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Presentation on theme: "MINERALS TYvye0CVbU0."— Presentation transcript:

1 MINERALS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= TYvye0CVbU0

2 Matter anything that has mass and takes up space Matter is composed of elements

3 Element A substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means

4 Composition of Earth’s Crust ESRT Page 1

5 A grouping of atoms - Molecule Most common molecule in Earth’s crust Silica Tetrahedron Composed of … 1 silicon atom 4 oxygen atoms

6 Silica Structure 4 oxygen atoms for every 1 silicon atom

7 Olivine Feldspar, Quartz Micas Amphibole (Hornblende) Pyroxenes (Augite) ComplexityTemp.

8 MINERALS Naturally occurring Inorganic (never alive) Definite chemical composition Crystal structure because of the internal arrangement of atoms A mineral is the building block of rocks

9 Native Minerals –Made of single elements Gold (Au) Copper (Cu) Sulfur (S) Compound Minerals –Made of two or more elements Silicate Family –A compound of silicon and oxygen –90% of the Earth’s crust is composed of silicates Examples: –Quartz SiO 2 –Olivine (Fe,Mg) 2 Sio 4


11 Chemical formula: C GraphiteDiamond How can 2 minerals with the same composition be so different?

12 What’s the point here? “Internal Arrangement of Atoms” controls most physical properties!


14 a. Color Least dependable property because some minerals have lots of different colors

15 b. Luster Appearance of the mineral surface in reflected light, how the mineral shines Metallic – looks like a metal Non-Metallic

16 c. Hardness Resistance to being scratched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7ANc WQEUI8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7ANc WQEUI8

17 Moh’s Hardness Scale softest hardest

18 d. Streak Powdered form of a mineral, more reliable than color

19 e. Cleavage Tendency of minerals to split along repeated smooth, flat planes. Look for places where the mineral might have split along flat and sometimes shiny planes that usually reflect light well. Look for stairsteps, sheets, squares, cubes

20 e. Fracture Mineral breaks has a jagged or lumpy, irregular appearance

21 f. Crystal shape Geometric pattern that a lone crystal of the mineral will have


23 Fluorescence – mineral glows under a black light

24 Double refraction

25 Magnetism – some minerals are attracted to a magnet


27 Reaction to acids Calcite and Dolomite will bubble when Hydrochloric Acid

28 All mineral properties are determined by The internal arrangement of atoms

29 ROCK Composed of one or more minerals Classified by 1.Origin – how they were formed 2.Mineral Content 3.Texture

30 3 Types Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic ESRT Page 6

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