Module 5: Quality assurance. What is a quality assurance system? A quality assurance system measures the performance of a service against a range of standards.

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1 Module 5: Quality assurance

2 What is a quality assurance system? A quality assurance system measures the performance of a service against a range of standards to see how well it is running and to make sure good quality care is provided. Look at these images for some ideas about what quality assurance systems are used for in health and social care services. Module 5: Quality assurance

3 What factors affect quality assurance? The standards that services have to meet depend on a range of factors such as legislation, codes of conduct and regulations. Click on the influences below to match them to the colours of the three factor headings. Click here for the Regulations Codes of conductLegislation Module 5: Quality assurance Disability Discrimination Act (1995)Following safe working practices Accountability of services Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) The Care Standards Act (2000) Manual handling Promoting equality and diversityData protection

4 Quality assurance methods Professional registration Complaints procedures Awards for quality of service Star ratings Quality assurance Staff training Consultation with the public How many forms of quality assurance can you think of? Discuss then click on each image below to see our suggestions or click here for a blank diagram to Inspections and monitoring Performance management Module 5: Quality assurance ? ? ? ?

5 Social care Health care Children’s services Services are monitored and inspected internally or externally, which provides information about the quality of care. Click on the sectors below to find out who the inspection bodies are. Monitoring The Health Inspectorate Wales (HIW) The Social Services Inspectorate Wales Estyn (Wales) and Ofsted (England) Module 5: Quality assurance

6 Complaints procedures Each service must have a complaints procedure in place, with clear guidance as to what to do if someone is not happy with the service. Click on the video icon to see a clip about how to complain in the NHS then answer the questions below. Record your ideas here: What are the benefits of a complaints procedure? When you are not happy with the service you have received. This should be done immediately. When should you complain? It can gives service users confidence that they can influence the level of service they receive. Module 5: Quality assurance

7 Consulting users Questionnaires sent to households or handed out PALS: provides advice and resolves problems for NHS patients Patient forums where individuals speak on behalf of users Public consultation Anonymous suggestion boxes for service users Leaflets about available services Service users can help develop and improve services in many ways. How many forms of public consultation can you think of? Click on each picture below to reveal some suggestions. Module 5: Quality assurance ? ? ?

8 Performance management Services and staff have their performance monitored against defined targets. Monitor staff and service performance against the targets Identify ways to address the targets Identify targets Identify weaknesses Identify ways to overcome weaknesses Observations Assessments Training CPD Module 5: Quality assurance

9 Manual handling First aid Health & safety Forms of training Staff training Different forms of training are provided to staff within health, social care and children’s services to ensure they are able to provide effective care. What forms of training can you think of? Fire safety Module 5: Quality assurance

10 Professional registration Professional registration shows an individual’s level of competency. With which professional bodies are the individuals below likely to be registered? Nursing and Midwifery Council General Medical Council General Teaching Council Doctor Teacher Nurse Module 5: Quality assurance

11 Quality awards and star ratings A Charter Mark is a quality award and a way of rewarding good practice. All public sector organisations can apply for formal assessment to receive a Charter Mark. Star ratings are performance indicators used in the NHS. They indicate how well a service is run. Services are graded from zero to three. What do these images represent? Module 5: Quality assurance

12 Continuous professional development Employees should keep up to date with practices, identify their areas of weakness and seek ways to address these. This promotes good quality care. How can care workers continue to develop professionally? Record four more ideas below then click to see our suggestions. Gaining further qualifications. Mentoring other individuals or being mentored by someone who is more experienced. Going on external courses to update knowledge. Reading about changes in practice. Being inducted so that policies and procedures are followed. Internal training. Module 5: Quality assurance

13 Discussion questions Module 5: Quality assurance Why is it important for service users to be able to provide feedback on their care? Why are codes of conduct needed when legislation may already be in place? Why might care workers need to continue to develop professionally, even once they are qualified to work in the sector?

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