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By, Austin Horn, Toby Harter, Cory Finton, Cody Gamble.

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Presentation on theme: "By, Austin Horn, Toby Harter, Cory Finton, Cody Gamble."— Presentation transcript:

1 By, Austin Horn, Toby Harter, Cory Finton, Cody Gamble

2 Cytoskeleton

3 Vacuole- Stores water and other nutrients for the cell to use.

4 Golgi Apparatus- Sorts, modifies, and packages proteins and other materials for the cell to use.

5 Nucleus- oversees what the organelles do

6 Mitochondria- converts the chemical energy from food into energy more convenient for the cell to use.

7 Cell Membrane- Controls what goes in and out of a cell.

8 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum- Sanitizes materials within the cell.

9 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum- Checks to make sure proteins are made right.

10 Ribosomes- make proteins

11 Chloroplasts- convert sunlight energy into food energy for the cell to use.

12 Cytoskeleton- help maintain shape of cell, involved in movement.

13 The difference between an Animal Cell and a Plant Cell is that the Plant Cell has a cell wall and chloroplasts. The Animal Cell has lysosomes and doesn’t have chloroplasts or a cell wall.

14 Cellular Transport Diffusion- movement of particles from an area of high concentration to low and no energy is required Osmosis- the diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane Facilitated Diffusion- Particles that are too big move through transport proteins to the cell Active Transport- movement of particles from an area of low concentration to high and requires energy.

15 McDonalds

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