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I’m Starving!.  ¾ of Ethiopians  One meal a day.

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Presentation on theme: "I’m Starving!.  ¾ of Ethiopians  One meal a day."— Presentation transcript:

1 I’m Starving!


3  ¾ of Ethiopians  One meal a day


5  2 billion dollars  Politics come first  “The leader of true visionary greatness so desperately needed today has not yet emerged” Addis Ababa  Medium- sized town in the U.S.  5% Urban- farming community.

6  Irrigated- Less than 3,000  Running water in homes  Each family must take buckets  Washing and food preparation

7  Lowlands: 82° F  Mostly desert  Popular desert- Danakil Desert › Daytime temp. averages 120° F › Worldwide

8  United Nations rankings  2/3 of the population lives on less than $1 a day  Tourist’s effect on the people

9  Ethiopia grows 85% of food  Out of season- no food available  Food Aid

10 Not enough food in the country Worldwide- 3,500 calories 50% of the most needy children (about 300,000 kids)

11  Average household- $90  60- 65% of the population is below poverty line  Parents have a very hard time providing

12  Life Expectancy: › 40.6 male › 39.22 female  Literacy › 45.5% male › 25.3% female

13  Huts- Protection  Family cows, chickens, goats  One room  Materials made by hand  Animal Skin  Furniture: table and stool

14  95% lack adequate health care  3 day journey  1:75,000 › One of the worst in the world

15 Severely malnourished have: › Bloated faces › Swollen heads › Distended stomachs

16  Poverty leads to unsanitary conditions  Malnutrition, infections, and other diseases  High mortality rate

17 Measure the child’s arm

18 Tareking


20 “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has” -Epictetus, Greek philosopher-

21 “Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted” Aldous Huxley- Author

22     m m   Ethiopia, Countries of the World  Ethiopia, Modern Nations of the World  Ethiopia, Enchantment of the World  Ethiopia, Corrigan

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