The Sun. 99% of the matter of the solar system is in the Sun. The Sun is an Average Star (main sequence star) The sun is not a Binary Star. (most stars.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sun. 99% of the matter of the solar system is in the Sun. The Sun is an Average Star (main sequence star) The sun is not a Binary Star. (most stars."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sun

2 99% of the matter of the solar system is in the Sun. The Sun is an Average Star (main sequence star) The sun is not a Binary Star. (most stars have a “Companion”)

3 The Sun’s Energy The Sun is a ball of gas Fusing Hydrogen into Helium at its Core. Nuclear Fusion

4 Parts of the Sun Photosphere: Lowest layer of the Sun’s Atmosphere. Gives off light 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit

5 Parts of the Sun Chromosphere: Reddish layer above the Photosphere

6 Parts of the Sun Corona: Above the Chromosphere Largest layer of the Sun Solar Wind: Charged particles come off the Corona Corona during A Solar Eclipse

7 Parts of the Sun Sunspots: Dark spots. Cooler than the surrounding area Magnetic They may cause Flares and Prominences Occur in a 11 year cycle

8 Parts of the Sun Prominences: Huge arching columns of Gas

9 Parts of the Sun Solar Flares: Largest explosions on the Sun. They can cause the Northern Lights

10 Northern Lights

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