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Transnational Governance in Cross-Border Regions Multilevel participation, influence, and dialogue Presentation to the EU Cohesion Policy Seminar, University.

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Presentation on theme: "Transnational Governance in Cross-Border Regions Multilevel participation, influence, and dialogue Presentation to the EU Cohesion Policy Seminar, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transnational Governance in Cross-Border Regions Multilevel participation, influence, and dialogue Presentation to the EU Cohesion Policy Seminar, University of Strathclyde, December 5th 2008 Elisabetta Nadalutti Department of European Modern Languages, University of Bath The Upper Adriatic area

2 Argument Cross-Border-Regions are laboratories for the emergence of a new mode of governance which can overcome national, institutional and mental barriers for developing a transnational multi layered network.

3 Theories used Multi-level-Governance –Type 1 : hierarchical, jurisdictions at a limited number of levels –Type2 : mix of polycentric authorities, complex, fluid patchwork of innumerable, overlapping jurisdictions at numerous territorial levels Network –relatively stable, horizontal articulation of interdependent, operationally autonomous actors who interact with each other

4 The Upper Adriatic area

5 Slovenian and Italian border Slovenia and Italy were separated by the Iron Curtain during WWII Their relationship was characterised by animosity and unresolved issues stemming from WWII Semifederal vs Centralised state The CB territory is characterised by a considerable presence of ethnic minorities

6 Role of the EU vis à vis the sub-national level the EU vis à vis SNAs. The EU and the common management of Interreg IV. The EU Commission and the approval of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC, EU new supra-regional juridical institution)

7 These factors seem to show that –the EU is trying to empower SNAs and promote new transnational institutions and programmes. –The actors involved are strongly encouraged to: find a common working ground overcome self-centred territorial issues and practices think in terms of a cohesive cross-border area

8 Sub-national actors participation: symbolic or effective influence? Italian and Slovenian institutional and political configuration Italian Regions vis à vis Slovenian municipalities Slovenia vis à vis Italian regions Italy vis à vis EGTC.

9 MLG type 1 or 2? MLG type 1: vertical relationship between regional, national and supranational jurisdiction. Asymmetrical MLG type 2: horizontal network multi level linkages both visible and symmetrical at micro level

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