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U.S. Foreign Policy 1778-Present Day Does US Foreign Policy Reflect Actions of an Arm of Empire or Beacon of Hope?

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Foreign Policy 1778-Present Day Does US Foreign Policy Reflect Actions of an Arm of Empire or Beacon of Hope?"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Foreign Policy 1778-Present Day Does US Foreign Policy Reflect Actions of an Arm of Empire or Beacon of Hope?

2 Isolationism Defined Roots –Franco-American Alliance –Proclamation of Neutrality Formal Beginning –George Washington’s Farewell Address

3 Interventionism Defined Origins –War of 1812 Cause Course Consequences –Monroe Doctrine, 1823 Extension –Manifest Destiny, 1845 –Mexican-American War, 1846-1848 –Native American Indian Removal Act, 1830 Great Plains Wars, 1865-1890

4 Expansionism Begins: Spanish-American War Defined Causes: Expansionism Jingoism Yellow Journalism De Lome Letter U.S.S. Maine Teller Amendment Consequences: Platt Amendment Territorial Gains Filipino War Insular Cases Jones Act 1916

5 Expansionism Extends 1.Purchase of Alaska, 1867 2.Great White Fleet, 1907-1909 3.Roosevelt Corollary 4.Panama Canal, 1914 5.Open Door Policy 6.Dollar Diplomacy 7.Democratic-Imperialism

6 Neutrality Defined WWI –Freedom of the Seas Unrestricted Sub Warfare Sinking of Lusitania Sussex Pledge –Belligerent Loans –Munitions Industry Interests –Zimmerman Note –Wilson’s 14 Points –Treaty of Versailles League of Nations Senate Rejection –German Economic Loan Plans Dawes Plan Young Plan

7 Neutrality in the Interwar Years 1930s Neutrality Embargo Acts –Kellogg-Briand Pact –Nye Committee Findings –1935 Neutrality Act –1936 Neutrality Act –1937 Neutrality Act Modified Neutrality –Quarantine Speech, 1937 –1939 Neutrality Act –1941 Lend-Lease Act –Arsenal of Democracy

8 Containment: Phase 1 Defined: –WWII - Contain Totalitarianism –Nazism, Fascism, Militarism, Communism –Lebensraum –The Blitzkrieg –Atlantic Charter –Japanese Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor –Second Front Pledge –D-Day 1944 –Island Hopping –Total War: Night Time Bombing of Civilian Targets –Dropping of the Atomic Bomb –Germany’s “Final Solution” and Life in Concentration Camps –Executive Order 9066 and Japanese Internment –Japanese Kamikaze bombers –Nuremberg Trial and “Crimes against Humanity”

9 Containment: Phase 2 Defined –Phase 2: Cold War - Contain Communism Cold War Defined (1945-1990) WWII Cold War Origins Cold War Heats Up Cold War at Home Cold War Abroad –Korean War, 1950-1953 –Vietnam War, 1954-1973 Détente Reagan Real-Politick

10 Cold War Heats Up George Keenan’s Long Telegram, 1946 Truman Doctrine –Communist Containment Marshall Plan Iron Curtain United Nations 1949 Turning Point Year?! At Home –McCarthyism Abroad: Korean War and Vietnam War


12 Vietnam War 1954-1973 Vietnam Map Early Developments –2000 Years of Foreign Oppression –1946 Letter to President Truman (Ho Chi Minh) –Civil War (Viet Minh) and Battle of Dienbienphu –Geneva Agreements 1954 American Involvement –Ngo Dinh Diem and Vietcong –SEATO and the Domino Theory –Military Advisors –“Americanization” Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and Escalation


14 Vietnam War Vietnam War 1968-1973 Cynicism and Loss of Trust –Tet Offensive, 1968 –My Lai Massacre, 1968 –Kent State University Incident, 1970 –Ho Chi Minh (Trail) and Cambodia Incursion 1970 –Pentagon Papers Leaked 1971 –Antiwar Protest Movement and SDS Withdrawal and Treaty Settlement –Vietnamization Policy and “Peace with Honor” –Paris Peace Accords 1973 –War Powers Act, 1973 (Constitutional?) Abandonment and Reunification –Fall of Saigon and Reunification 1975

15 Containment Modified Détente –Realpolitik (Practical vs. Idealistic concerns) –Cultural Exchange “Ping-Pong Diplomacy” 1971 –SALT Reagan Doctrine –SDI –Third World Anti-communism Aide Iran-Contra Affair (Reading) End of the Cold War

16 Detente

17 Reagan Doctrine "We must not break faith with those who are risking their lives on every continent from Afghanistan to Nicaragua to defy Soviet-supported aggression and secure rights which have been ours from birth... Support for freedom fighters is self- defense." --President Reagan, in the State of the Union, February 1985

18 Coalition Building Defined Gulf War, 1990-1991 Bosnian Conflict, 1992-1995

19 Preventionism Defined: Reaction v. Preventionism 9/11/01 War on Terror –Afghanistan War 2001-Present The Bush Doctrine –Pre-emptive Strike Policy Iraq 2003-2012 –PATRIOT Act, 2001

20 Unit Test Format Multiple Choice and Matching –Emphasis on Containment, Coalition Building and Preventionism Short Answer Response –Emphasis on all 7 foreign policies

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