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1 GOOGLE SCHOLAR ENGLISH 115 Hudson Valley Community College Marvin Library Learning Commons.

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1 1 GOOGLE SCHOLAR ENGLISH 115 Hudson Valley Community College Marvin Library Learning Commons

2 2 A search done in Google Scholar: can find academic sources on your topic. Not all sources will give full text access for free. Before paying for information, check our catalog and databases—you may have free access there. Change your settings at the top to add HVCC to your library links.

3 3 This has already been done on campus computers. Click on Library links then type in Hudson Valley Community College. Check all the boxes and hit Save. This will link you to material that you have paid for with your tuition.

4 4 Some results will be available full text @HVCC. Just click to link to our database. Access to the full text (not just the abstract or citation) is necessary to use a source for research.

5 Google Books: Watch out for results in Google Books. Many times it provides access to only a few pages. Trying to copy and paste will result in frustration. Remember that Google is a business. It will allow you to purchase access to the e- book. Or scroll down to see if it’s available in our library. Full access is necessary to use as a source for your project.

6 Watch the CLIP Tutorial: Using Google Scholar Tutorial and take the quiz. Make corrections to Project Draft 3. Find 3 quality web sites for your topic. Add the annotated citations and submit Project Draft 4. For this session :

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