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A STRATEGIC DISCUSSION CVIM Development & Marketing December 4, 2013 CVIM Board Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "A STRATEGIC DISCUSSION CVIM Development & Marketing December 4, 2013 CVIM Board Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 A STRATEGIC DISCUSSION CVIM Development & Marketing December 4, 2013 CVIM Board Presentation

2 3 Year Overview CVIM is financially strong, meeting goals and raising money, but wanted a deeper look. Strategic analysis of three aggregated categories: Individuals, Corporations and Foundations. Individuals = Individuals, Board, Former Board, Staff, Volunteers. Corporations = Corporations, Organizations, Government, United Way, Religious Groups Foundations = Private and Public Foundations

3 Three Year Totals RAISED FY11 DONOR # RAISED FY12 DONOR # RAISED FY13 DONOR # TOTAL RAISED DONOR # FUNDS TOTAL % FY14 PROJECTIONS Individuals 1,311,6296811,395,7285351,224,0106983,931,3671,91456%1,400,000 Corporations/Groups/ Orgs 664,565101625,49089563,378851,853,43327526%650,000 Foundations 339,44729363,05933572,139411,274,64510918%450,000 TOTAL RAISED 2,315,6418112,384,2776572,359,5278247,059,4452,298100%2,500,000 GIFT CATEGORIEST OTAL $ R AISED % GIFTS # DONORS % DONORS FUND PROJECTION FY14 $100,000 & Above 2,482,4773512 875,000 $50,000 - $99,999 790,0001114275,000 $25,000 - $49,999 1,441,2472147525,000 $10,000 - $24,999 1,103,1161678400,000 $5,000 - $9,999 440,818674150,000 TOTAL MAJOR GIFTS 6,257,6588922510%2,225,000 Below $5,000 801,787112,07390%275,000 TOTAL RAISED 7,059,4451002,298100%2,500,000

4 Critical Observations : Individuals Major donors ($5,000 or more) represent 4% of all donors and responsible for 88% of total dollars raised. Over 3 years, 86 major donors raised $3,466,756 representing 49% of all donations. Gifts less than $5,000 represent 96% of donors and are responsible for 12% of total dollars raised. Over 3 years 1,828 gifts of less than $5,000 raised $464,611. We have an aging donor base, our longest and most generous donors are well into 70’s & 80’s. Trend is an increase in lower level donors and a static or reduced number of major donors over $5,000.

5 Critical Observations: Organizations Corporations account for 26% of total dollars raised - $1,843,433 over a 3 year period. CVIM is seeing a 3 year overall reduction in donors/dollars as reflected in national trends. Need renewed Company of Caring focus for business sectors: pharmaceutical, biotech, banking, construction/real estate. Need to build stronger relationship to retain and grow Golf Sponsors into consistent donors beyond Golf Classic.

6 Critical Observations: Foundations Foundations donors and dollars has increased over last 3 years. FY13 saw significant jump of Foundation dollars ($572,139), representing 24% of dollars raised. Sustained growth from year to year is difficult due to changing application requirements and guidelines as well as funding limits. Continued engagement is critical with foundation leadership even if grant application is not possible.

7 CVIM Advancement Committee An integrated marketing and development approach with the Strategic Objective of fostering and strengthening CVIM’s financial stability through growth and development of donor strategies. Members: Robin Shine, Betty Moran, Diego Calderin, Franny Abbott, Donna Coffey, Eileen McAnally, John McGowan, Ken Mumma, Perry Pepper, Mike Schnably, Stacy Sempier, Noel Stanek, Richard Wells

8 Advancement Committee Deliverables Chair discussions on increasing collaboration among established Committees – A new approach. October 23 rd combined work session with Marketing and Development committees Identified 5 Key Goals for next 18-24 months Brainstorming ideas and outline of tactics for Goals were defined Ongoing joint planning and collaboration

9 Advancement Collaboration Development- Major Gifts Company of Caring Golf Classic Marketing Advancement Planning Team

10 Goals & Objectives Goal #1: Growth and Retention of individual donor base. Strengthen donor long term giving and increase overall donor giving volume.  Objective 1 : Increase the number of major gift donors (gifts greater than $5,000) by 3-4 annually & major donor dollars to reach 50% of funds annually.  FY13: 45% ($1,060,000) 27 donors  FY14: 50% ($1,250,000)  Objective 2 : Retain current donors & identify new donors to increase donor base for gifts less than $5,000.

11 Goals & Objectives Goal #2: Develop & Expand Corporate/ Organizational Giving  Objective 1 : Establish an active Company of Caring Program targeted at corporate leadership. Goal #3: Develop Next Generation Strategies for donor cultivation and funding sources  Objective 1 : Define & create focused outreach strategies to engage young adults (ages 25 – 40) in donor opportunities.

12 Goals & Objectives Goal #4: Maximize all potential foundation and grant funding sources available to CVIM.  Objective 1: Solicit foundation and grant resources for funding that is relevant to CVIM mission.  Objective 2: Cultivate & engage trustees, funders and administrators in the mission & work of CVIM.

13 Goals & Objectives Goal #5: Create Communication Strategy to increase awareness of the agency and its mission.  Objective 1: Create consistent messaging and positioning to communicate CVIM value to internal and external audiences.  Objective 2: Define specific messaging as it relates to CVIM and the impact of the Affordable Care Act.  Objective 3: Create positioning and messaging for communication relative to new facility acquisition and program improvements.  Objective 4: Increase technology and social media tools to support CVIM communications.

14 Advancement Planning Next Steps:  Individual teams will refine tactics and assign timeline, metric and responsible party  Cross communication and oversight of plan will be collaborate effort by Advancement Planning Team  Progress reports against plan provided at Board Meetings  Board engagement in tactics specifically for Major Gifts and Companies of Caring

15 Board Involvement Every Board member can be a fundraiser and friendraiser Introduce leadership individuals to CVIM. Participate in visits and presentations. Provide input to Development – review potential donor lists. Help write personal thank you notes to donors. Make personal thank you calls to donors. Serve on a committee.

16 Questions & Feedback

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