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 Date: 8/31  LT: I can describe the behavior of particles in a gas.  Sponge: How many carbons are in.

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Presentation on theme: " Date: 8/31  LT: I can describe the behavior of particles in a gas.  Sponge: How many carbons are in."— Presentation transcript:

1  Date: 8/31  LT: I can describe the behavior of particles in a gas.  Sponge: How many carbons are in

2  Agenda

3  Study Jams: States of Matter ◦ cience/matter/solids-liquids-gases.htm cience/matter/solids-liquids-gases.htm

4 Close up view of atoms and their behavior Animated images are from

5  While exploring the multimedia (Gas in a Syringe) consider the following… ◦ Gases are composed of tiny individual particles that move freely – they bounce off each other! ◦ NOTHING is between particles. ◦ When air is compressed, the particles are closer together so the space between them is less – however, the size of the particles does not change! ◦ When air is expanded, the particles are farther apart so the space between them is more – however, the size of the particles does not change!

6  Air, like all matter, is composed of tiny particles too small to see. The particles of air, like the particles of all forms of matter, are in constant motion.  The particles of air are not touching one another. There is empty space between them. Because the particles are in constant motion, they bounce off one another and the sides of their containers all the time.

7  Air is a mixture of gases. The gases in air have mass and occupy space. Air is matter.  Air can be forced into a smaller space. Air that is forced into a smaller space is compressed air.  When the force holding air in a smaller space is removed, the air expands. When matter expands, it occupies more space.



10  Compressed: forced in to a smaller space  Expands: forced in to a bigger space  Matter: anything that has mass and takes up space, made of particles

11  Study Jams – Properties of Matter ◦ cience/matter/properties-of-matter.htm cience/matter/properties-of-matter.htm

12  Date: 9/1  LT: I can describe how particles of a gas behave when they are compressed of expanded.  Sponge: Is CO and Co the same?





17  Write this at the bottom in all caps! Put 20 stars around it! THE PARTICLES DO NOT CHANGE SIZE, ONLY THE SPACE BETWEEN THEM!

18  science/Solids-in-Physical- Science/lesson/Solids/ science/Solids-in-Physical- Science/lesson/Solids/  DO NOT WRITE ON THIS!  Silently read the article first.  As a class, we’ll discuss each paragraph. Record the answers on your sheet!  Be prepared to discuss the questions!

19  1. state of matter with particles that are held closely together

20  2. True

21  1. state of matter with particles that are held closely together  2. True  3. they are held in place by the other particles

22  4. crystalline

23  3. they are held in place by the other particles  4. crystalline  5. C

24  3. they are held in place by the other particles  4. crystalline  5. C  6. C.

25  5. C  6. C.  7. True

26  5. C  6. C.  7. True  8. Share some of your examples!

27  5. C  6. C.  7. True  8. Share some of your examples!  9. Amorphous

28  10. Crystalline have particles that are in a regular repeating patter. Amorphous solids are shapeless and the particles are more random.

29  orDtw orDtw ◦ Is it a solid (amorphous or crystalline?) or liquid?

30  Date: 9/2  LT: I can describe how particles of a gas behave when they are compressed of expanded.  Sponge: Does the size of the actual particles ever change?

31  Check HW

32 Matter: Anything that has a mass and a volume, made of particles! What is mass and volume? Brainpop: Measuring Matter

33  3 Phases of Matter pages 16-18  NB 40



36  Rip page 40 out of your notebook – this is the study guide for your quiz!!!

37 1. What are the three states of matter? 2. Which state of matter has a definite (doesn’t change) volume but its shape changes to fill its container? 3. This means something is pushed in to a smaller space. Choose compressed or expanded. 4. The syringe has 10 particles in it. If I push the plunger down, predict how many particles will be in the syringe. 5. When I push the plunger down in 4, do the particles get bigger, smaller, or stay the same size?

38 Investigation 3 Date: 9/3 LT: I can describe how particles of a gas behave when they are compressed of expanded. Sponge: Be honest – how long did you study?

39  Review states of matter! ◦ Brainpop: Solid, liquid, gas

40  If you talk or have wandering eyes, you will get a 0.  Flip it over when done.

41  20Science%20Guy%20Phases%20of%20Matter 20Science%20Guy%20Phases%20of%20Matter Copy and complete the chart with 3 facts about each while watching!

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