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RESEARCHING AND CITING SOURCES 2015. WHAT INFORMATION WILL I HAVE TO RESEARCH? You will need to have researched information on the following areas: 

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2 WHAT INFORMATION WILL I HAVE TO RESEARCH? You will need to have researched information on the following areas:  History/background of topic (2-4 sources )  Definition of topic (do NOT use (1-2 sources)  Information on specific variables (6-10 sources; minimum of sources per variable)  Effects of sleep deprivation on teenagers’ academics  Effects of sleep deprivation on teenagers’ health  Effects of sleep deprivation on teenagers’ athletics

3 HOW MANY AND WHAT TYPE OF SOURCES AM I REQUIRED TO HAVE? Books (minimum of one) Websites (minimum of one) Scholarly articles (minimum of seven) TOTAL SOURCES REQUIRED: TWELVE

4 BOOKS: MUST USE ONE BOOK How do I locate a book? ---say what? We have a library with books?? Ask for help: Mrs. Gaskin loves to help!

5 WEBSITES: MUST USE AT LEAST ONE VALID WEBSITE Evaluate your website: 1.Personal page or site? 2.What type of domain is it? (,.org,.gov) 3.Published by entity that makes sense? 4.Who wrote the page? 5.Credentials on this subject? 6. Dated? 7. Sources documented with links or notes? 8. Links to more resources? 9. Evidence of bias? 10. Why was the page put on the Web?

6 SCHOLARLY ARTICLES Use EbscoHost: 83e8-49ac-baa7-99bee74751e2%40sessionmgr4005&vid=0&hid=4212 83e8-49ac-baa7-99bee74751e2%40sessionmgr4005&vid=0&hid=4212 1.Check databases and click continue 2.Advanced Search (add topic, variable(s), and studied population)  Be sure to vary words if, at first, nothing appears (i.e. high school students, teenagers, adolescents) 3.Check FULL TEXT box 4.Set published dates (nothing under 2005) 5.Boolean terms (and/or/not)

7 REFERENCES: KEEP TRACK OF ALL YOUR SOURCES House the resources you plan on using in NoodleTools: 1.Create an account and log in 2.Create a New Project 3.Click on MLA 4.Click on Junior 5.Description: 10 Honors English Project 6.Click on Bibliography 7.Select a citation type 8.Fill out appropriate information 9.Generate Citation 10.Print/Export when finished with ALL sources


9 Find the following sources on your topic (history, definition, and variables): 1. Book (you do not need to physically have the book but have at least one title that you are interested in) 2. Website (have at least one legitimate website) 3. Scholarly articles (have at least 5-7 articles) *You do not have to read and annotate any or all of this, you must, however, have found the sources. Fill out form on Google Classroom.

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