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Drug Classifications. Inhalants  Examples:  Gasoline  Lighter Fluid and Butane Lighter Fuel  Spray Paint  Paint Thinners and Removers  Transparent.

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Presentation on theme: "Drug Classifications. Inhalants  Examples:  Gasoline  Lighter Fluid and Butane Lighter Fuel  Spray Paint  Paint Thinners and Removers  Transparent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drug Classifications

2 Inhalants  Examples:  Gasoline  Lighter Fluid and Butane Lighter Fuel  Spray Paint  Paint Thinners and Removers  Transparent Glue  Rubber-Cement Thinner  Hair Spray  Nail Polish Remover  Degreasers  Cleaning Fluids  Whippets  Poppers or Snappers  Examples:  Gasoline  Lighter Fluid and Butane Lighter Fuel  Spray Paint  Paint Thinners and Removers  Transparent Glue  Rubber-Cement Thinner  Hair Spray  Nail Polish Remover  Degreasers  Cleaning Fluids  Whippets  Poppers or Snappers

3 Inhalants  Average age at which adolescents try these drugs is 13  These drugs produce a quick, temporary high, lightheadedness, and a general good feeling  Tends to last only a short time (from a few minutes to about three-quarters of an hour)  May experience after-effects:  Drowsiness  Headache  Nausea  Average age at which adolescents try these drugs is 13  These drugs produce a quick, temporary high, lightheadedness, and a general good feeling  Tends to last only a short time (from a few minutes to about three-quarters of an hour)  May experience after-effects:  Drowsiness  Headache  Nausea

4 Inhalants  Short-term effects:  Physical coordination and mental judgment are impaired  May engage in irresponsible or dangerous behaviors  Intense facial flushing  Feelings of severe weakness and dizziness and heart palpitations  May dangerously hinder the activity of the nerves that control breathing  The resulting respiratory depression may cause unconsciousness, coma or even death  Heavy doses may not produce a pleasant high, but mental confusion, hallucinations, and delusions  SSD (Sudden Sniffing Death) -- fatal irregularity of heartbeat (arrhythmia) or complete heart arrest  Irritate breathing passages  Provoking severe coughing, painful inflammation, and nosebleeds  Short-term effects:  Physical coordination and mental judgment are impaired  May engage in irresponsible or dangerous behaviors  Intense facial flushing  Feelings of severe weakness and dizziness and heart palpitations  May dangerously hinder the activity of the nerves that control breathing  The resulting respiratory depression may cause unconsciousness, coma or even death  Heavy doses may not produce a pleasant high, but mental confusion, hallucinations, and delusions  SSD (Sudden Sniffing Death) -- fatal irregularity of heartbeat (arrhythmia) or complete heart arrest  Irritate breathing passages  Provoking severe coughing, painful inflammation, and nosebleeds

5 Inhalants  Long-term effects:  Repeated use tends to produced increased tolerance (Larger doses are needed to achieve the same results)  Risk of permanent brain damage, poor memory, extreme moods swings, tremors and seizures  Increases the risk of heart arrhythmia and respiratory failure  Raise the pressure of the fluid within the eyes which may lead to glaucoma or blindness  Organic solvents are the most dangerous -- they are poisons that break down the makeup or living cells  Long-term effects:  Repeated use tends to produced increased tolerance (Larger doses are needed to achieve the same results)  Risk of permanent brain damage, poor memory, extreme moods swings, tremors and seizures  Increases the risk of heart arrhythmia and respiratory failure  Raise the pressure of the fluid within the eyes which may lead to glaucoma or blindness  Organic solvents are the most dangerous -- they are poisons that break down the makeup or living cells

6 Inhalants  Signs of Abuse:  A sweetish, chemical smell on the clothes or body  Inflammation of the nostrils, frequent nosebleeds, or a rash around the nose and mouth  Poor appetite and loss of weight  Pale, bluish skin  Watery, bloodshot eyes with dilated pupils  Slow, slurred speech  Clumsy, staggering gait, and drunken appearance  Signs of Abuse:  A sweetish, chemical smell on the clothes or body  Inflammation of the nostrils, frequent nosebleeds, or a rash around the nose and mouth  Poor appetite and loss of weight  Pale, bluish skin  Watery, bloodshot eyes with dilated pupils  Slow, slurred speech  Clumsy, staggering gait, and drunken appearance

7 OxyContin  A legal narcotic that is available by prescription, to treat severe pain  Provides extended relief of pain associated with cancer, back pain, or arthritis  When abused the tablets are crushed and snorted, chewed, or mixed with water and injected - eliminating the time-release factor and allowing for a quick and intense rush to the brain  Highly addictive  A legal narcotic that is available by prescription, to treat severe pain  Provides extended relief of pain associated with cancer, back pain, or arthritis  When abused the tablets are crushed and snorted, chewed, or mixed with water and injected - eliminating the time-release factor and allowing for a quick and intense rush to the brain  Highly addictive

