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Alun Thomas Head of Review, Examination, and Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Alun Thomas Head of Review, Examination, and Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alun Thomas Head of Review, Examination, and Policy

2 Who? Truly independent advocate for older people Representing the interests of all people aged 60 plus Reflecting aspirations of older people in all their/our diversity Commissioner - Ruth Marks

3 What? A statutory organisation set up by an Act of Parliament whose ability to speak out independently is safeguarded An organisation with unique powers to make a difference Older people at the heart of everything we do – unlike other regulators and ombudsmen.

4 What – our duties Promote awareness of the interests of older people in Wales Promote the end of age discrimination Encourage good practice Review the law Deliver the functions efficiently and effectively

5 Why? Negative stereotypes Unfair age discrimination Poor service co-ordination Failure to put intentions into practice Lack of dignity and respect Barriers preventing people fulfilling their potential

6 How? – our vision We want see a Wales in which respect for the rights and dignity of older people is a reality in all areas of life, where age discrimination is a thing of the past and where a positive view of ageing and older people prevails

7 How? - Mission We will be a world-class Commission, utilising our powers to further the interests of older people and making a lasting difference

8 How? - Initial priorities Listening to the views of older people from all backgrounds and in varied contexts Acting strategically based on what we learn Building an organisation to match the Commissioner’s ambitions

9 Engagement Identification Undiagnosed / misdiagnosed – role of GPs Style of engagement Countering social isolation

10 Profiling Those with early onset getting older Diagnosed anew in older age People unlikely ever to be diagnosed Demographic forecasting beyond the 3,900 Older parents Morbidity rates Double diagnosis / diagnostic overshadowing

11 How? – functions & services Achieving outcomes for individual older people Ensuring that whole sectors learn and act following negative individual experiences Preventing poor practice Spreading examples of what works well Using our powers to influence the powers that be

12 How? – Partnership working Care & Repair on fuel poverty Pension Service on maximising entitlements Age charity on advocacy Law Commission on adult protection and preventing elder abuse

13 How? – Enquiry to outcome Marjorie’s story. Initial query Chivvying Housing Association Achieving assurances Addressing concerns to overarching body

14 Achievements to date Promoting awareness of interests Paying for care debate conduct and content Fuel poverty summit leading to joint awareness raising with Care and Repair Empowerment through media training

15 Achievements to date (2) Eliminating discrimination Representing Wales on UK Equalities Bill Stakeholder Group Ensuring that UN Principles for Older People referred to in Assembly Government Single Equality Scheme

16 Achievements to date (3) Encouraging best practice Health restructuring and facilitating interests of older people Highlighting the impact of ‘transfer trauma’ for older people facing care home closures in the media, plus the critical role of independent advocates Partnership with Pension Service

17 Achievements to date (4) Reviewing adequacy of the law Elder abuse – production of policy paper following discussion with lawyers, adult protection leads, and the police Oral evidence to Assembly legislative committee in support of laws advancing the rights of carers

18 Future plans Use of legal powers 3 year rolling programme of reviews Subject area of first review announced Interrelationship with other regulators

19 Future plans (2) Commissioning research Better co-ordination and responsiveness of public authorities Intergenerational attitudes on ageing Arrangements for complaints, advocacy, and whistle blowing ‘Transfer trauma’ and the impact of care home closures

20 Getting involved Referral of case to Information and Enquiries team for informal resolution and delivering sectoral change based on individual testimony Adding your name to the E-bulletin Facilitating meetings with older people in different settings Eyes and ears at community level

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