Research Project ”STROI-Network” P 5: Customer Perspective and Marketing Building Trust in Counterweight to Risks in Inter-Organisational Relations of.

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1 Research Project ”STROI-Network” P 5: Customer Perspective and Marketing Building Trust in Counterweight to Risks in Inter-Organisational Relations of Business Networks in Russia Marina Weck, HAMK

2 Research Objectives The overall aim of the research is to understand deeper the trust development process as a counterweight to the potential risks involved in inter-organisational relations of business networks in the Russian market. The research comprises the following specific objectives:  to identify what are the risks in the inter-organisational relations of business networks,  to explore the relationship between trust and identified risks, and  to determine what are the preconditions and leaders’ actions necessary for trust-building.

3 Research Concept Overview Networking Inter- Organisational Relations Inter- Organisational Relations Relation- ship Trust-Building Process Trust-Building Process Trust Risk The context for this research is the distinctive features of trust development process in inter-organisational relations of business networks in Russia

4 Research Outcome: Model of Trust-Building Process Research objectives aim at developing a model that outlines the trust-building process along the key stages (e.g. Blomqvist, 1982) of inter- organisational relationship development. This model will illustrate the reality providing guidelines for building trust in counterweight to risks involved in IORs of business networks in the Russian market.

5 Awareness Attraction Interaction Agreement on partnership RISKTRUST Identified risks …………... Identified risks …………... Identified risks …………... Identified risks …………... Preconditions ………….. Actions ………….. Trust-Building Process Process Stages of Inter-Organisational Relationship Development Internal Risks Trust Preconditions and Building Actions Preconditions ………….. Actions ………….. Preconditions ………….. Actions ………….. Preconditions ………….. Actions ………….. Model of Trust-Building Process

6 Classifying Business Network Partner Low High Low High Trust Perceived risk in networking with partner

7 Related Theories The main theoretical concepts that can be applied to the research: Network and Marketing Relationships Theories Interaction Theory (Håkansson, 1982) The Commitment-Trust Theory (Morgan and Hunt, 1994) Transaction Cost Economics Theory (Williamson, 1975) Agency Theory (Eisenhardt, 1989)

8 Research Design PHASE ONE Literature Review PHASE ONE Literature Review PHASE TWO Internal Risks of Business Networks (RQ 1) Qualitative Analysis Pilot Study (RQ 1 and RQ 2) PHASE TWO Internal Risks of Business Networks (RQ 1) Qualitative Analysis Pilot Study (RQ 1 and RQ 2) PHASE THREE Relationship between Trust and Risk (RQ 2) Trust-Bilding Process (RQ 3) Qualitative Analysis PHASE THREE Relationship between Trust and Risk (RQ 2) Trust-Bilding Process (RQ 3) Qualitative Analysis Validation Hypotheses building and testing Conceptual model development The research structure is divided into three phases as follows:

9 Research Methodology RQ 1 Relational risks of business network RQ 1 Relational risks of business network RQ 3 Trust-building process RQ 3 Trust-building process RQ 2 Relationship between trust and risk RQ 2 Relationship between trust and risk Pilot Study Research Questions: RQ 1 What are the risks involved in the inter-organisational relations of business networks in Russia? RQ 2 What is the relationship between trust and identified risks? RQ 3What are the preconditions and leaders’ actions necessary for trust- building in inter-organisational relations in the Russian market? Qualitative Analysis Elite Interviews Elite Interviews Semi-structured Interviews Semi-structured Interviews Research questionsAnalysisInstruments

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