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Meet the teacher September 2014 Year 1 Mrs Bone Mrs Rutherford.

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1 Meet the teacher September 2014 Year 1 Mrs Bone Mrs Rutherford

2 Daily Routine 8.45-8.55 Doors open 8.55-9.05 Register and Maths Challenge 9.05-9.55 Literacy/PE 9.55-10.15 Phonics/Guided Reading 10.15-10.30 Playtime 10.30-10.40 Assembly 10.40-11.00 Handwriting 11.00-12.00 Maths 12.00-12.50 Lunch 12.50-1.10 Spellings 1.10-3.00 Non Core Subjects 3.00-3.10 Story time

3 New Curriculum  Our new curriculum reflects changes in the National Curriculum  Includes new additions such as: - Family trees and Intra-Family competitions - Family trees and Intra-Family competitions - Building on skills from the Rainbow Continuum - Building on skills from the Rainbow Continuum - Specialist teaching (Nutrition, ICT, PE and Music) - Specialist teaching (Nutrition, ICT, PE and Music) -Enhancement of the curriculum including visits, visitors, experiences -Enhancement of the curriculum including visits, visitors, experiences -Engaging parents in their child’s learning journey through activities in school, homework, reading etc. -Engaging parents in their child’s learning journey through activities in school, homework, reading etc.  Much larger focus on core Maths and English skills  Schools given the autonomy to design the curriculum to suit the needs and climate of their setting.

4 What’s new in English? English – KS1  Only phonic reading strategies required  References to ICT/typing removed in ICT lessons but still encouraged across the curriculum  Learning of poetry (including reciting poetry) introduced  Specific spellings highlighted for each year group (See coloured spelling booklets for Autumn Term)  Continuation of reading and spelling exception words  Joined writing expected in Year 2  Proof-reading of own writing

5 Spelling Punctuation and Grammar  KS1 and KS2 children will be taught Spelling through discrete lessons  Children will be grouped for spelling in KS2 based on an initial assessment  Punctuation and Grammar teaching will be taught discretely and interwoven in English lessons

6 Read Write Inc  Children in Key Stage 1 who have not acquired all of the phonic sounds in the RWI programme will be grouped in accordance with the sounds they still require. On a Friday the children will participate in a group Guided Reading session using a book containing the target sound for the week  Children will be given a sounds book by their RWI facilitator with the new target sound each week as well as word cards containing the sounds where appropriate  Children will be also given a red word booklet to share at home containing their target Red Words which they are learning to read  Children who have completed the Read Write Inc Programme will participate in Guided Reading sessions in the classroom at the same time as RWI is taking place

7 Reading  Children are given a RWI or book band reading book as well as an ‘Additional Reader’ at their level in KS1 until they become a ‘Free Reader’  Children in KS2 are still expected to have a current home/school reader regardless of whether they are still reading within the book bands or they are a ‘Free Reader’  Your child will be given an opportunity to change their ‘Additional Reader’ daily  Your child will be also given a reading target bookmark to be kept with their home/school reader. Please try and focus on this target when reading  Please ensure you make a comment in your child’s reading record or homework diary when you hear your child reading at home  School has subscribed to the online programme ‘Bug Club’. This gives children access to a wide range of books at their own level at home. Individual logins will be given for home access. Please comment on the books your child has read in their reading record or homework diary  Children are given opportunities to visit our school library and the community library  Reading Race

8 What’s new in Maths?  Children will be set a maths challenge each morning to develop skills and make maths fun  Many of the expectations for mathematics have been moved to lower year groups  Greater expectation for children to be ‘core numerate’  School will be implementing the brand new ‘CLIC’ curriculum for maths which focuses on core numerate skills  Children will be given other opportunities in the curriculum to develop other mathematic skills

