Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 1 Multimodal Maturity of Virginia’s Transportation Corridors April 19, 2006 presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 1 Multimodal Maturity of Virginia’s Transportation Corridors April 19, 2006 presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 1 Multimodal Maturity of Virginia’s Transportation Corridors April 19, 2006 presented by Alex Linthicum

2 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 2 Overview Introduction to VTrans2025 Multimodal Corridors Multimodal Corridor Maturity Model Future work

3 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 3 Introduction to VTrans2025 Implementation of a statewide multi-modal long-range transportation plan is both a federal and state legislative requirement –The Federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) establishes procedures for statewide transportation planning –The Code of Virginia requires the state to prepare a statewide transportation plan VTrans 2025 fulfills the requirements of both TEA-21 and the Code of Virginia

4 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 4 Introduction to VTrans2025 TEA-21 requires the following considerations as part of the LRTP 1.Support economic vitality 2.Increase the safety and security for motorized and non-motorized users 3.Increase the accessibility and mobility options available 4.Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, and improve quality of life 5.Enhance the integration and connectivity across and between modes 6.Promote efficient system management and operation 7.Emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system

5 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 5 Introduction to VTrans2025 The legislation required presentation of the plan to the Governor and General Assembly, December 2002, and every five years thereafter The plan must –Contain a comprehensive review of statewide transportation needs –Establish goals, objectives, and priorities covering a 20- year planning horizon –Consider all modes of transportation –Promote economic development, multi-modal connectivity, environmental quality, accessibility, and safety

6 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 6 Introduction to VTrans2025 Responsible for creating and maintaining the statewide multimodal long-range transportation plan is the Vtrans2025 Technical Committee –Developed by the Secretary of Transportation –Department of Aviation (DOAV) –Department of Rail and Public Transportation (VDRPT) –Port Authority (VPA) –Department of Transportation (VDOT)

7 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 7 What is VTrans2025? The 2002 VTrans2025 Final report projects $108 Billion in unmet needs over the next 20 years Our work is to assist the state in determining strategies for cost effective allocation of transportation funding

8 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 8 Multimodal Corridors Cost effective strategies include –Improving efficiency using existing network capacity –Balancing traffic of passengers and goods across modes –Concentrating improvements in corridors of statewide significance The above strategies are manifested in Virginia’s Multimodal Corridors –Major transportation links for people and/or goods –Multiple modes Automobiles / Trucks Rail Transit Air

9 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 9 Multimodal Corridors

10 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 10 Multimodal Corridor Maturity Model Projects located within a corridor might receive priority for investment, but how should corridor investments be judged against one another? Which corridors benefit most from multimodal investment?

11 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 11 Multimodal Corridor Maturity Model Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute developed the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) A maturity model provides a –Common language and a shared vision –Framework for prioritizing actions –Way to define improvement Can benchmark different organizations for equivalent comparison

12 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 12 MaturityPotential Multimodal Corridor Maturity Model Instead of software design capability of organizations, we focus on ability of statewide transportation corridors to provide robust and varied service The Multimodal Corridor Maturity Model borrows from the CMMI framework, viewing each corridor in terms of its –Potential for multimodal investment –Existing multimodal maturity

13 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 13 Multimodal Corridor Maturity Model We can create stages of maturity based on performance metrics –Density (population, housing, jobs, attractions) –Accessibility to attractions by mode within time radius –Percent/amount of mixed use zoning –Mode split –Presence / Quality of intermodal facilities –Multimodal LOS –Accidents/injuries/fatalities by mode, normalized by person- mile traveled

14 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 14 Multimodal Corridor Maturity Model Density example –Census 2000 blockgroup density maps –Transit requires density Gray, George. 1992. Systems and service planning in Gray & Hoel, eds. Public Transportation, 2nd edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, pg. 369-406.

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19 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 19 Future work Define the maturity levels of the MCMM based on performance metrics Integrate further data into model –Accessibility index –Multimodal “LOS” –Number and quality of intermodal facilities –Zoning regulations Density Mixes of Use

20 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 20 Future Work Accessibility – number of opportunities (jobs) within a specific amount of time (45min) by a particular mode (auto) provided by Wendy Klancher, MWCOG

21 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems University of Virginia 21 For more information Vtrans2025 Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems

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