8 OxyContin  Short-term effects:  Respiratory depression  Constipation  Nausea  Sedation  Dizziness  Vomiting  Headache  Dry mouth  Sweating  Weakness  Short-term effects:  Respiratory depression  Constipation  Nausea  Sedation  Dizziness  Vomiting  Headache  Dry mouth  Sweating  Weakness

9 OxyContin  Long-term effects:  Experience withdrawal symptoms when the drug is not present  Restlessness  Muscle and bone pain  Insomnia  Diarrhea  Vomiting  Cold flashes with goose bumps  Involuntary leg movements  Long-term effects:  Experience withdrawal symptoms when the drug is not present  Restlessness  Muscle and bone pain  Insomnia  Diarrhea  Vomiting  Cold flashes with goose bumps  Involuntary leg movements

10 Methamphetamine  Central nervous system stimulant  A powerful “upper” that produces alertness and elation  Sometimes called the “poor man’s cocaine”  Users get very high very rapidly  Tends to be taken differently in different locales and by different age groups  Central nervous system stimulant  A powerful “upper” that produces alertness and elation  Sometimes called the “poor man’s cocaine”  Users get very high very rapidly  Tends to be taken differently in different locales and by different age groups

11 Methamphetamine  Dangers and consequences:  Sleeplessness  Loss of appetite and weight loss  Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea  Elevated body temperature  Skin ulceration and infection, the result of picking at imaginary bugs  Paranoia  Depression  Irritability  Anxiety  Dangers and consequences:  Sleeplessness  Loss of appetite and weight loss  Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea  Elevated body temperature  Skin ulceration and infection, the result of picking at imaginary bugs  Paranoia  Depression  Irritability  Anxiety

12 Methamphetamine  Dangers and consequences:  Increased blood pressure, due to the constriction of blood vessels, that may produce headaches, chest pain, or irregular heartbeat and lead to stroke or heart attack  Seizures  Permanent damage to brain cells caused by injury to small blood vessels serving the brain  Dangers and consequences:  Increased blood pressure, due to the constriction of blood vessels, that may produce headaches, chest pain, or irregular heartbeat and lead to stroke or heart attack  Seizures  Permanent damage to brain cells caused by injury to small blood vessels serving the brain

13 Heroin  Used in medicine in the early part of the 20th century, until its addictive potential was recognized  Most commonly abused narcotic  Heroin abusers often use other drugs as well  Consequences of use range from mild distress to life-threatening  Used in medicine in the early part of the 20th century, until its addictive potential was recognized  Most commonly abused narcotic  Heroin abusers often use other drugs as well  Consequences of use range from mild distress to life-threatening

14 Heroin  Consequences:  Dry, itchy skin and skin infections  Constricted pupils and reduced night vision  Nausea and vomiting  Constipation and loss of appetite  Menstrual irregularity  Scarring along veins and collapsed veins from repeated injections  Irregular blood pressure  Slow and irregular heartbeat  Fatigue, breathlessness, and labored, noisy breathing due to excessive fluid in the lungs  Consequences:  Dry, itchy skin and skin infections  Constricted pupils and reduced night vision  Nausea and vomiting  Constipation and loss of appetite  Menstrual irregularity  Scarring along veins and collapsed veins from repeated injections  Irregular blood pressure  Slow and irregular heartbeat  Fatigue, breathlessness, and labored, noisy breathing due to excessive fluid in the lungs

15 Heroin  Consequences:  Injuries that result from engaging in any activity when incapacitated by heroin use  Dependence, addiction  Hepatitis, AIDS, and other infections from unsanitary injection  Stroke or heart attack caused by blood clots resulting from insoluble additives  Respiratory paralysis, heart arrest, coma, and death from accidental overdose  Consequences:  Injuries that result from engaging in any activity when incapacitated by heroin use  Dependence, addiction  Hepatitis, AIDS, and other infections from unsanitary injection  Stroke or heart attack caused by blood clots resulting from insoluble additives  Respiratory paralysis, heart arrest, coma, and death from accidental overdose

16 PCP and LSD  Both drugs are hallucinogens  PCP  Has a strong ammonia smell  Effects are unpredictable and are often severe  Depression, anxiety, or disorientation can result  May experience visual distortions  Physical effects:  Rising heart rate  Blood pressure  Body temperature  Flushing and sweating  Shallow breathing  Numbness  Loss of coordination  Both drugs are hallucinogens  PCP  Has a strong ammonia smell  Effects are unpredictable and are often severe  Depression, anxiety, or disorientation can result  May experience visual distortions  Physical effects:  Rising heart rate  Blood pressure  Body temperature  Flushing and sweating  Shallow breathing  Numbness  Loss of coordination

