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Presentation on theme: "NURSING CURRICULUM SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING November, 16, 2010."— Presentation transcript:


2 Results  479 NCLEX Objectives  90 not addressed in POI Objectives  534 NCLEX Objectives  15 not addressed in POI Objectives PN Curriculum MappingADN Curriculum Mapping

3 Threads Integrated Throughout Curriculum  Critical Thinking- red  Communication-purple  Nutrition – dark green  Pharmacology- light blue  Cultural Diversity- orange  Lifespan - brown  Pathophysiology- pink  Technology- aqua  Teaching / Learning- yellow  Legal / Ethical- dark blue  Roles of the Nurse – light green

4 ABON Proposal to Amend Administrative Code r/t Nursing Education Programs  Standards for Approval  “The curriculum of a nursing education program shall:..... Provide theoretical and clinical experiences specific to the expected scope of practice of graduates from each entry level nursing education program and shall include….theory and practice identified in the Board’s annual standardized procedure reports as practice beyond basic education.

5 Other Considerations  Terminology  NLN Education Competencies for Graduates of AD Programs  Human Flourishing  Nursing Judgment  Professional Identity  Spirit of Inquiry  Accrediting Agency Guidelines  The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC)  Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).  IOM Report  The Institute of Medicine (IOM) is an independent, nonprofit organization that works outside of government to provide unbiased and authoritative advice to decision makers and the public. The IOM always has been committed to health-related education. Our work continues to explore the role of education in such areas as the training of the health care workforce, in prevention and health promotion, and in improving the quality of care. In 2008, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the IOM launched a two-year initiative to respond to the need to assess and transform the nursing profession. The IOM appointed the Committee on the RWJF Initiative on the Future of Nursing, at the IOM, with the purpose of producing a report that would make recommendations for an action- oriented blueprint for the future of nursing. Through its deliberations, the committee developed four key messages: Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training. Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression. Nurses should be full partners, with physicians and other health care professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States. Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and information infrastructure.  ALAHA Quality - Patient Safety Curriculum Supplements for Nursing Schools

6 Recommendations  Write student learning objectives for NCLEX objectives NOT covered in our curriculum. Should be similar format/level as other objectives in POI; (will be followed through in lesson plans in future).  PN  ADN  (1) Compare integrated threads to each course POI objectives to assure that the thread is indeed addressed (color coordinate). (2) Identify any course(s) in which the thread is not addressed. (3)Write student learning objectives for any thread not covered in a course.  PN  ADN  Compare ABON-Approved Procedures Beyond Basic Education to each curriculum to assure that student learning objectives are in place to address these procedures. Write student learning objectives for any procedure not presently covered.  PN  ADN


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