Concrete products discussed but no follow-through as reflected in meeting notes

11 11 Follow-up on Joint Training activities PEP initiative on Environment and MDGs (Or was MDG+5 the end?) Synthesis of SEA and EFR activities among those PEP members engaged in such activities Joint Agency Comment on Millennium Project Best Practices for Changing Power relations that cause systematic exclusion on environment issues Disaster Resilience PEP working Group Identification of countries to carry out joint work on environmental budget support (from DFID/IrishAid and PEI programs) WRI framework for PEP action and new research areas for PEP and MDGs Follow-up on Country/Regional recommendations for PEP activities, such as need for P-E indicators, economic collection, Follow-up on local level issues highlighted in 10th PEP. Pending or Lost Products (cont)

12 12 Knowledge Sharing across agencies & organizations Informal Structure allowing greater openness for various actors and ideas Synergism created among donor agencies and civil society Opportunity to develop a strategic common vision and voice Support Group for environmental experts to explore solutions to overcoming common concerns and challenges both within agencies and within development projects and programs. Compliments more formal ENVIRONET by allowing same members to analyze issues and establish clearer positions and carry out analytical work to support ENVIRONET publications Website maintained and updated regularly Positive Attributes

13 13 Key Themes and Processes for the Future Effect Change Structure Balance Purpose Process & Products Coordination/ Support Meetings Timing/Venue Composition

14 14 Purpose Continued MGDs focus with added topics and themes – limits? Emerging issues out weighing older themes/topics Who is audience/constituency Composition Perception of PEP as a private donor club or talk shop Continued debate – keep informal or have more structure/ more or less attendees Role and influence of NGOs Involvement of Developing Country Partners and In-Country Staff Involvement of non-environmental actors – beyond preaching to choir Limitations and Challenges

15 15 Meetings Loss of thematic focus and depth as both themes and membership scope expand over time Balance between # topics sequentially covered and decision to drop and add - HOW Policy vs technical presentations, HQ control vs country role Coordination/Support Dependence on individual will to move products forward with gentel central coordination and support Some Lack of continuity and follow-up between PEP meetings Process and Products Results-Oriented Approach to better sell internal agency management on importance and impact of PEP as well as mobilize resources Use of products and dissemination Limitations and Challenges (cont)

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