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Dr. Pedro Banda Director General. ISFOC Concentration Photovoltaics, The Way to Future Energy Madrid 20 May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Pedro Banda Director General. ISFOC Concentration Photovoltaics, The Way to Future Energy Madrid 20 May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Pedro Banda Director General. ISFOC Concentration Photovoltaics, The Way to Future Energy Madrid 20 May 2010

2 concentration photovoltaics

3 Current and voltage behaviour at high concentration Efficiency and T at reasonable values Optical elements High efficiency cells Industrial sectors involved Energy payback Recycling Tracking needs

4 concentration photovoltaics Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA) 41.6%

5 concentration photovoltaics





10 source: Prometheus Institute market... need to create a CPV market

11 source: Prometheus Institute market... need to create a CPV market

12 market

13 solar resource CPV is the technology of choice in regions with high DNI (>1800 kWh/m²): Southern Europe, Northern & Southern Africa Middle East The US South-West Australia

14 market Efficiency %current (2009)forecast (2015) cells30-4142-50 optics75-8580-90 modules20-3030-40 systems18-2526-32

15 market lowest cost of electricity Cost reduction is driven by Production growth through large scale projects Product development Efficiency source

16 UPM-IES Global reference project for commercial deployment of concentration photovoltaics. Providing reliable information on power and productivity of CPV systems through the installation of pilot plants of various technologies. Our aim is to train a group of experts capable of promoting high level industrial and academic research. isfoc model

17 500kW 300kW 400kW isfoc

18 isfoc - puertollano

19 isfoc

20 isfoc - puertollano Labs Office space Maintenanc e

21 isfoc - r&d

22 projects UE funded NACIR (FP7) Spain Egypt Germany Morocco

23 projects PSE SIGMASOLES (National Singular and Strategic Projects)Financed by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. It covers most of R&D areas for CPV, establishing a very dinamic consortium: Cells Optics Modules Trackers Power plants - BOS Pilot Plants - Test fields Characterization Modeling Management - Dissemination

24 projects MASDAR - ISFOC Pilot Plant up to 1MW ISFOC carries out project management, technology selection and evaluation, rating, monitoring and reporting of CPV performance under Gulf area conditions. Co-financed by Spanish Government. Project start - March 2010.

25 projects ☼SOLAR Spectrum ☼TRACKER ☼Agriculture ☼Evaluation of Technologies

26 Performance at high temperatures source performance

27 power rating

28 production average 100kW CPV power plant Energy production (kWh)DNI (kWh/m2)

29 production average 100kW CPV power plant Energy production (kWh) Energy production (cumulated)

30 production Comparison PV - CPV 2009

31 CPV projects industry innovatio n energy

32 innovation regulation standardisation world wide large scale deployment project financing technology financing CPV projects

33 proposal of a spanish CPV FIT Regulatory framework that must be predictable, profitable for the investor, assumable by the Administration and the general public, and sustainable. Power allocation for CPV plants (10MW/year). Extra financing support (FiT, Tax exemption, etc...) +10c€/kWh (decreasing 13%)

34 proposal of a spanish CPV FIT scenario price €/Wp learning factor market growth Conventional flat Si module 1,818%20% CPV module3,525%30%+

35 proposal of a spanish CPV FIT Scenario:Investors require a minimum IRR for the project of 9% CPV installation located in Spain generates around 1,881 kWh/kWp, 50% self funding and 50% financing at an interest rate of Euribor+3%

36 proposal of a spanish CPV FIT cost of €325M Benefits Investment (installs and industry) of €431M employment of 2500 approx. electricity production of €75M CO2 emissions avoided 559.000 Tm SO2 emissions avoided 1.738 Tm

37 CPV challenges Science - Technology support measures cell efficiency materials sun tracking optics Industrial support from prototype to product testing & reliability rating value chain Regulatory support technology deployment access to large projects financing

38 conclusions EU is scientifically and technologically well positioned for leading the growth of CPV sector. EU is leading the CPV deployment with first field experiences CPV is demonstrating its capabilities for large scale deployment and will play a significant role in future energy solutions. Regulation and legal frame for EU and MENA region.

39 thanks c/ Francia 7 3500 Puertollano (Ciudad Real) SPAIN +34 926 441 673

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