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Judith E. Brown Prof. Albia Dugger Miami-Dade College Healthy Diets, Dietary Guidelines, MyPyramid, and More Unit 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Judith E. Brown Prof. Albia Dugger Miami-Dade College Healthy Diets, Dietary Guidelines, MyPyramid, and More Unit 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judith E. Brown Prof. Albia Dugger Miami-Dade College Healthy Diets, Dietary Guidelines, MyPyramid, and More Unit 6

2 Healthy Eating Achieving balance between good taste and good for you

3 Characteristics of Healthful Diets Healthful diets share three characteristics: adequacy, variety, and balance Healthful diets can come in many forms

4 Healthful Diets

5 Key Terms Adequate diets Consist of foods that together supply sufficient protein, vitamins, and minerals Have enough calories to meet a person’s need for energy and maintain a healthy body weight

6 Key Terms Essential nutrients Substances the body requires for normal growth and health but cannot manufacture in sufficient amounts Must be obtained from the diet in amounts corresponding to RDAs and AIs

7 Variety The essential nutrient and phytochemical contents of foods differ Consuming a variety of foods from each basic group increases the probability of obtaining enough nutrients

8 Key Terms Balanced diet Provides neither too much nor too little of calories, nutrients, and other components of food such as fat, sugar, and fiber

9 Key Terms Macronutrients The group name for the energy-yielding nutrients of carbohydrate, protein, and fat Needed in relatively large amounts in our daily diet

10 AMDRs Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDRs) Guidelines for balanced intake of macronutrients % total caloric intake that should consist of carbohydrate, protein, and fat % total caloric intake for added sugars and essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) Reduce saturated and trans fats as much as possible

11 Key Terms Saturated fats Fats that tend to raise blood cholesterol levels and risk for heart disease Solid at room temperature Found primarily in animal products such as meat, butter, and cheese

12 Key Terms Trans fat A type of unsaturated fat present in hydrogenated oils, shortening, margarine, pastries, and some cooking oils that increases the risk of heart disease

13 AMDRs and Average Adult Intake

14 How Balanced is the American Diet? Americans consume too much fat and added sugars; and too little of essential fatty acids American diet is too high in calories and too low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

15 Guides to Healthy Diets Many nations have free, science-based, health guidelines with recommendations for dietary intake and physical activity US guidelines: Dietary Guidelines for Americans How-to guide for consumers: MyPyramid

16 National Guidelines

17 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Science-based guidelines to promote health and reduce risk for major chronic disease 9 “Focus Areas” 23 “Key Recommendations” Stresses consumption of nutrient-dense foods, balancing caloric intake and output, and increasing physical activity

18 Dietary Guidelines for Americans DGAs are updated every five years

19 Focus Areas and Key Recommendations Guidelines on: Adequate nutrients within calorie needs Weight management Physical activity Food groups to encourage Fats and carbohydrates Sodium and potassium Alcoholic beverages Food safety

20 Implementing Dietary Guidelines MyPyramid Food Guide Food selection and physical activity DASH Eating Plan Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Dietary intake only

21 MyPyramid Food Guide

22 What’s in MyPyramid? Recommendations for daily food choices and food amounts for healthy diets 5 specific food groups Lean meats and fish prepared without fats Vegetables prepared without butter/margarine No added sugar Low-fat dairy products and nonfat milk

23 MyPyramid Menu Planner Based on your food preferences MyPyramid Plan Based on age, sex, weight, height, activity level MyPyramid for Kids Resources for elementary ages

24 MyPyramid Plan


26 MyPyramid For Professionals

27 cont. Tips & Resources Food groups, physical activity, eating out Inside the Pyramid Explains food groups, measures, discretionary calories, physical activity

28 cont. MyPyramid for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers Track, evaluate, and plan dietary changes MyPyramid Tracker Dietary and physical activity assessments

29 MyPyramid Food Measurements MyPyramid uses measurements in cups, teaspoons, and ounces

30 Limitations of MyPyramid Inaccessible to people who do not use the internet Does not address infant, therapeutic, or vegetarian diets May not correspond to food preferences

31 The DASH Diet Helps control mild/moderate hypertension Good for cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease Limits fats, red meats, sweets, sugary drinks Hypertension (high blood pressure) Blood pressure inside blood vessel walls that typically exceeds 140/90 mm Hg

32 The DASH Eating Plan

33 The Mediterranean Diet Based on diets in Greece and southern Italy Restricts red meat, sweets, cholesterol Includes wine with meals Associated with lower risks of heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and overall mortality

34 The Mediterranean Pyramid

35 Portion Distortion Food portion sizes are expanding Large portions served in homes, restaurants, bakeries, and in packaged foods contribute to the problem of estimating portion sizes

36 Portion Distortion

37 Supersized Americans Rising obesity rates are related to increasing portion sizes Supersizing fast food can triple calories Supersized cheeseburger, fries and shake provide more calories than most people need in a day (~2,200 calories)

38 Should We Label Fast Food Calories?

39 Eating Right When Eating Out Foods eaten away from home generally have lower nutrition, higher fat

40 Staying on Track When eating out: Avoid impulse ordering Decide what to eat before going in

41 Fast Food: Fat and Calories

42 Fast Foods: Old and New

43 The Slow Food Movement “Slow Food USA” Movement away from fast and processed foods, and toward sustainable, eco-friendly agriculture and locally grown foods Connects healthy eating with a slower, more harmonious rhythm of life

44 The Slow Food Movement The urban garden

45 Don’t Know How to Cook? Learn by: Using recipes on food packages Take a community education course Find recipes online or in a basic cookbook

46 Bon Appétit! “Enjoy your meals” The best diets are those that keep us healthy and enhance our sense of enjoyment

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