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Dealing With Stress The Silent Killer. What is Stress? Stress is a body's method of reacting to a challenge. According to the stressful event, the body's.

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing With Stress The Silent Killer. What is Stress? Stress is a body's method of reacting to a challenge. According to the stressful event, the body's."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing With Stress The Silent Killer

2 What is Stress? Stress is a body's method of reacting to a challenge. According to the stressful event, the body's way to respond to stress is by sympathetic nervous system activation which results in the fight-or-flight response.

3 Negative Effects of stress Weight Gain. It’s ironic that that both men and women stress out about their weight. It’s even more ironic considering the fact that being stressed out about those few extra pounds will likely lead to packing on a few more. It’s a known fact that the majority of individuals deal with stress by eating. Stressing out (especially in teenagers) can lead to breakouts, skin inflammation and even cold sores.

4 Continue Stress is the leading cause of sleep deprivation in average Americans. It’s easy to lose several hours of valuable sleep time, worrying about and analyzing all the problems you’re dealing with. If you’ve ever suffered from a migraine, you know it’s not a pleasant experience. What if we told you those circumstances could be avoided if you took time to de-stress. If you feel as though you’re worrying too much about certain things in your life, go for a run or hit the gym.

5 Vitamins to the Rescue

6 Shield Against Stress? Whenever your body is in stress response mode, your body produces cortisol, the stress hormone. In order to synthesize cortisol, it will need vitamins. The important vitamins that you need are the anti-oxidant vitamins and the B-complex vitamins to break the stress cycle. If there is no enough supply of vitamins in your body, it will lead to fatigue, anxiety and frustration.

7 B-Complex a Good Stress Fighter B-complex vitamins are best taken with vitamin C, which helps make your body free from radical damage. Vitamin C food products help boost your immune system especially when you are stressed. Vitamin C is also crucial in backing up your adrenal glands. Here are the food items that are rich in vitamin C: green and red-hot chili peppers, bell peppers, guavas, thyme, parsley, dark leafy vegetables (garden cress, mustard greens and kale), Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, papayas, kiwi fruits, tangerines, oranges, Clementine's and strawberries.

8 Vitamin E Takes down the Anxiety A food product rich in vitamin E is another natural herbal remedy for stress relief. Here are some food items that you have to consume: sunflower seeds, red chili powder, and paprika. almonds, pine nuts, peanuts, basil, oregano, dried apricots, cooked spinach, cooked taro root and pickled green olives.

9 Hurtful Facts 75% of the general population experiences at least "some stress" every two weeks (National Health Interview Survey). Half of those experience moderate or high levels of stress during the same two-week period. Millions of Americans suffer from unhealthy levels of stress at work. (A study several years ago estimated the number to be 11 million--given events since that time, this number has certainly more than tripled--studies in Sweden, Canada, and other Westernized countries show similar trends.)

10 Hurtful Facts Continued Tranquilizers, antidepressants, and anti- anxiety medications account for one fourth of all prescriptions written in the U.S. each year. Stress also contributes to the development of alcoholism, obesity, suicide, drug addiction, cigarette addiction, and other harmful behaviors

11 Conclusion I hope everyone has learn some things from this presentation and will take some of the things I mention to their heart and use it. Dealing with stress is not easy in the world that we live in today, but with regular use of vitamins, herbs, and other helpful supplements we can live a long and healthy life.

12 Reference Top5 Negative Effects of Stress-Article Dashboard retrieved May 22, 2015 from http:// negative-effects-of-stress negative-effects-of-stress 10 Vitamins for Stress Relief-Best Stress Relief Activities retrieved May 22, 2015 from http:// stress-relief stress-relief

13 Reference Stress Facts retrieved May 22, 2015 from http://

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