Small Wind Research and Development Program Invitation for Small Wind Industry Consultations CanWEA, Vancouver October 3, 2011 Paul Dockrill Acting Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Small Wind Research and Development Program Invitation for Small Wind Industry Consultations CanWEA, Vancouver October 3, 2011 Paul Dockrill Acting Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Small Wind Research and Development Program Invitation for Small Wind Industry Consultations CanWEA, Vancouver October 3, 2011 Paul Dockrill Acting Manager NRCan Wind Energy Technology Group Ottawa, Ontario

2 Background  Varied record of small wind turbines  Performance  Reliability  Saskatchewan Small Wind incentive program  Saskatchewan Research Council data  45% AEP of predicted AEP (average of all turbines)  Some turbines at or near 100% AEP  Similar results US CADMUS; UK Warwick studies  How to improve?  How can CanmetENERGY Wind Energy Technology Group play a role?

3 How does Large Wind do it?  Large wind guaranteed power and availability  Small Wind Turbines were once Large Wind Turbines.  One factor – testing  Standardized test procedures (IEC 61400)  Track effects of technology improvements  Reference baseline performance data

4 Small Wind Turbine R&D Testing Program Concept  Encourage technology advancement by promoting standardized testing and analysis of data  Test to recognized standard  Analysis of data as per standard  Develop “before” baseline reference data  Compare to data from “after” technology update  Targeted funding specific to testing and analysis costs  Goal – Improve performance and reliability of small wind turbines (up to 300 kW)

5 How would the Program work?  Turbine improvement in areas of power performance, acoustics, reliability/duration, others  Turbine tested to recognized standards (IEC, AWEA, CSA)  Standard configuration to set baseline - “before”  Implement technology modification  Test again to same test protocol – “after”  Analysis of before and after data to quantify expected performance improvement  Test site analysis, testing and data analysis done by third party recognized test organization  Test at site other than test center – OK  Require third party analysis of site and data

6 Eligible Costs  Test equipment, data systems, and installation  IEC class anemometers, power transducers, wind direction, data loggers (calibrated)  Met towers, wiring, installation  Acoustic measurement system - cost of use (not purchase price)  Third party services  Analysis of site and installation or review of installation  Analysis of data  Summary reports in accordance with standards  Costs specific to the tests

7 Selection of Turbines  Call for proposals  Minimize application process  Reviewed and ranked by panel of independent technical experts  Eligible Turbines  Canadian manufacturers  Canadian academia  Turbines already under test – costs for “after” test and analysis only  Ranking Criteria  Technical concept and potential performance improvement  Technical development plan – degree to which overall R&D technology plan has been developed  Test Program and ability of proponent to complete development and test program  Funding ask leveraged to overall investment  Level of sales of manufacturer and turbine (manufacturer)  Scope of learning opportunity from turbine project (academia)  Highest ranked turbines – first opportunity for funding  Process of Grant and Contribution Agreement

8 Conceptual Funding Parameters  Program Funding - $150,000 to $200,000 over 3 years  Individual Program Contribution limit - $40,000  40% payment on receipt and approval of “before” test report  60% payment on receipt and approval of “after” test report  100% if “after” test only

9 What the Program is Not  No Funding for Testing Leading to Certification  No Funding for Technology Development

10 Timeframe  Industry consultation  To March 31, 2012  Formal Program Development  2 nd quarter 2012  Call for Proposals  3 rd quarter 2012  Successful candidates negotiate agreement  4 th quarter 2012 to March 31, 2013  Program Funding  2012 through March 31, 2015

11 Industry Input  Email Addresses  – English  – Français

12 Thank You Paul Dockrill A/Program Manager Wind Energy Technologies (613) 996-4523

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