CHUNKY MINERALS. 5 PARTS TO THE DEFINITION OF A MINERAL 1. Not man made Answer: Naturally occurring.

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Presentation on theme: "CHUNKY MINERALS. 5 PARTS TO THE DEFINITION OF A MINERAL 1. Not man made Answer: Naturally occurring."— Presentation transcript:


2 5 PARTS TO THE DEFINITION OF A MINERAL 1. Not man made Answer: Naturally occurring

3 2. Is not now, and was never alive. Answer: Inorganic

4 3. Not a liquid or gas Answer: Solid

5 4. Ratio of elements forming a compound Answer: definite chemical composition

6 5. crystalline structure Answer: Internal arrangement of atoms

7 MINERAL IDENTIFICATION 6. The way something reflects light Answer: luster

8 7. Resistance to being scratched Answer: hardness

9 8. Breakage in flat planes Answer: cleavage

10 9. Breakage not along flat planes Answer: fracture

11 10. Color of the mineral’s powder Answer: streak

12 11. Is color a useful identifying characteristic Answer: No

13 12. An easy test for calcite Answer: apply acid

14 13. This mineral has cubic cleavage and is used to melt ice Answer: halite

15 14. The most abundant mineral in beach sand Answer: quartz

16 15. All of the characteristics of a mineral are related to its... Answer: Internal arrangement of atoms

17 16. Another name for Amphibole Answer: hornblende

18 17. This elements chemical symbol is Mg. Answer: magnesium

19 18. Nonmetalic luster, 2.5, cleavage, KAl 3 Si 3 O 10 (OH) 2 Answer: Muscovite Mica

20 19. What elements give Biotite Mica a black or dark brown color? Answer: Mg, Fe – magnesium and iron

21 20. What property of a diamond allows diamond powder to be used to shape other gems? Answer: hardness

22 21. Which mineral with nonmetalic luster can scratch calcite but not fluorite? Answer: Dolomite

23 22. Which element is in 15 of the 21 minerals on pg 16? Answer: Oxygen

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