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Training Providers & the ITA Process Updates, Changes and Overview.

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1 Training Providers & the ITA Process Updates, Changes and Overview

2 The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) Training and employment programs must be designed and managed at the local level; Customers must be able to conveniently access the services they need at a single location; Customers should have choices in deciding the training program that best fits their needs and the organizations that will provide the service; Customers have a right to information about how well training providers succeed at preparing people for jobs; Businesses will provide information, leadership, and play an active role in ensuring that the system prepares people for current and future jobs.

3 The Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Address local workforce development issues  Help employers become competitive in a global economy  Help individuals attain the skills necessary for employability Meet service delivery goals

4 WIA Roles & Responsibilities: Federal Congress authorizes WIA and appropriates WIA funds as part of the annual federal budget. The Congressional authorizing committees design the program through legislation. The authorizing committees for WIA are the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions ( HELP) Committee, and the House Education and Labor Committee.

5 WIA Roles & Responsibilities: State The Governor and the State Workforce Investment Board (SWIB) provide State oversight of the WIA program. NYSDOL acts as the Governor’s agent in NYS, role includes:  Interpreting Federal policy and set State policy and regulation,  Program and fiscal monitoring,  Maintaining the state performance management system,  Providing technical assistance  Maintaining the Eligible Training Provider List,  Producing statewide and regional Labor Market Information,  Serving as liaison to USDOL,  Naming grant recipient  Issuing Notices of Obligation Authority (NOA)

6 WIA Roles & Responsibilities: County Grant recipient Fiduciary/fiscal agent Accept grant through NOA (Legislature) Appoint board members (Chief Local Elected Official) Program oversight

7 WIA Roles & Responsibilities: DCWIB Set Local Policy Designate and certify One Stop Operator Coordination of employer linkages Identify and certify eligible providers of training services Establishment of a Youth Council Identify eligible providers of youth activities Develop of a budget Conduct oversight of local WIA-funded programs and sub-contractors Contract with service providers

8 Dutchess County Workforce Investment Board (DCWIB) Our mission is to foster a skilled and competitive workforce by promoting an understanding of workforce trends and issues in a dynamic economy and to facilitate lifelong learning for individuals and businesses.

9 Dutchess County Workforce Investment Board (DCWIB) Consortium – Oversees operations at Dutchess One Stop Youth Council – Oversees operations at Dutchess Youth Career Works

10 Performance Measures Adult and Dislocated Worker  Entered employment  Employment retention  Average earnings Youth  Placement in employment or education  Attainment of a degree or certificate  Literacy and Numeracy gains

11 Dutchess Youth Career Works Sub-contract with Family Services, Inc. to provide services to youth who: Are age 17-21 Meet income eligibility guidelines Not currently in school and Experience at least one of the following barriers:  Dropped out of school  Homeless, runaway, or foster child  Pregnant and/or a parent  An offender  Basic Skills Deficient  Disabled

12 Dutchess Youth Career Works – Customer Flow Intake & eligibility assessment Individual service strategy Determination of training or GED track TABE test National Work Readiness Credential Begin GED course or ITA

13 Dutchess One Stop Services Resource Room Career Counseling Training Opportunities  Workshops  Individual Training Accounts (ITA)  On-the-Job Training (OJT)

14 Dutchess One Stop Funding Assistance Information Live or worked in Dutchess County Working in Dutchess County and earning less than $25/hour If male born after 12/31/59, registered for selective service Priority is provided to Veterans Granted for skills training in occupations with immediate need in Dutchess County

15 Dutchess One Stop Funding Assistance Information Only for: Individuals approved to receive an ITA Schools that appear on the Dutchess County ETPL Not for: Commission based occupational fields Graduate school Part-time employment

16 Dutchess One Stop - Funding Assistance Customer Flow Register (by appointment only) M-F 10:30 and 2:30 Request will be sent to the Administrative Office ITA Specialist assigned within 2 business days ITA Specialist schedules appointment within 5 business days Develop an Individual Employment / Training Plan  ITA Specialist will apply process and procedures  Customer will supply appropriate documentation, reports and paperwork

17 Pre-Requisites for an ITA Provided to applicants who demonstrate a high probability of success due to training. Applicants must have an Individual Employment Plan Applicants who have (pre-defined) employment gaps will not be considered eligible for training until they complete an approved Workforce Readiness curriculum and pass the test required to receive a Workforce Readiness Certificate. Applicants who have been issued an ITA within the past 24 months and failed to enroll or complete the coursework will not be considered eligible for an additional ITA until completion of the National Workforce Readiness requirement above Individuals approved for training will be eligible for up to $5,000 in subsidies over the training period, less the expense of the National Workforce Readiness preparation and test.

18 Eligible Training Provider Website NYSDOL created a new website and has left it up to each training provider to transfer offerings over NYSDOL communicated this March 2011 to all training providers:  OLD SITE  NEW SITE

19 OLD ETPL Site

20 New ETPL Site

21 Update All Offerings On New Site It is imperative that all of your approved offerings are updated ASAP! All offerings must be synced with the NYS reporting database for an ITA to be issued.

22 Eligible Training Provider Policy - Review Present a diverse selection of training choices Inclusion does not guarantee availability of WIA funds Customer Choice Training Providers are not guaranteed referrals Training Providers are required to submit performance data and meet performance levels of each eligible offering annually in order to keep it on the ETPL

23 Eligible Training Provider Policy – Review Written student complaints will initiate a probationary period and no new students will be enrolled until the discrepancy is resolved. During this time the DCWIB will examine the findings and determine whether or not a corrective plan of action or suspension from the ETPL is necessary

24 Eligible Training Provider Policy – Review In the event that a Training Provider is not performing in accordance with the expectations outlined in this policy or does not identify and implement a corrective action plan DCWIB reserves the right to take action which may include but is not limited to:  Delay payment until corrective action is taken  File a complaint to the Training Provider’s Board or to its highest authority  Suspend Eligible Training Provider Status

25 Eligible Training Provider Policy – Review The Training Provider will contact the ITA agency immediately to report if students withdraw or have poor attendance in an offering The Training Provider will also permit on-site visits by the Local Workforce Investment Board or any state, federal or local agency as legally authorized to monitor activities for which funds have been provided

26 ITA Payment Process Where WIA funded students are awarded financial aid, the training agency must apply the aid toward the tuition before applying WIA funds. When financial aid is received after an ITA has been executed the Training Provider is obligated according to section 663.320 (c) of the Federal Register to reimburse the WIA program.

27 ITA Payment Process ITA’s are payable only after: The student completes the offering(s) as defined by the ITA The Training Provider submits invoices that match the ITA to the appropriate agency for the payment of tuition, fees and or books with all receipts and attendance records

28 ITA Payment Process In the case where a student withdraws or drops out before completing the offering(s) as defined by the ITA, DCWIB will reimburse in accordance with the reimbursement policy on file and, After the Training Provider submits invoices that match the ITA to the appropriate agency for the payment of tuition, fees and or books with all receipts and attendance records up to the last day of student enrollment

29 Thank You! Contact Information Laraine Kautz Interim Executive Director DCWIB 463-0517 x204 Questions

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