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Infertility Lectures 3 N.Petrenko, MD, PhD.

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1 Infertility Lectures 3 N.Petrenko, MD, PhD

2 Infertility Primary infertility Secondary infertility
a couple that has never conceived Secondary infertility infertility that occurs after previous pregnancy regardless of outcome

3 Requirements for Conception
normally developed reproductive tract in both the male and female partner normal functioning of an intact hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis supports gametogenesis (the formation of sperm and ova). timing of intercourse Unblocked tubes that allow sperm to reach the egg The sperms ability to penetrate and fertilize the egg Implantation of the embryo into the hormone-prepared endometrium Finally a healthy pregnancy

4 Infertility. Statistic
A female factor (ovulatory dysfunction, pelvic factor) is in approximately 50% A male factor (sperm and semen abnormalities) is in approximately 35% Unexplained factors and causes (e.g., coital techniques) related to both partners are in approximately 15%

5 Causes for infertility

6 Cause of Female Infertility
CONGENITAL OR DEVELOPMENTAL FACTORS Abnormal external genitals Absence of internal reproductive structures HORMONAL FACTORS Anovulation-primary Pituitary or hypothalamic hormone disorder Adrenal gland disorder Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Anovulation-secondary Disruption of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis Early menopause Amenorrhea after discontinuing OCP Increased prolactin levels TUBAL/PERITONEAL FACTORS Absence of fimbriated end of tube Tubal motility reduced Absence of a tube Inflammation within the tube Tubal adhesions UTERINE FACTORS Developmental anomalies Endometrial and myometrial tumors Asherman syndrome (uterine adhesions or scar tissue)





11 Cause of Female Infertility TUBAL/PERITONEAL FACTORS
Chlamidial infection Pelvic infections (ruptures appendix, STIs)

12 Cause of Female Infertility UTERINE FACTORS
Uterine fibroids

13 Cause of Female Infertility UTERINE FACTORS
Endometrial tumor

14 Cause of Female Infertility UTERINE FACTORS
Asherman syndrome

15 Cause of Female Infertility VAGINAL-CERVICAL FACTORS
Vaginal-cervical infection Sperm antibody

16 Cause of Male Infertility
STRUCTURAL OR HORMONAL DISORDERS Undescended testes Hypospadias Testicular damage Varicocele Low testosterone levels caused by mumps OTHER FACTORS Endocrine disorders Genetic disorders Psychologic disorders Sexually transmitted infections Exposure of scrotum to high temperatures Exposure to workplace hazards such as radiation or toxic substances SUBSTANCE ABUSE Changes in sperm (Smoking, heroin, marijuana, amyl nitrate, butyl ni­trate, ethyl chloride, methaqualone, Monoamine oxidase) Decrease in sperm (Hypopituitarism, Debilitating or chronic disease, Trauma, Gonadotropic inadequacy, Decrease in libido Heroin, methadone, selective serotonin reuptake in­hibitors, and barbiturates) Impotence (Alcohol, Antihypertensive medications) OBSTRUCTIVE LESIONS OF THE EPIDIDYMIS AND VAS DEFERENS NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES


18 Evaluation of the Infertile couple
History and Physical exam Semen analysis Thyroid and prolactin evaluation Determination of ovulation Basal body temperature record Serum progesterone Ovarian reserve testing Hysterosalpingogram

19 Assessment of woman 1.Age
2. Duration of infertility (length of contraceptive and noncontraceptive exposure) 3. Obstetric A. number of pregnancies, miscaridges and abortion B. Length of time required to initiate each pregnancy C. Complication of pregnancy D. Duration of lactation 4. Gynecologic: detailed menstrual history 5. Previous tests and therapy of infertility 6. Medical: general (chronic&hereditary disease), medication, family problem, sexual development, galactorrhea 7. Surgical: abdominal or pelvic surgery

