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Capacity building and ageing researchers Professor Helen Bartlett Australasian Centre on Ageing University of Queensland 25 September 2003 National Symposium.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity building and ageing researchers Professor Helen Bartlett Australasian Centre on Ageing University of Queensland 25 September 2003 National Symposium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity building and ageing researchers Professor Helen Bartlett Australasian Centre on Ageing University of Queensland 25 September 2003 National Symposium on Ageing Research

2 Does the current model of research training work?

3 Some current limitations  Isolation  Little contact with other researchers in ageing  Supervisors in primary discipline lacking expertise in ageing  Student’s level of foundation knowledge about ageing limited  Potential impact of PhD on policy or practice not maximised  No clear career track

4 Is there a future in ageing research post- PhD?

5 Knowledge of career/employment opportunities

6 Future directions – students’ perceptions  “up in the air – not sure”  “That’s the big question! Something more practical than research; something to do with community-wide promotion of PA programs”  “Pipedreams - interested in working in a wellness centre”  “I am a retired person and see myself engaged in some community and possibly academic work concerning older people”  “To channel some of the knowledge back into educational services”

7 What are the perceived opportunities and directions?  Research and teaching are most commonly perceived career options  Not aware of clear career track  Information about opportunities lacking  Some potential in industry/government identified  Desire a future in ageing, but not sure how to make it happen  Enthusiasm and wanting to make a difference

8 What can we do now?  Introduce mentoring schemes  Develop skills in collaboration  Broaden the research apprenticeship  Improve links with industry and government  Focus PhDs in priority areas  Increase access to information  Create structures for emerging researchers  Start promoting ageing research earlier  Find out more about the current cohort

9 What works?  Centres – university wide  Multidisciplinary seminar groups with input from government/community  Assistance with recruitment – the 50+ Registry  Casual RA pool  Conferences for emerging researchers – ERA 2002, ERA 2003 Brisbane, 21 November

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