Module 1 An Introduction to the Tutoring Center  3 levels of tutor training  Level 1: Regular Tutor  Level 2: Advanced Tutor  Level 3: Master Tutor.

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2 Module 1 An Introduction to the Tutoring Center

3  3 levels of tutor training  Level 1: Regular Tutor  Level 2: Advanced Tutor  Level 3: Master Tutor  Each level requires a minimum of 10 hours of tutor training and 25 hours of tutoring experience

4  Level 1  Three online modules  15 to 20 minutes each  Quiz for each module  Seminar at the end of the quarter  Reflection Paper (2-3 pgs)

5  Quizzes  Online Modules: quiz is incorporated into the presentation  Live Training: quizzes are given during seminar  Turn in to Tutoring Center Coordinator or Trainer when complete  Must score 90% or higher to pass  Conferences with Tutoring Center Coordinator or Master Tutor  Discuss quiz results  Tutor can present questions or concerns about training modules

6  What if a tutor doesn’t pass the quiz?  Take it a second time.  If tutor fails to pass the second attempt, he/she must schedule a conference with the Tutoring Center Coordinator to discuss further action.

7 Evaluations  Formal evaluation by the Tutoring Center Coordinator or a Master Tutor at end of each training level  Must pass evaluation to move on to next level of training  Tutors who do not pass will not receive pay increases or certification

8 Objectives:  Understand the structure and purpose of the Tutoring Lab.  Understand the basic emergency procedures.  Understand the definition and responsibilities of a peer tutor.  Understand the basic employee guidelines.

9  Objectives (cont.)  Able to identify students who require special accommodations during tutoring sessions.  Learn when and where to refer students for additional assistance.  Take a learning style assessment, such as CAPSOL, to help understand learning styles and how they can be used in a tutoring session.  Use the available assessment test to assist tutees in determining their learning styles.

10  Mission of the Tutoring Lab  the continuation of instructional support to enhance academic skills and to assist students in completing course work efficiently and successfully

11  Who seeks tutoring?  motivated students who are already performing well but wish to collaborate with a tutor to learn the material more thoroughly  students who need to develop study skills  students who may be missing some content knowledge  There is no negative stigma, and in most cases those who study with a peer tutor achieve higher GPA’s

12  What Does the Tutoring Lab Offer?  Free services for all OSUN/COTC students  Tutoring in core curriculum courses such as writing, mathematics, reading, study skills, and a select number of upper division courses  Tutor will provide learning assistance and serve as a model to both OSUN/COTC students  Individuals can receive tutoring in more than one area each week  Tutors work on an appointment basis, and every effort will be made to accommodate all students requesting tutors.

13  Definition of a Peer Tutor  A peer tutor ▪ Is a student who possesses experience and knowledge in a subject area and who uses that experience and knowledge to guide others.

14  Definition of a Professional Tutor  A professional tutor ▪ Is an individual who has earned a degree in a specific field from an accredited college or university. He/she must also possesses experience and knowledge in a subject area and use that experience and knowledge to guide others.

15  All Tutors: ▪ Demonstrate good study skills, setting an example for tutees to follow. ▪ Guide other students in how to learn, in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere for practicing those skills. ▪ Are NOT simply “answer machines” or “junior professors” who lecture and answer questions throughout the tutoring session.

16  Tutor Responsibilities  Model the rules of the lab regarding food, drinks, noise level, etc.  Complete all sections of training in Level One within the time frame as indicated by the coordinator.  View tutoring as a pre-professional position.  Show respect to OSUN/COTC, the Tutoring Center, faculty, staff, and peers.  Act with reliability to tutees and the Tutoring Center staff.

17  Tutor Responsibilities  Prepare before the tutee arrives.  Start the session promptly and tutor for the full session.  Involve the tutee in the learning process.  Complete the required record keeping  Maintain confidentiality.  Complete the required quizzes with a score of 90% or higher upon completion of modules as directed.

18  Arriving  Sign in promptly  Check mailboxes or email for notes  All sessions begin on the hour or half-hour and last for 50-60 minutes  Where to Sit  Sit at a table where students can easily see you

19  Eating and Drinking  No eating in the lab  What to Wear  No revealing clothing  Shirts and shoes required  Professionalism  Always act in a professional manner. You are a representative of the Tutoring Lab.

20  Cell Phones  Must be turned off or on vibrate during sessions  No phone calls or texting in the lab!  Absences  In case of illness or emergency, contact the Tutoring Center as soon as possible at (740)366- 9168

21  Paperwork  Timesheets ▪ Due dates for timesheets are posted in the Tutoring Lab the week that they are due ▪ Make sure that you are filling out the timesheet electronically ▪ Print and sign in BLUE OR BLACK INK ▪ Turn in copies of Timesheets with Progress Reports in the designated location or fax from extended campuses.

22 Paperwork (cont)  Progress Reports

23 Paperwork (cont)  No Show forms ▪ To be filled out ANYTIME a student cancels, is late, or does not attend a session for any reason ▪ Students are required to call 2 hours in advance if they cannot attend a session ▪ Tutors get paid for the first 15 minutes of the session if the student does not show up and does not give adequate notice ▪ Students automatically dropped after 1 no-show ▪ If a tutee wishes to continue tutoring after being dropped, he/she must speak to the Tutoring Center Coordinator

24  Paperwork (cont.)  Responsibility Forms ▪ One for Tutors and one for Tutees ▪ Tutors receive forms in their mailboxes every quarter ▪ Tutees must sign forms at their first tutoring session. Forms are distributed to tutors in Newark and made available to tutors of other COTC campuses ▪ Be sure to review all the policies and procedures of the Tutoring Lab with the Tutee at the first meeting ▪ Sign them and turn them in to the Tutoring Center Coordinator or the Tutoring Center Coordinator’s Assistant

25  Evaluations  2 types ▪ Tutee evaluations: Tutees will complete an evaluation form for the tutor once a quarter (between 4 th and 8 th weeks) ▪ Supervisor evaluations: The Tutoring Center Coordinator or a Master Tutor will complete an evaluation form for the tutor once a quarter (between 5 th and 9 th weeks)

26  Evaluations (cont.)  Information from these evaluations will be compiled and returned to the tutor within one week of receipt

27  How Do I Interact with Tutees?  Be courteous and friendly  Be interested in the student  Initiate light conversation at the beginning of each session  Do not act bored or superior

28  Interacting (cont.)  CAPSOL ▪ Learning Styles Assessment Tool ▪ Can help tutors determine how a student learns best or if there is a possible learning disability  Online Assessment Tools ▪ Found on Tutoring Center webpage under Learning Resources on the Web -> Study Skills (At bottom under Learning Styles Assessment) ▪ 2 Tests

29  If a tutor notices a specific problem that may require special accommodations, the student should be referred to the Office of Disability Services to meet with the Disabilities Services Case Manager  See page 20 of the Tutor Training Program manual for other referrals

30  Ask a Tutoring Center staff member for a copy of detailed emergency procedures to read thoroughly  Fire  Use stairs, not elevators  Pull a fire alarm if you are the first to detect smoke or fire  Dial 911

31  Tornado  Use stairs to get to the lowest level of the building  Stay away from windows and doors

32 Thank you for your attentiveness. Next Steps:  Remember to submit your timesheet, progress report, and quiz answers to Tutoring Center Coordinator  Module 2: Beginning and Ending a Tutoring Session

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