Getting Started with JXTA for J2ME Advisor : Dr. Ching-Long Yeh Report : DI.2, 洪泰昌 (89506005) Course: XML 文件管理.

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1 Getting Started with JXTA for J2ME Advisor : Dr. Ching-Long Yeh Report : DI.2, 洪泰昌 (89506005) Course: XML 文件管理

2 Abstract Ad hoc networks : a self-configuring network of mobile  Self-organization ability: simplify management, robustness, flexible  Well suited to the vicissitudes of wireless  P2P model enables “mobile devices” to assemble quickly JXTA ("juxtapose"), a set of protocols for P2P networking In this report:  How the JXTA protocols are extended to MIDP  How to install and run JXTA demonstration programs for MIDP

3 Abstract JXME Proxy (Relay) DEMO JXTA demonstration programs for MIDP  Chat MIDlet

4 Agenda Abstract JXTA Java ME (J2ME) JXME Summary Appendix  Prerequisite for implementation  Implementation of J2ME Chat MIDlet  Implementation of JXME Proxy  References and Resources

5 JXTA JXTA defines a set of open protocols for peer-to-peer networks  JXTA (v2.0) Protocol Specification XML-based protocols Functionalities  peer discovery  endpoint routing  connection binding  basic query/response message exchange  network propagation through rendezvous peers

6 Java ME Java ME:  Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) provides a environment for applications running on mobile and other embedded devices mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), TV set- top boxes, and printers MIDP: Mobile Information Device Profile (v2.0)  Implementation Specification  Subset of Java SE (JDK)  limited capacity

7 Java ME MIDP:  javax.microedition.rms Record Management System, persistence  javax.microedition.midlet Environment, lifecycle  Network  javax.microedition.lcdui UI ( User Interface )  Java.lang.* java.util.* MIDlet : application  javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet

8 Java ME MIDlet:  Managed by Application Management software (AMS) : Paused , Active , destroyed

9 JXME JXME :  JXTA Java Micro Edition (MIDP/CLDC/CDC) Project The goal of the JXME project is to bring JXTA functionality to MIDP devicesJXME  A framework Why JXME ?  The constraints of Mobile Device  XML parser  memory limits of MIDP devices?  The state of the network  needs to be cached  memory limits of MIDP devices?  MIDP mandates support for HTTP, but socket and datagram connections are optional JXTA protocols exceed the minimum requirements of MIDP  JXTA relay

10 JXME Architecture

11 Rendezvous/relays

12 Coordination between J2ME Edge Devices and JXTA Relays 1.J2ME peer send HTTP request messages to a JXTA relay 2.JXTA relay parse each name-value pair in the HTTP request  XML messages (JXTA format)  relay the messages over the JXTA network 3.JXTA relay receives a message from the JXTA network  parse the XML format of the incoming message  author a corresponding HTTP response 4.Wait for the J2ME peer to send an HTTP poll request  send the HTTP response back to the J2ME peer 1. 2. 3. 4. Response

13 JXME API Element: elements of JXTA Message Message: JXTA Message, access methods PeerNetwork:  createInstance(): create PeerNetwork instance  connect(): connect to relay  create(): peer, group, pipe  search(): peer, group, pipe  poll() poll the information from relay server  listen() and close(): open and close pipe  send(): send the message to the pipe

14 JXME Code Example Create pipe Create peer Connect to proxy create pipe

15 JXME Code Example Find the pipe which we created

16 JXME Code Example Send message through the pipe which we just find

17 JXME Code Example Receive message

18 Summary JXTA furnishes an XML-based, platform- independent set of protocols that enable P2P networking JXME project brings JXTA functionality into the MIDP world Vision: Ad hoc network  Every mobile device as “Server”

19 Summary Not popular ? Why ?  Cost: GPRS, 3G …?  Mobile device: Power consumption, UI ? In the future  WiMax  cost down  Wireless  Leased-line network  connected anytime  Google Android platform ?  XMPP protocol Trends: P2P network + XML based protocol

20 Appendix

21 Prerequisite for implementation Required libraries from  JXTA core JMEX Proxy libraries  JXME framework Chat MIDlet code and libraries Tools:  NetBeans (6.0) + Mobility pack 

22 Implementation of J2ME Chat MIDlet 1. New project  Mobile  mobile project from existing MIDP source

23 Implementation of J2ME Chat MIDlet 2. Specify the source and JAD file

24 Implementation of J2ME Chat MIDlet 3. Name and Location  name  chat

25 Implementation of J2ME Chat MIDlet 4. Default Platform Selection : use default

26 Implementation of J2ME Chat MIDlet 5. Add library : chat porject  right click  properties  add Jar/Zip  jxta- cldc.jar

27 Implementation of J2ME Chat MIDlet 6. Run : chat project  right click  run project

28 Implementation of J2ME Chat MIDlet Related files and locations Chat source code  \jxme-2.1.3-bin\midp\demo\chat JAD:  \jxme-2.1.3-bin\midp\demo\chat\bin\chat.jad Library:  \jxme-2.1.3-bin\midp\demo\chat\lib\jxta-cldc.jar

29 Implementation of JXME Proxy 1. New project  General project  Java Application

30 Implementation of JXME Proxy 2. name  proxy  finish

31 Implementation of JXME Proxy 3. New Java class  place the code which we provide

32 Implementation of JXME Proxy Code: package tommy; import; import net.jxta.platform.NetworkManager; public class StartJXME_Proxy { private NetworkManager manager; public StartJXME_Proxy() { } private void startProxy() { try { manager = new NetworkManager(NetworkManager.ConfigMode.PROXY, "ProxyeServer", new File(new File(".cache"), "ProxyeServer").toURI()); manager.startNetwork(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } public static void main(String[] args){ StartJXME_Proxy startJXME_proxy = new StartJXME_Proxy(); startJXME_proxy.startProxy(); }

33 Implementation of JXME Proxy 4. Add libraries  Libraries  Add Jar/folder  \jxse-lib-2.5\*.jar

34 Implementation of JXME Proxy 5. Run  project  right click  run project

35 References and Resources Getting Started with JXTA for J2ME, JXTA, JXTA v2.0 Protocol Specification, https://jxta- JXTA Community Forum, JXTA JXSE Programmers Guide, https://jxta- J2ME tutorials, Sun Java Wireless Toolkit, NetBeans,

36 References and Resources Code in Netbeans Project:  網路硬碟二: share name  XML-JXME  Maybe you need to correct the location of libraries Public JXME proxy:     

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