20 Cause 1. Follicular development, ovulation, and luteal development are supportive of pregnancy: a. Basal body temperature (presumptive evidence of ovulatory cycles) is biphasic, with temperature elevation that persists for 12 to 14 days before menstruation b. Cervical mucus characteristics change appropriately during phases of menstrual cycle c. Laparoscopic visualization of pelvic organs verifies follicular and luteal development 2. The luteal phase is supportive of pregnancy: a. Levels of plasma progesterone are adequate b. Findings from endometrial biopsy samples are consistent with day of cycle 3. Cervical factors are receptive to sperm during expected time of ovulation: a. Cervical os is open b. Cervical mucus is clear, watery, abundant, and slippery and demonstrates good spinnbarkeit and arborization (fern pattern) c. Cervical examination does not reveal lesions or infections d. Postcoital test findings are satisfactory (adequate number of live, motile, normal sperm present in cervical mucus) e. No immunity to sperm demonstrated

21 Cause 4. The uterus and uterine tubes are supportive of pregnancy:
a. Uterine and tubal patency are documented by Spillage of dye into peritoneal cavity Outlines of uterine and tubal cavities of adequate size and shape, with no abnormalities b. Laparoscopic examination verifies normal development of internal genitals and absence of adhesions, infections, endometriosis, and other lesions 5. The male partner's reproductive structures are normal: a. No evidence of developmental anomalies of penis, testicular atrophy, or varicocele (varicose veins on the spermatic vein in the groin) b. No evidence of infection in prostate, seminal vesicles, and urethra c. Testes are more than 4 cm in largest diameter 6. Semen is supportive of pregnancy: a. Sperm (number per milliliter) are adequate in ejaculate b. Most sperm show normal morphology c. Most sperm are motile, forward moving d. No autoimmunity exists e. Seminal fluid is normal

22 Abnormalities of Spermatogenesis

23 Normal Sperm made in seminiferous tubules Travel to epididymis to

24 Normal Sperm exit through vas deferens
Semen produced in prostate gland, seminal glands, cowpers glands Sperm only 5% of ejaculation Sperm can live 5-7 days

25 Semen Analysis (SA) Obtained by masturbation
Provides immediate information Quantity Quality Density of the sperm Morphology Motility Abstain from coitus 2 to 3 days Collect all the ejaculate Analyze within 1 hour A normal semen analysis excludes male factor 90% of the time

26 Normal Values for SA Volume Sperm Concentration Motility Viscosity Morphology pH WBC 2.0 ml or more 20 million/ml or more 50% forward progression 25% rapid progression Liquification in min 30% or more normal forms Fewer than 1 million/ml

27 Causes for Abnormal SA Abnormal Count No sperm Few sperm
Klinefelter’s syndrome Sertoli only syndrome Ductal obstruction Hypogonadotropic-hypogonadism Few sperm Genetic disorder Endocrinopathies Varicocele Exogenous (e.g., Heat)

28 Continues: causes for abnormal SA
Abnormal Morphology Varicocele Stress Infection (mumps) Abnormal Motility Immunologic factors Infection Defect in sperm structure Poor liquefaction Abnormal Volume No ejaculate Ductal obstruction Retrograde ejaculation Ejaculatory failure Hypogonadism Low Volume Obstruction of ducts Absence of vas deferens Absence of seminal vesicle Partial retrograde ejaculation Infection

29 Causes for male infertility
42% varicocele repair if there is a low count or decreased motility 22% idiopathic 14% obstruction 20% other (genetic abnormalities)

30 Abnormal Semen Analysis
Azoospermia Klinefelter’s (1 in 500) Hypogonadotropic-hypogonadism Ductal obstruction (absence of the Vas deferens) Oligospermia Anatomic defects Endocrinopathies Genetic factors Exogenous (e.g. heat) Abnormal volume Retrograde ejaculation Infection Ejaculatory failure

