Library Automation. Library automation Why automate? Why automate? The automation process. The automation process. The end result. The end result.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Automation. Library automation Why automate? Why automate? The automation process. The automation process. The end result. The end result."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Automation

2 Library automation Why automate? Why automate? The automation process. The automation process. The end result. The end result.

3 Why automate? Increase efficiency. Increase efficiency. Improve service. Improve service. Enhance usage. Enhance usage. Update image. Update image.

4 Increase efficiency Reduce time consuming clerical tasks Reduce time consuming clerical tasks Provide students with real time information on loans, overdues and availability of materials. Provide students with real time information on loans, overdues and availability of materials. New material catalogued faster. New material catalogued faster. Overdue procedure streamlined. Overdue procedure streamlined.

5 Improve service OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) provides students with keyword access to library catalogue throughout the school. OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) provides students with keyword access to library catalogue throughout the school. OPAC provides details of item availability. OPAC provides details of item availability. Reservations easily available. Reservations easily available. Booklist construction available. Booklist construction available.

6 Enhance usage Provides user friendly access to computer literate students. Provides user friendly access to computer literate students. Library material more easily accessible therefore usage increases. Library material more easily accessible therefore usage increases.

7 Update image Library using old fashioned card catalogue and manual booking system not seen as relevant. Library using old fashioned card catalogue and manual booking system not seen as relevant. Expectation of new students and parents. Expectation of new students and parents.

8 The Automation process (1) Prepare stock for recon (Retrospective conversion) Prepare stock for recon (Retrospective conversion) Compile shelf list. Compile shelf list. Submit shelf list for conversion to MARC (MAchine Readable Code) records. Submit shelf list for conversion to MARC (MAchine Readable Code) records. Order software & hardware. Order software & hardware. Receive first run of hits. Submit records not found for additional search. Receive first run of hits. Submit records not found for additional search. Attach correct barcode to book. Attach correct barcode to book.

9 The Automation process (2) Install hardware & software. Install hardware & software. Load student database and add staff information. Load student database and add staff information. Load bibliographic database. Load bibliographic database. Test databases with sample student and item records. Test databases with sample student and item records. Train staff. Train staff. Receive second run from recon supplier & attach barcode labels to books. Receive second run from recon supplier & attach barcode labels to books.

10 The Automation process (3) Begin using circulation system Begin using circulation system Train students to use OPAC. Train students to use OPAC. Catalogue remaining material not covered by recon i.e. books, videos, CD-ROMs etc. Catalogue remaining material not covered by recon i.e. books, videos, CD-ROMs etc. Continue training and introduce additional applications e.g. visual OPAC. Continue training and introduce additional applications e.g. visual OPAC.

11 The End Result System went live in Snowdon 5 th November 2003. System went live in Snowdon 5 th November 2003. Student reaction – very positive. Student reaction – very positive. Staff appraisal – much better control of resources and circulation. Staff appraisal – much better control of resources and circulation.

12 Conclusions Cost - Initial outlay Cost - Initial outlay - Ongoing costs - Ongoing costs System - Good support & local user group. System - Good support & local user group. - Flexible system - Web gateway Image- facilitated rearrangement. Image- facilitated rearrangement. - Usage increased - Powerful tool for information literacy.

13 Final word Hebrew material Hebrew material Collection improvements Collection improvements New horizons New horizons

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