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Elaine Harris-Fulton. A. Accidental Or B. Intentionally.

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1 Elaine Harris-Fulton

2 A. Accidental Or B. Intentionally



5  Sex Education  Nursing  Interesting



8 A. 1 st B. 50 th C. 24 th D. 4 th E. 39 th F. 12 th


10  It is also called Sexuality Education or Sex and Relationship Education  Its about helping teens or young people get the right knowledge so they can make smart choices when deciding to have sex.

11  It is not just about sex it is about development, livelihoods, careers, marriage, income, and much more

12  Own bodies  Playground Myths  Pop Culture  Porn


14  Teen moms are less likely to finish high school  They are less likely to get married  They are less successful in the job market  Teens moms are more likely to be on Public Assistance


16  They score less on assessments of cognitive development and academic achievement.  They usually show more problem behavior then other children.


18  Any behavior between two people that could be sexual stimulating

19  Prior to the twentieth century, sex education was even more haphazard. Most Americans and Europeans lived in the countryside, where chance observation of animal behavior provided young people with at least a measure of information about reproductive sexuality

20  Given the expectation that girls would remain chaste until their wedding night, sex education for them did not seem pressing until the eve of matrimony, when their mothers were supposed to sit them down and explain sex and reproduction

21  In the 1830s, however, various health reformers and ministers in the United States and in England began to publish a flood of pamphlets and books to inform and fortify the young man who left home for school or a job.

22  These works were typically great stews of theological, nutritional, and philosophical information, but all aimed to help readers control their sexual urges until they could be safely expressed in marriage. More particularly, these early sex educators tended to be obsessed with the dangers of MASTURBATION.

23 If yes, Which kind abstinence only or abstinence and contraception If, No why not?

24  There are no classes being taught that include both abstinence and contraception  Recent research shows that abstinence-only strategies may deter contraceptive use among sexually active teens, increasing their risk of unintended pregnancy and STIs

25  176 Million for 2006 but to only teach what they wanted pre-teens and teens to do which is Abstinence  It didn’t allow the kids to be taught about any contraceptive use.

26  Evidence shows that comprehensive sex education programs that provide information about both abstinence and contraception can help delay the onset of sexually activity among teens, reduce their numbers of sexual partners and increase contraceptive use when they become sexually active


28 If yes, at which age or school grade? If no why not?

29  Sex education should be taught to kids in schools because  Sex education works if started early before young people reach puberty and before they have developed established patterns of behavior  Sex education is usually taught as a brief interlude during a physical education or health class this is not long enough to have a positive effect on students especially if its taught after the child has reached puberty and may have already experienced sex.

30  Sex education should be taught in schools not just a brief part of a health class.  It should be a required course or even just an elective

31  That they don’t have Sex Education classes that are about abstinence and contraceptive use I think if pre-teens and teens were giving the good and the bad they would make better choices

32  Was the federal guidelines for sex was anything that could be sexually stimulating.

33  I am going to use this research for the career I want to go in which is Nurse Practitioner specializing Women’s Health.

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