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Cobb County’s Gifted Eligibility Process Norton Park Elementary Presented by Jennifer A. Gates, Gifted Education Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Cobb County’s Gifted Eligibility Process Norton Park Elementary Presented by Jennifer A. Gates, Gifted Education Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cobb County’s Gifted Eligibility Process Norton Park Elementary Presented by Jennifer A. Gates, Gifted Education Specialist

2 Renzullis – done by classroom teacher
REFERRALS Automatic System-wide assessments (tests): IOWA – 3, 5, 7 CogAT – 1, 3, 7 Renzullis – done by classroom teacher Automatic Referrals: Currently grades 1, 3, 5, and 7 go through the automatic referral process due to system-wide testing The CogAT is administered in grades 1, 3, and 7 The ITBS is administered in grades 3, 5, and 7 These scores are valid for two years Reported Referrals: Can be made by any person with knowledge of a student’s abilities. Reported Referrals are required for any student from out of state who wants to be considered for gifted eligibility in the state of GA. Reported referrals require the completion of GF 157 by referring individual. Making a referral does not necessarily mean that a child will be tested further. All existing data is reviewed. If further testing is warranted, permission to test a student will be obtained in writing. Reciprocity In state - Any student who meets the Georgia eligibility criteria is considered eligible to receive gifted education service in Cobb County upon verification of records. The student transferring into the district must meet the Cobb’s criteria for continuation of gifted services.

3 Referrals -Reported -Reciprocity Only in state

4 State Law Two Options for Eligibility Option A/Psychometric: A student must meet in 2 areas: both Mental Abilities Achievement

5 State Law Option B/ Multiple Criteria:
A student must meet in three of four (3/4) areas: Mental Abilities Achievement Creativity Motivation

6 Determination of Eligibility
Option A/Psychometric: A student must meet eligibility requirements in 2 (both) areas: Mental Ability: K-2 99th percentile Look at Age Percentile Standardized test Composite Score only May want to refer to the Testing Terms sheet and explain: MA– we use age percentiles A – we use grade percentiles Although scores are good for two years, mental abilities scores achieved in the K-2 window can not be used for eligibility in the 3-12 window.

7 Determination of Eligibility
Option A/Psychometric: A student must meet eligibility requirements in 2 (both) areas: Mental Ability: 3-12 96th percentile Look at Age Percentile Standardized test Composite Score only May want to refer to the Testing Terms sheet and explain: MA– we use age percentiles A – we use grade percentiles Although scores are good for two years, mental abilities scores achieved in the K-2 window can not be used for eligibility in the 3-12 window.

8 Determination of Eligibility
Achievement: K-12 90th percentile total battery total reading total math section Look at grade percentile standardized test standardized achievement battery

9 Determination of Eligibility
Option B/ Multiple Criteria: A student must meet eligibility requirements in 3 of 4 areas: Mental Ability: 96th percentile on a standardized test of mental ability - Component or Composite score Achievement: 90th percentile in total battery, total reading, or total math Key - Two rating scales cannot be used to determine gifted eligibility, AND that scores from system-wide testing are valid for two years.

10 Determination of Eligibility
Option B/ Multiple Criteria: A student must meet eligibility requirements in 3 of 4 areas: Creativity: 90th percentile / 90% or more on a creativity assessment Motivation: 90th percentile / 90% or more on a motivation assessment Key - Two rating scales cannot be used to determine gifted eligibility, AND that scores from system-wide testing are valid for two years.

11 Sample Score Report percentile - norms Percentile compares to a group
We use the age percentile scores on the mental abilities assessment and grade percentile scores on the achievement – this is determined by the state. Important terms from the testing glossary: difference btw percentile (norms) and percentage: percentile is a score that compares a child to a group (norming process) and percentage is a score based on proportion of correctly answered items on an assessment, grade equivalent Percentile compares to a group

12 Assessments used Mental abilities Achievement
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT), Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities Test (NNAT) Achievement Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS), Stanford Achievement Test (SAT-10)

13 Assessments used Creativity Motivation
Renzulli Behavioral Rating Scale for Creativity (1-12) Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) Motivation Renzulli Behavioral Rating Scale for Motivation 1-3 - motivation portfolio 4-5 - Children’s Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (CAIMI)

14 Renzulli Rating Scales
Classroom teacher Based on behaviors observed over a minimum of nine weeks (9) All teachers receive training ID students who show levels of creativity and motivation specific to gifted children. Highlight - training teachers receive and about their ability to apply professional judgment in rating a student’s behavioral characteristics. These judgments are based on observed behaviors in the classroom.

15 Creativity Example Creativity Characteristic
The student demonstrates the ability to generate a large number of ideas or solutions to problems or questions. Behaviors good problem solver, thinks of different ways of doing things, trouble settling on one idea, may have difficulty beginning/completing tasks. Highlight - some behaviors could be viewed negatively but can still be an indicator of this characteristic. However, one demonstrated characteristic does not indicate overall giftedness in creativity. 9 creativity characteristics rated on this scale.

16 Motivation Example Motivation Characteristic
demonstrates tenacity on topics of interest. Behaviors seeks opportunities to find more information about a topic beyond what is presented in class, adds extra information to class topics due to independent research, student may be too focused on one topic. Highlight - some behaviors could be viewed negatively but can still be an indicator of this characteristic. However, one demonstrated characteristic does not indicate overall giftedness in motivation. 11 motivation characteristics rated on motivation scale.

17 not formally assessed for gifted service
Kindergarten not formally assessed for gifted service served through collaboration model when requested by classroom teacher.

18 Testing Window Refer to the Cobb County testing calendar for system-wide testing dates and grade levels. Every attempt is made to complete gifted eligibility evaluation before the winter break. There are circumstances that cause testing to carry over to the new year.

19 Testing Window 2012-13: CogAT (1, 3, 7) - Sept. 4-6
IOWA (3, 5, 7) - Sept. 7-14 Gifted eligibility evaluation begins once system-wide test scores are received and reviewed by school GES teacher. Every attempt is made to complete gifted eligibility evaluation before the winter break. There are circumstances that cause testing to carry over to the new year.

20 If Eligible? If your child is eligible:
You will sign permission to test more You will sign your approval of acceptance You will receive an official copy of approval You will be in contact with GES

21 Delivery Models for Gifted Service
Elementary One day a week, resource class (room 103) Interdisciplinary curriculum Middle School Advanced content classes IOWA scores Placement based on demonstrated need in content areas Specific criteria for placement determined by local school High School Honors and Advanced Placement classes A student does not need to be identified gifted to be eligible for advanced content classes in middle and high school.

22 Delivery Models for Talent Development
@ Norton Park TD = Brain Boosters ‘push-in’ to classroom ‘pull-out’ to resource room (103) 1, 3, 5 in fall K, 2, 4 in spring Whole school, holistic approach Talent Development integrated into classroom content, uses HOT and critical thinking skills; also, divergent thinking (fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration).

23 Questions?

24 Contact / Information Gifted Education Specialist Norton Park Elementary School Jennifer A. Gates - Norton Park Cobb County Schools – ALP/Gifted

25 Thank you for your interest in gifted eligibility and service.

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