NASA/ESA Interoperability Efforts CEOS Subgroup - CINTEX Alexandria, Sept 12, 2002 Ananth Rao Yonsook Enloe SGT, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA/ESA Interoperability Efforts CEOS Subgroup - CINTEX Alexandria, Sept 12, 2002 Ananth Rao Yonsook Enloe SGT, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA/ESA Interoperability Efforts CEOS Subgroup - CINTEX Alexandria, Sept 12, 2002 Ananth Rao Yonsook Enloe SGT, Inc.

2 Software Components INFEO Search B –System providing access to ESA CIP (and other) holdings –Operational Instance at ESA –Test Instance at NASA/SGT CIP-IMS Facility –Translator to allow CIP client access to IMS holdings (CIP to IMS protocol translator) –Test Instance at NASA/SGT IMS-CIP Translator –Translator to allow EDG client access to CIP holdings (IMS to CIP protocol translator) –Test Instance at NASA/SGT EOSDIS Data Gateway (EDG) Client Interface to IMS Servers –Test Instance at NASA/SGT

3 Installed Component Base CIP-IMS Facility IMS-CIP Translator EDG Gateway ESA INFEO Search B Subsystem NASA INFEO IMS Servers Installed at NASA/SGT Underlined Items Remote CIP Servers

4 INFEO 1.Information for Earth Observation (INFEO) is a distributed software system developed by European Commission and now under ESA’s operational control. 2.“Consists of a number of software sub-systems, integrated to provide access to and exchange of metadata and information relating to Earth Observation data.” 3.Currently at Release B – builds on earlier Release A. 4.NASA/SGT have modified * the Search B sub-system to allow it work with Oracle 9i – installed at NASA/SGT * Modifications to INFEO described in a separate document

5 INFEO Contd. Installation Status : –Oracle 9i Application Server installed on SUN Solaris –Modified INFEO Search B system installed and configured – –Oracle Forms Developer/Server 6i Release 2 for SUN Solaris installed –INFEO Forms can successfully run on Microsoft Windows platform with appropriate Netscape/IE plugin – option not fully tested –Collections Database manually populated with sample ECS data – absence of Oracle Developer 2000 prevents form based population –Successful Collection Search (search and present) –Have a working (CIP-Lite) product translator (modified Isite)

6 INFEO Contd. To Do : –Continue testing in collaboration with ESA (machine to machine I/F) –Configure INFEO Search B Web Gateway for HTTP client access Issues: –Need NASA discussion/approval to make this test-site operational –Need NASA/ESA discussion on which EOSDIS data sets can be made accessible via NASA-INFEO

7 CIP-IMS Facility 1.Original software from European Commission. IMS Facility allows CIP users to search data held by IMS Servers 2.IMS Facility software installed and configured at NASA 3.SGT has modified and tested software to work with current versions of IMS Software 4.Work accomplished –Modified to work with the new IK and ODL library - Version 3.2.1 –With EDG 3.2.1, MESSAGE_ID length is limited to 30 characters. IMS Facility was generating longer values causing some IMS Servers to return errors. This was fixed. –Successfully tested Inventory Search (Product Search in CIP’s term) against most of the IMS servers and their dataset. –Successfully tested Browse Request on two data centers.

8 CIP-IMS Facility Contd. To do: - Automate Valids processing - Continue testing in conjunction with ESA Issues: - Need NASA/ESA discussion on how and who should maintain CIP-IMS Facility operationally. Decision required by either for operational support

9 IMS-CIP Translator 1)Software developed by NASA/SGT to allow IMS client access to CIP holdings (via. the INFEO Search B system installed at ESA) 2)Configured and installed at NASA 3)Current version tested with EDG Version 3.2.1 (on upstream side) and CIP 2.4 (on downstream side) Finished: –Successfully tested Search, Browse, & email order with INFEO’s CIP system with selected datasets.

10 IMS-CIP Translator Contd. To Do : –Working on coordinating search valids between NASA and ESA systems (working with EDG Ops team & ESA ops team) –Finalize the testing against INFEO. Issues : –Collection Search returns duplicate collections and collection searches are currently very slow. –Order – We are currently sending e-mail orders to INFEO for onward submission via e-mail to data providers. This needs further discussion. We will need to see if the EDG Client has support for pointing to external URL’s to support ordering. -Need NASA/ESA discussion on how and who should maintain CIP-IMS Facility operationally. Decision required by either for operational support

11 Flow of Valids INFEO CIP-IMS Facility Collection Search (CIP) (1) Response - Convert to ODL (2) Adverts. (SGML) (After filtering) (4) Valids Manager FTP request (2) Returned ODL converted to internal format (3) IMS-CIP Translator EDG (Science/ Operations) Valids Submission (3) New Valids (ODL) (4) CIP-IMS Facility FTP Site Upload Valids (1) CEOS IDN

12 Valids Validation Procedure Summary 1.Validation Procedure has been discussed and agreed upon by EDG Science Operations team and SGT. –SGT will retrieve Collection Descriptors from ESA INFEO (via Collection Search), once every two weeks –check for deleted/new/modified collections –SGT will compare these collections with list currently available from EDG – decide if any changes to be made –If new collection to be added: –Gather valids info. –if complete (4 parameter levels – ), submit to EDG –if not complete (some INFEO collections have only 3 parameter levels), submit partial data with additional metadata to EDG Science Ops. –EDG Science Ops., in conjunction with POC for new ESA Dataset, will help to reach agreement on how to proceed. –Submit final valids on dataset to EDG.

13 Demonstation URL’s 1.INFEO at ESA 2.Test EDG Instance 3.INFEO at NASA/SGT Port: 8000

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