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 Individuals are removed faster than they can be replaced  Examples › Dodo › Giant ground sloths › Mammoths › American camels.

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Presentation on theme: " Individuals are removed faster than they can be replaced  Examples › Dodo › Giant ground sloths › Mammoths › American camels."— Presentation transcript:

1  Individuals are removed faster than they can be replaced  Examples › Dodo › Giant ground sloths › Mammoths › American camels

2  American Bison  Population once were 60 -75 million  By late 1800s less than 1,000 were left.  Hunted for hides and meat  Currently, about 500,000 wild and commercial bison

3  Passenger Pigeon  Was the most abundant bird in N. America.  Population estimates of over 3-5 million birds  Decline due to hunting and forest clearing.  Last one died in 1914.

4  $5 billion to $20 billion dollars annually.  Animals sold for parts, to be pets or medicinal value.  Example: tarsier and slow loris (pet trade) and rhino (medicinal values)

5  Lacey Act (1900)  Prohibited illegally harvested game animals across state lines.

6  Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)  Control international trade of threatened plants and animals  Agreed upon in 175 countries  Red List – countries must monitor threatened species on the list.

7  Ecotourism  visiting relatively undisturbed natural areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale. Provides  Education, funds for conservation, economic development of communities and fosters respect for other cultures

8  Community Based Conservation (CBC)  incorporate improvement to the lives of local people while conserving areas through the creation of national parks or wildlife refuges

9  Bird Nest Soup  edible bird nest made by birds from their saliva  Harvested 2x/year  Outside of harvesting season groups of men that rotate every 10 days, stay near the cave.

10  Passenger Pigeons Clip Passenger Pigeons Clip  Dramatic Tarsier - Video Clip Dramatic Tarsier - Video Clip  Slow Loris Clip Slow Loris Clip

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