International Dialogue Leadership Void: Getting the Right People on the Bus.

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1 International Dialogue Leadership Void: Getting the Right People on the Bus

2 Gender Based Literacy How to use your clicker device: When a question appears on the screen, press the appropriate number on the clicker that corresponds to the response you want to choose Your first answer will power on and send your response Please press send for questions 1, 2, 8 and 9 You can submit or change your response as many times as you want, it only records the last one All responses are anonymous so be honest! SEND

3 1. What country are you from? 226101 53 82 92 1. Australia 2. Canada 3. China 4. Israel 5. New Zealand 6. Nigeria 7. Norway 8. South Africa 9. Uganda 10. United States 11. Other Country# of responsesCountry# of responses

4 2. If you are from Canada, what province/territory are you from? Matched Acceptable Value: NA, Within Range: 26 Acceptable Value: NA, Acceptable Range: {1, 13} 1. Newfoundland and Labrador 2. Prince Edward Island 3. Nova Scotia 4. New Brunswick 5. Quebec 6. Ontario 7. Manitoba 8. Saskatchewan 9. Alberta 10. British Columbia 11. Yukon 12. Northwest Territories 13. Nunavut

5 3. Which of the following best describes your role in education? 1. Ministry/Policy 2. District Leader or Administrator (System Level) 3. School-based Leader – Ex. Principal, Head Teacher, Director, Etc. 4. Supporting School-based Leader – Ex. Vice-Principal, Deputy Principal, Etc. 5. Teacher 6. Education Organization and/or association 7. Other

6 4. If you are a school-based leader, which of the following best describes your school? 1. Publicly funded 2. Independently funded 3. Other

7 5. What is your gender? 1. Female 2. Male

8 6. What age range do you fall within? 1. 21 – 30 2. 31 – 40 3. 41 – 50 4. 51 – 60 5. 61 – 70 6. 71 – 80

9 6. How many years have you been in education? 1. 1 – 5 2. 6 – 10 3. 11 – 15 4. 16 – 20 5. 21 – 25 6. 26 – 30 7. 31 – 35 8. More than 35

10 7. How many years have you been in your current role? 1. 1 – 5 2. 6 – 10 3. 11 – 15 4. 16 – 20 5. 21 – 25 6. 26 – 30 7. 31 – 35 8. More than 35

11 8. Evidence indicates the following conditions attract potential candidates to school leadership positions. Rank the following conditions in order from most to least influential to potential leaders in your jurisdiction. 1. Need for a change 2. Dissatisfaction/boredom with existing position 3. Opportunity to achieve and to improve the education of students 4. Status of the job 5. Increased salary and benefits 6. Desire for greater autonomy

12 9. Evidence indicates the following conditions reduce the chances of potential candidates applying to school leadership positions. Rank the following conditions in order from most to least influential to potential leaders in your jurisdiction. 1. Nature and complexity of the job 2. Longer working hours/reduced work- life balance 3. Reduced job security 4. Nature of expectations and excessive demands for accountability 5. Perceived desirability of the job 6. Inadequate job preparation and access to professional development

13 Leadership Void: Getting the Right People on the Bus GROUP DISCUSSION Based on U.S. Evidence, Pounder and Merrill (2001) have argued......that recruitment of high quality individuals to the...principalship is in part rooted in finding ways to reduce the negative elements of the job while enhancing the positives. What is being done in your own context to address this challenge? What else should be done?

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