IB1 IB BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT. To know how the course is assessed To be able to list 2 – 3 business key terms LEARNING OBJECTIVES.

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2 To know how the course is assessed To be able to list 2 – 3 business key terms LEARNING OBJECTIVES

3 Internal Assessment Internal assessment for HL students is a research project and for SL students a written commentary These are internally marked by me and then externally moderated by IB examiners HL SL

4 External Assessment External assessment for HL and SL students consists of two written examination papers Paper one is based on a pre-seen case study issued in advance Paper two consists of structured questions based on stimulus material

5 HL External Assessment

6 SL External Assessment

7 Typical exam questions HL Explain how the levels of profit and cash flow on the free standing solar panels are likely to change through the different stages of the product life cycle Identify two appropriate sources of finance for the new production plant Examine whether SunGen Ltd should implement a Total Quality Management approach as proposed by Catherine

8 Typical exam questions SL Identify four reasons why people may prefer to buy from large supermarkets Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of a private limited company Evaluate the decision to accept the takeover of The Body Shop by L’Oreal

9 Business & Management Task 1. Choose your favourite piece of clothing 2. Explain to the person next to you why it is your favourite piece of clothing 3. Write down the best mobile phone provider 4. Why do you think it is the best mobile phone provider?

10 * Enterprise * The willingness of an individual or organisation to * Take risks * Show initiative * Undertake new ventures * Entrepreneur * Someone who takes the financial risk of starting and managing a new venture

11 Explain why you think these people are as successful as they are?

12 Homework Complete the question… Does money really make the world go round?

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