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 Or Social Learning Or Vicarious Learning.   Learning by observing others  Observational learning in every day life o Role Models o Watching a cooking.

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Presentation on theme: " Or Social Learning Or Vicarious Learning.   Learning by observing others  Observational learning in every day life o Role Models o Watching a cooking."— Presentation transcript:

1  Or Social Learning Or Vicarious Learning


3  Learning by observing others  Observational learning in every day life o Role Models o Watching a cooking show o Watching a famous athlete o Watching your peers/siblings o A baby may imitate a person sticking out their tongue shorty after birth o By 14 months, children imitate things seen on TV o Banning of cigarette commercials o Fashion  Studied by social-learning theorists

4  Neurons (in frontal lobe) that fire when observing other people perform certain actions  Mirroring of another’s action may enable imitation and empathy  Remember the guy who cut his finger in the Brain Games video?

5  Famous Bobo Doll experiments  Result: All children modeled aggressive behavior  Slightly less aggressive behavior was modeled by those who saw the model being punished

6  “Pow, right in the nose”  “Sockeroo, stay down”

7  Attention  Retention  Reproduction  Motivation  Most effective when the model is similar to us  Actions and words need to be consistent

8  No!  Prosocial Behaviors: positive, constructive, helpful behaviors o Gandhi and MLK Jr.: Relied on modeling nonviolent behavior  Antisocial Behaviors: Negative behaviors

9  By the time you are 18, you will have spent more time watching TV than in school  If you live to 75, that means you will have watched 9 years of TV in your life  In the 1990s, a typical 5 th grader had witnessed 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence o Didn’t include cable TV or movies  Research from ‘96-7 shows that 74% of TV violence goes un punished  Correlations: o In the U.S. and Canada, homicide rates doubled between 1957 and 1974 (time when TV was introduced) o Children who have heavy exposure to media violence tend to get in more fights

10  Experiments show… o Violence on TV does lead to aggressive behavior Especially true when “an attractive person commits seemingly justified, realistic violence that goes unpunished”  Explanation for the violence-viewing effect? o Imitation o Desensitization

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