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Section 2 Topics. Warsaw Ghetto 400,000 Jews in an area 3% of total city size.

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1 Section 2 Topics

2 Warsaw Ghetto 400,000 Jews in an area 3% of total city size

3 Warsaw Uprising January 18-21, 1943 ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization; Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa) After a month of fighting, the Germans blow up the Great Synagogue in Warsaw building by building, to force Jews out of the hiding places.

4 Einsatzgruppen

5 Heinrich Himmler and the SS 50% Nazi Doctors were members of the SS Schutzstaffel In the Nazi state, the SS assumed leading responsibility for security, identification of ethnicity, settlement and population policy, and intelligence collection and analysis. The SS controlled the German police forces and the concentration camp system.population policypoliceconcentration camp system

6 Gestapo The official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe. Led by Reinhard Hydrich I go after political opponents in Germany and in the occupied areas.

7 Wansee Conference January 20, 1942

8 Josef Mengele the Angel of Death Dies in 1979 Auschwitz SS doctor One could serve as a control while the other endured the experiments Estimated 1500 sets of twins totaling 3000

9 Mein Kampf July 18, 1925

10 Protocols of Zion 1906

11 A-Socials Sinti Romani Homeless Prostitutes Criminals

12 Hereditary ill More than 200 Hereditary Health Courts were set up across Germany and later, annexed territories. (1)Any person suffering from a hereditary disease may be rendered incapable of procreation by means of a surgical operation (sterilization), if the experience of medical science shows that it is highly probable that his descendants would suffer from some serious physical or mental hereditary defect.(2) For the purposes of this law, any person will be considered as hereditarily diseased who is suffering from any one of the following diseases: –(1) Congenital Mental Deficiency,(2) Schizophrenia,(3) Manic-Depressive Insanity,(4) Hereditary Epilepsy,(5) Hereditary Chorea (Huntington’s),(6) Hereditary Blindness,(7) Hereditary Deafness,(8) Any severe hereditary deformity.Congenital Mental DeficiencySchizophreniaManic-Depressive InsanityHereditary EpilepsyHereditary ChoreaHereditary BlindnessHereditary Deafness

13 Strength Through Joy

14 Triumph of the Will

15 Dachau Germany 1933

16 Zyklon B

17 Gypsy Question SS chief Himmler's circular reveals the Nazis' animosity to Gypsies and, in the final paragraph, their rationale for seeking "a final solution of the Gypsy question." Experience gained in combating the Gypsy nuisance, and knowledge derived from race- biological research, have shown that the proper method of attacking the Gypsy problem seems to be to treat it as a matter of race.

18 Dr. Ritter (1.) Anyone who is suffering from a hereditary disease can be sterilized by a surgical operation if, according to the experiences of medical science, it is to be expected with great probability that his offspring will suffer from serious hereditary physical or mental defects.

19 Nuremberg Laws

20 German Wehrmacht

21 Education in Third Reich The racial and Jewish Question is the central problem of the National Socialist worldview. Solving this problem will ensure the survival of National Socialism and thereby the survival of our people for all time. The enormous significance of the Jewish Question is recognized today by nearly every member of the German people. This knowledge cost our people a long period of misery. To spare coming generations this misery, we want German teachers to plant the knowledge of the Jew deep in the hearts of our youth from their childhood on. No one among our people should or may grow up without learning the true depravity and danger of the Jew. Above guide for teachers

22 Religion in the Third Reich Catholic priests give a lukewarm salute alongside Nazi leaders

23 Nazis and the Church Preaches equality What about our new Nazi German culture? Inconsistencies will exist

24 Evian Conference

25 St. Louis

26 Carl Vaernet vs. Magnus Hirschfeld a Danish SS major and a doctor at Buchenwald concentration camp. He experimented extensively with hormones and possible ways to try to override homosexuality by injecting synthetic hormones into men's testicles.SSBuchenwald concentration camphormoneshomosexuality

27 T-4 Euthanasia and Leonardo Conti Leonardo Conti hanged himself in his cell on October 6 th 1945. In May 1959, his estate was fined 3,000 Marks after a de-nazification trial tribunal.

28 Nazis and the Arc of the Covenant The Ten Commandments

29 Chicken Run

30 US Bombing Auschwitz The above is the contents of the two documents. The persons who have managed to secure the transmission of the documents to a neutral country added (a) the following information: "12,000 Jews are being deported daily from the territories of Carpathian Ruthenia, Transylvania and the district of Kosice where there used to be 320,000 Jews. Those departed are sent to Oswieczim, 5,000 going by train via Slovakia daily and 7,000 via Carpathian Ruthenia." and (b) the following suggestions: 1. The Allied Governments, especially those whose citizens are suffering in both these camps, should jointly address to the Germans and Hungarians a threat of reprisals directed at the Germans in the hands of these governments. 2. The crematoria in both camps, which are recognisable by their high chimneys and watch-towers, should be bombed and so should the main railway-lines connecting Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia with Poland which are also of military importance, (especially the bridge at Cop).

31 Raphael Lemkin Polish Lawyer Alive during WWI Fled from the Nazis Coins term genocide ch?v=uCebMq-GmH4 My pick up line is simply I worked to coin the term genocide. Does that impress you?

32 Eichmann Trial

33 David Irving Start at 36:20

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