Project Operations and Management SPMU to Communities-2 P.K. Kurian.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Operations and Management SPMU to Communities-2 P.K. Kurian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Operations and Management SPMU to Communities-2 P.K. Kurian

2 What are the follow on Steps

3 Establishment of SPMU 1 Recruitment of Specialists Appointment of Specialists Orientation / Training of Specialists Understanding the roles Develop a Plan of Action – for each Individual Specialist and for the office of the SPMU Establishment of SPMU Office, with equipment/ facilities and furniture Develop Administrative rules and HR policy for the SPMU/ DPMU and get the same approved by the Governing Council. Make it attractive for the private sector consultants to work in the project.

4 Establishment of DPMU (2) Requirement of DPMUs = No. of Dists in B-1 Develop ToR for DPMU Issue Notification / GO Advertisement for the consultant positions- Is the Recruitment at the State or District level. If at the State level, constitutional mandates regarding reservation may apply. Recruitment/ Appointment/ Placement Orientation/ Training on the Project Understanding the Roles DPMU office will be established in the office of the Executive Engineer- PHED. Prepare estimates for facilities in the DPMU office Appoint Project Manager & Finance (Accounts) Officer from Government Department. (GO/ Notification)

5 Selection of DPMC/SOs (3) TOR for DPMC/SOs EOI to be advertised by SPMU-PD / Govt. Receive Applications/ Shortlisting Send RFP to shortlisted DPMC/SOs/ Pre-RFP Meeting Receive RFPs Award contracts- Follow Procurement norms Placement and orientation of SOs Detailed Training Modules needed for the Project Cycle

6 Selection of GPs – Batch-I (4) Criteria for the selection of GPs/ Ref to BAJU-UP proposal 1.GPs which demonstrate willingness and commitment to take up integrated water and sanitation programme. 2.Existing level of Water supply access and service- (poor) 3.Water Quality affected GPs 4.GPs with high percentage of SC/ ST/ BPL 5.GPs located in hilly terrain/ flood prone zones/ water scarce zones 6.Progressive GPs with better capacity: such as if GPWSCs are existing and functional, efficiency of collection of revenues, implementation of schemes under NBA and utilization of funds released; successful execution of other development activities previously, etc.

7 Socio-Techno processes in WSS-5 SHS/SGS SMVS/ LMVS Social Processes Technical Processes Social Processes WSS GWRIHHLSLWM Mobilize community Mobilize Contribution IEC GP Meetings Gram Sabha GPWSC/MVWSC Capacity Building GPB/ GPWSC Build ownership Technology option SEE/Sustainable Scheme Management Administrative Approval/ Sanction Technical vetting & sanction Tendering Process Award work and Implement Commissioning Schemes identified Project ManagementMonitoring and Review SystemsFund Flow and ReimbursementClose Account and Exit

8 Type & Strategy Capacity Building-6 Apex Strategic Intermediary Massroots Ministry - DWS PHED JN SWSM Legislators Policy Makers- Officialdom SPMU DWSM DWSC DPMU Tech Dept-District Zilla Parishad MVWSC DPMC BRC GP GPWSC SO Exposure visits Workshops Limited ToTs Exposure visits ToTs Workshops ToTs Exposure visits Cascading of Training Direct Training

9 Monitoring Framework-7 Aim to make M&E functional by October 2014. Engage a firm at the state/central level to develop M&E software, integrating it with IMIS Web-based M&E system – with possibilities for real time monitoring Facilities for Issue tracking, SMS reminder, Financial and physical progress monitoring. M&E shall be linked to the PLKD system proposed in the project Data entry to be consistently made at District level, with mobile phone backed data input at GP level

10 Proposed Monitoring Framework for BAJU Sujal Phases Pre-planning PlanningImplementationPost-Implementation Mobilization of Community Trainings GP/ GPWSC Sanitation Plan Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) Monthly Progress Report (MPR) SO to DPMU ODF Village Commissioned schemes Technical &Social Audit Completion Reports-IPCR Implementation Receipt of Fund - GPWSC Community contribution Training for GP / GPWSCs IEC/BCC activities CQM Construction of IHHL Selection of contractor Knowledge Base on Rural Watsan Results Community contribution Process Documentation & SEE Inputs, activities &outputs GoIWorld BankLISZP/GPWSF GPWSC Media Academia Knowledge Users- Policy Makesrs, Legislatures, Donors, Intermediaries, Service users Levels SPMU/DPMU DPMC/SO GP/Habitation/Hh and Institutional Baseline IEC Campaign Training & Handholding GPWSC Formed Tripartite Agreement - DWSC, STD and GPWSC ATD Resolution by GS for Water and Sanitation SOs in Place Water Security Plan SHS/SGS plans prepared GS Approval for WSS & Sanitation DPR to DWSC for TS and AA Half Yearly Progress Report (HYPR) Sustainability Evaluation Exercise Support by Technical Department Exit of SOs from the GP Tripartite Service Agreement for O&M Collection of charges, as applicable by GPWSC Sanitation cross-checks by GPWSC/Clean Villages Transfer of Assets to GPWSC Yearly Progress Report (YPR) /ICR Web based real time monitoring

11 What use M&E 2014 Program start With program Without program 2019 Program end

12 State Project Management Unit SpecialistsRoles and Broad Tasks Institutional1.Policies 2.Operations of the Project. 3.Establish DPMUs with functions/ Functionaries and Funds 4.Inter-departmental coordination 5.Government Orders/ Notifications for the Project 6.Work with procurement in hiring SOs and DPMCs/ Social & IEC Capacity Building 1.Orientation on Roles/ Project as a whole for SPMU/DPMU 2.Identify Social and Technical TOT Institutions 3.Prepare Training Modules 4.Exposure Visits 5.IEC Plan- What about a Sujal Road Show in the Batch –I GPs/ Rock the GPs Environmental1.Pilot studies- All- GP Water Security Plan/ Environmental Assessment Financial1.Spend /Financial Flow Systems/ Accounting procedures/ Trg modules in finance & accounting Procurement1.Hire SOs/ DPMCs 2.Procurement Plan for 2 years 3.Get Trained in Procurement Guidelines 4.Visualize what procurement methods are going to be used in the Project Monitoring1.Finalize Baselines 2.Develop into Hindi/Assamese 3.Get provisional arrangements for entering baseline data (Excel) 4.Develop formats for reporting – GP To DPMU to SPMU to NPMU/WB for Pre-planning/ Planning/ Implementation and O&M Technical1.Build bridges with JN/PHED/DDWS 2.SVS-SHS/MVS-DPRs All1.Pilot a few villages- Direct intervention/ Planning for learning.


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