How to make a Technical Poster The Practical Side Janelle Yong CMPE185.

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Presentation on theme: "How to make a Technical Poster The Practical Side Janelle Yong CMPE185."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to make a Technical Poster The Practical Side Janelle Yong CMPE185

2 Setting up a poster manually through MS Powerpoint Page Setup > 48”w x 36” h Text Boxes – Columns: 9” – Title: 45” Margins: recommend 1.5” Position – Horizontal: 1.5” From: Top Left Corner – Vertical: 1.5” From: Top Left Corner View: Gridlines

3 Fonts GOOD Arial Calibri Century Gothic BAD Comic Sans Garamond Times New Roman

4 Font Sizes 72pt = 1 inch TALL Title: 85Body: 30 Author Name: 56References: 30 Affiliation: 50Acknowledgements: 30 Section Title: 36Captions: 22


6 Plot(x, y,... 'LineWidth',4,... % line color default, width 4 'o’,... % add circle marker 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k',... % edge color black 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r',... % face color red ‘MarkerSize’,7) % change marker size grid on ylim([min max]) % change y-limits ylabel(‘Y label’) title(‘Title’)


8 Captions Figure 1: Very detailed description of the figure. Typically goes below the figure. [1] Text Box > Drawing Tools > Size (Same width as figure) Ways to cite references: [1], superscript 1 Font Size: 22

9 Raster vs. Vector / Raster:.jpg,.bmp,.gif,.png,.raw Vector:.eps,.pdf

10 Saving in Photoshop


12 It’s time to present... Now what? Be prepared – Wear a nametag – Have plenty of water – Have your own set of pushpins Bring business cards – You never know who your audience will be. Could be a potential sponsor/donor, future job employer, etc.

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