Greenhouse effect Sources, Causes & Impacts. Interpretation of global warming Global warming is a long-term climate change which raises the temperature.

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Presentation on theme: "Greenhouse effect Sources, Causes & Impacts. Interpretation of global warming Global warming is a long-term climate change which raises the temperature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenhouse effect Sources, Causes & Impacts

2 Interpretation of global warming Global warming is a long-term climate change which raises the temperature of the atmosphere It is the result of intensification of the greenhouse effect. Global warming is caused by a layer of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The more the greenhouse gases emitted, the more the heat will be trapped.

3 Sources Where come the GHGs?

4 Sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs) Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) : - combustion of fossil fuels - deforestation - incinerators - industrial production

5 Sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs) Methane (CH 4 ) : - cattle rearing - rice growing - landfill sites - sewage disposal

6 Sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs) Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) : - biomass burning - plants powered by fossil fuel - industrial production

7 Sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) : - refrigerants - aerosol sprays - plastic foams - solvents

8 Causes Of the Intensified Greenhouse Effect

9 Causes of intensified greenhouse effect Natural factors - variation in the Earth’s orbit e.g. at the perihelion - variation in polar axis e.g. warmer season with a larger angle and more tilted axis - variation in Solar activity e.g. lower temperature when sunspots appear dark - variation in aerosols e.g. their size and reflectivity may cool or warm the air

10 Causes of intensified greenhouse effect Human activties - burning of fossil fuels e.g. coal & oil - deforestation e.g. burning of forests & shrinking of the carbon sink - agricultural activity e.g. cattle ranching & rice cultivation release methane - landfill sites e.g. decomposition releases methane

11 Impacts

12 Impacts of global warming Physical environment - Climate change - drier tropical areas - decrease in freshwater storages - more temperate conditions in high latitudes - increased evaporation & changing rainfall pattern - Increased energy level in the atmosphere, more extreme weather & climate conditions

13 Impacts of global warming Physical environment – Rise in sea-level - melting of ice caps and glaciers - flooding of low-lying coastal areas - expansion of sea water under high temperature

14 Impacts of global warming Physical environment – Soil - Increase in soil moisture deficit - Lower water-holding capacity - more soil erosion - Lower productivity of the land

15 Impacts of global warming Physical environment – Plants / Animals - disturbance to the food chain - coral bleaching in tropical seas & oceans - Major threat to biodiversity

16 Impacts of global warming Socio-economic – Agriculture - longer growing season in high-latitude regions - more pests to lower crop yield - dry summers give low production of cereal crops - salinization destroys coastal farmland

17 Impacts of global warming Socio-economic – Forestry - reduction of coniferous forests in high-latitudes - longer growing season for lumbering

18 Impacts of global warming Socio-economic – Transport - navgation on high-latitudes year-round - extreme weather to hinder navigation e.g. storm & coastal flooding

19 Impacts of global warming Socio-economic – Recreation - shortened winter hinders sports activities - extended summer favours qauatic sports

20 Impacts of global warming Socio-economic – Energy - more demand in summers: air-conditioning* - less demand in winters: less heating

21 Impacts of global warming Socio-economic – Health risks - more heat waves: more heart attacks, heat stroke - less freshwater supply: lack of fresh & safe drinking water

22 Other impacts? Besides the physical environment and the socio-economic concerns

23 Impacts of global warming Political – international cooperation? - Who gains? - Who loses?

24 Impacts of global warming

25 Maldives cabinet held underwater meeting in 2009

26 Impacts of global warming

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