17 PCP continued…  High doses may cause:  Nausea  Vomiting  Loss of balance  Dizziness  Display dramatic mood swings  Prone to anxiety, paranoia, and aggressiveness  Violence is not uncommon  Psychosis  Can be fatal - convulsions, coma or respiratory arrest  High doses may cause:  Nausea  Vomiting  Loss of balance  Dizziness  Display dramatic mood swings  Prone to anxiety, paranoia, and aggressiveness  Violence is not uncommon  Psychosis  Can be fatal - convulsions, coma or respiratory arrest

18 LSD  Commonly called “acid”  Effects:  Changes in visual perception and mood  Distorted impressions of time, space, and distance  “Tracking” - observation of streams of colored light following the path of a moving object and “psychedelic” patterns may appear  Acute anxiety  Depression  Panic  Paranoia  Psychotic behavior  Judgment and the ability to recognize immediate danger can be impaired  Commonly called “acid”  Effects:  Changes in visual perception and mood  Distorted impressions of time, space, and distance  “Tracking” - observation of streams of colored light following the path of a moving object and “psychedelic” patterns may appear  Acute anxiety  Depression  Panic  Paranoia  Psychotic behavior  Judgment and the ability to recognize immediate danger can be impaired

19 Ecstasy  One of the most dangerous drugs threatening young people today  First developed as an appetite suppressant in 1914  1985 it was made illegal  Taking of the drug affects people differently  One of the most dangerous drugs threatening young people today  First developed as an appetite suppressant in 1914  1985 it was made illegal  Taking of the drug affects people differently

20 Ecstasy  Common side effects:  Increased heart rate  Increased body temperature  Anxiety  Increased blood pressure  Increased confidence  Nausea  Feelings of well-being (happiness, love)  Sweating  Loss of appetite  Convulsions  Irrational behavior  Hallucinations  Insomnia  Anxiety  Paranoia  Common side effects:  Increased heart rate  Increased body temperature  Anxiety  Increased blood pressure  Increased confidence  Nausea  Feelings of well-being (happiness, love)  Sweating  Loss of appetite  Convulsions  Irrational behavior  Hallucinations  Insomnia  Anxiety  Paranoia

21 Ecstasy  Warning signs of Overdose:  Feeling hot or unwell  Becoming confused, not able to talk properly  Headache  Vomiting  Not sweating  Racing heart or pulse when resting  Fainting or collapsing  Loss of control over body movements  Tremors  Problems urinating  Warning signs of Overdose:  Feeling hot or unwell  Becoming confused, not able to talk properly  Headache  Vomiting  Not sweating  Racing heart or pulse when resting  Fainting or collapsing  Loss of control over body movements  Tremors  Problems urinating

22 Cocaine and Crack  A central nervous system stimulant  Causes the heart to beat more rapidly and blood vessels to constrict  Users can become delusional, paranoid, and even suffer acute toxic psychosis  Effects:  Cardiovascular problems  Neurological incidents  Pulmonary effects  Psychiatric complications  Increased risk of traumatic injury  A central nervous system stimulant  Causes the heart to beat more rapidly and blood vessels to constrict  Users can become delusional, paranoid, and even suffer acute toxic psychosis  Effects:  Cardiovascular problems  Neurological incidents  Pulmonary effects  Psychiatric complications  Increased risk of traumatic injury

23 GHB and Rohypnol  A central nervous system depressant  Rohypnol is produced in Europe and Latin America as a sleep aid, but is illegal in the U.S.  A central nervous system depressant  Rohypnol is produced in Europe and Latin America as a sleep aid, but is illegal in the U.S.

24 GHB and Rohypnol  Effects:  1st - user feels an intoxication similar to alcohol  2nd - user starts feeling drowsy  3rd - user leads to a sleep from which the user cannot be woken (anywhere from 4 - 24 hours)  Effects:  1st - user feels an intoxication similar to alcohol  2nd - user starts feeling drowsy  3rd - user leads to a sleep from which the user cannot be woken (anywhere from 4 - 24 hours)

25 GHB and Rohypnol  Both have a reputation for being a date rape drug  These drugs are easily slipped into someone’s drink and dissolve quickly  Can be fatal when mixed with alcohol  Both have a reputation for being a date rape drug  These drugs are easily slipped into someone’s drink and dissolve quickly  Can be fatal when mixed with alcohol

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