9 Main objectives for Mathematics in Year 1  Count to and across 100, starting from any given number  Count in multiples of 2,5,10  Recognise place value in two-digit numbers  Read and write numbers 1 to 20 in numerals and words  Recall and use number addition/subtraction facts to 20.  Add and subtract 1 digit and 2 digit numbers to 20  record number sentences using + - =  understand the concepts of multiplication and division in simple terms  Have an understanding of the concepts of 1/2  Recognise the value of all coins and notes. Total and give change.  Tell the time to the half hour  Describe properties of 2-D shapes, including number of sides.  Describe properties of 3-D shapes, including number of sides and faces

10 What are the Science topics in the new Y1 curriculum? Hot and Cold MeHomes

11 What’s new in the rest of the curriculum?  The need for discrete teaching of subjects and skills is highlighted and therefore a move away from rigorous topic teaching has been necessary. Obvious links between subjects and themes will still be made.  Nutrition objectives to be covered across both Key Stages – children will be involved in some cookery  Computing replaces ICT with a larger focus on programming and the technical aspects of the subject  Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural learning is the heart of our school’s new curriculum (Including ‘Family Trees’)

12 ‘Family Trees’ and Upcoming Events  The children will be organised into “Family Tress” and participate in weekly activities which focus on developing SMSC education. They will be organised in mixed ages ensuring that siblings are allocated the same family group. Tree groups will be sent home with the Friday Letter. The “Family Trees” will be named after trees: WillowBeechBirchOakChestnutMaple  “Intra-Family Tree” competitions will be held on a half termly basis and prizes awarded to the winning team during the dedicated session on a Friday afternoon. We value the role that parents play in supporting our curriculum and throughout the year there are many opportunities for them to work alongside their children. UPCOMING ‘FAMILY TREE’ EVENTS: Whole School ‘Intra-tree’ Spelling Bee - Friday 24 th October – children only Family Tree Christmas Decoration Making – Thursday 18 th December – parents welcome to join us!

13 PE PE will usually be taught by Mrs Bone on a Monday and Mr Collinson on a Tuesday. Children should have their PE kit in school all week as PE days are subject to change. PE will usually be taught by Mrs Bone on a Monday and Mr Collinson on a Tuesday. Children should have their PE kit in school all week as PE days are subject to change. PE can be indoor or outdoor. Wherever possible children should have the following in their PE kits: PE can be indoor or outdoor. Wherever possible children should have the following in their PE kits: Navy Blue Shorts White T-Shirt with School Badge Hoodies and Tracksuit bottoms also available Sports shoes (either trainers or plimsolls are essential)

14 Uniform Polite reminder:  Navy blue jumper, yellow polo shirt, black or dark grey trousers or skirt, black shoes. Please ensure all items are labelled with your child’s name.  Pupils need a coat in school for playtimes and outdoor learning.

15 Home School Agreement  Please read the home school agreement, sign the relevant areas and send it back to school with your child as soon as possible!

16 Breakfast Club  School staff will be running a daily Breakfast Club  7.45-8.45  Download a pupil information sheet to bring for your child’s first session  Enter in side door through the small hall.  Parents must hand their child to a member of staff within the Breakfast Club to be registered

17 Attendance and Punctuality  Excellent attendance is the best start for a child’s learning  96% target  Holidays taken in school term time will be unauthorised. Special circumstances need to be discussed by appointment with Mrs Hilton  Punctuality is also crucial to your child’s progress. Ten minutes of lateness every day means that each week your child is missing nearly one hour of their learning.

18 Homework  Homework will be sent out on a Friday to be returned no later than the following Wednesday please.

19 How can you help?  Homework support  Spelling practise  Number facts e.g number bonds to 10. correct formation of numbers.  Reading at home

20 Rory the Rights Respecting Rabbit Rory will be sent home with a child every night. To avoid disappointment please ensure you return Rory and his diary the next morning. There is no requirement to print off photos for the diary, we are happy for the children to draw a picture of their time spent with Rory and if you could support them to write a short sentence. Rory will be sent home with a child every night. To avoid disappointment please ensure you return Rory and his diary the next morning. There is no requirement to print off photos for the diary, we are happy for the children to draw a picture of their time spent with Rory and if you could support them to write a short sentence.

21 Any questions???

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