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Ch 3.2 The Agricultural South

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 3.2 The Agricultural South"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 3.2 The Agricultural South
MAIN IDEA The economy of the Southern colonies was predominately agricultural, which relied heavily on slave labor.

2 The existence of slavery deeply affected the South and the nation.
WHY IT MATTERS NOW The existence of slavery deeply affected the South and the nation.

3 Plantation Economy Growth of agriculture and cash crops.
-Fertile soil. -Tobacco, rice, indigo, and sugar. Long deep rivers used for transport. Plantations are self-sufficient. Few cities grow: warehouses, shops not needed.

4 Diverse Population In 1700’s, many German, Scot, Scot-Irish immigrant to the South. Mostly small farmers. Planters control economy. By the mid-1700s, export trade makes colonies wealthy.

5 Role of Women Have few legal or social rights and very little schooling. Cook, clean, garden, and do farm chores. Submit to husband’s will. Rich or poor.

6 Indentured Servants In 1600’s, male servants are 1/2 to 2/3 of immigrants. By the 1700’s report of hardships keep European laborers away. -Cost rise.

7 Evolution of Slavery Slaves- people considered the property of others.
-Work for life, inherited. Colonists unable to enslave Native Amer. American slavery clearly race-based.

8 Triangle Trade Network ties colonies, Africa, and West Indies.
-New England exports rum to Africa. -Africa exports slaves to West Indies. -West Indies export sugar, molasses to New England.


10 The Middle Passage Middle leg of triangle trade.
20% or more died from disease, abuse, or suicide.

11 Slavery in the South 80%-90% are field hands, 10%-20% are house hands or artisans. Work from 12 yo- death. Owners hired overseers. Beat or whipped those considered disobedient or disrespectful.

12 Culture and Family 85% of slaves live in the South, make up 40% of the population there. Many different cultures and languages. Tried to preserve culture heritage: crafts, music, stories, and dance. Merchants and owners split up families; slaves raised childern left behind.

13 Resistance and Revolt Sabotage or escape. Stono Rebellion, 1739
-Planter families killed. -Militia defeats slaves. Slave laws tighten. -Rebellions continue.

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