31 Evaluation of Abnormal SA
Repeat semen analysis in 30 days Physical examination Testicular size Varicocele Laboratory tests Testosterone level FSH (spermatogenesis- Sertoli cells) LH (testosterone- Leydig cells) Referral to urology

32 Evaluation of Ovulation

33 Female Reproductive System
Ovaries Two organs that produce eggs Size of almond 30,000-40,000 eggs Eggs can live for hours

34 Menstruation Ovulation occurs 13-14 times per year
Menstrual cycles on average are Q 28 days with ovulation around day 14 Luteal phase dominated by the secretion of progesterone released by the corpus luteum Progesterone causes Thickening of the endocervical mucus Increases the basal body temperature (0.6° F) Involution of the corpus luteum causes a fall in progesterone and the onset of menses


36 Ovulation A history of regular menstruation suggests regular ovulation
The majority of ovulatory women experience fullness of the breasts decreased vaginal secretions abdominal bloating Absence of PMS symptoms may suggest anovulation mild peripheral edema slight weight gain depression


38 Diagnostic studies to confirm Ovulation
Basal body temperature Inexpensive Accurate Endometrial biopsy Expensive Static information Serum progesterone After ovulation rises Can be measured Urinary ovulation-detection kits Measures changes in urinary LH Predicts ovulation but does not confirm it

39 Basal Body Temperature
Excellent screening tool for ovulation Biphasic shift occurs in 90% of ovulating women Temperature drops at the time of menses rises two days after the lutenizing hormone (LH) surge Ovum released one day prior to the first rise Temperature elevation of more than 16 days suggests pregnancy


41 Serum Progesterone Progesterone starts rising with the LH surge
drawn between day 21-24 Mid-luteal phase >10 ng/ml suggests ovulation

42 Salivary Estrogen: TCI Ovulation Tester- 92% accurate

43 Add Saliva Sample



46 Non-Ovulatory Saliva Pattern

47 High Estrogen/ Ovulatory Saliva Pattern

48 Anovulation

49 Anovulation Symptoms Evaluation*
Irregular menstrual cycles Amenorrhea Hirsuitism Acne Galactorrhea Increased vaginal secretions Follicle stimulating hormone Lutenizing hormone Thyroid stimulating hormone Prolactin Androstenedione Total testosterone Order the appropriate tests based on the clinical indications

50 Anatomic Disorders of the Female Genital Tract

51 Sperm transport, Fertilization, & Implantation
The female genital tract is not just a conduit facilitates sperm transport cervical mucus traps the coagulated ejaculate the fallopian tube picks up the egg Fertilization must occur in the proximal portion of the tube the fertilized oocyte cleaves and forms a zygote enters the endometrial cavity at 3 to 5 days Implants into the secretory endometrium for growth and development

52 Fertilization

53 Implantation


55 Acquired Disorders Acute salpingitis Intrauterine scarring
Alters the functional integrity of the fallopian tube N. gonorrhea and C. trachomatis Intrauterine scarring Can be caused by curettage Endometriosis, scarring from surgery, tumors of the uterus and ovary Fibroids, endometriomas Trauma

56 Hysterosalpingogram An X-ray that evaluates the internal female genital tract architecture and integrity of the system Performed between the 7th and 11th day of the cycle Diagnostic accuracy of 70%

57 Hysterosalpingogram The endometrial cavity Fallopian tubes
Smooth Symmetrical Fallopian tubes Proximal 2/3 slender Ampulla is dilated Dye should spill promptly

58 HSG: Tubal Infertility

59 Treatment of the Infertile Couple

60 Artificial Insemination
Sperm donation or sperm aspiration

61 In Vitro Fertilization


63 Emotional Impact Infertility places a great emotional burden on the infertile couple. The quest for having a child becomes the driving force of the couples relationship. The mental anguish that arises from infertility is nearly as incapacitating as the pain of other diseases. It is important to address the emotional needs of these patients.


65 Thank You for attention!

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