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How to Create a Research PowerPoint

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1 How to Create a Research PowerPoint
LAC102B Ms. Borgen

2 Research PowerPoint Assignment
What the assignment asks you to do: Topic is up to you! The assignment purpose is to inform Number of sources (3) Type of sources to use (journals, books, Internet) Citation requirements (MLA) Presentation requirements (written) Length of PowerPoint (20 slide minimum)

3 Getting Started Choose a topic. Ask yourself questions:
What do I know about the topic? What would I like to learn? What will my teacher (classmates) learn from reading my PowerPoint?

4 Formulate a Research Question
Start by finding background information on your topic: Use the Internet to search for information. Use books, magazine and newspaper articles, etc.

5 Personal Exploration of Topic
Once you have read up on your topic, reflect on your initial impressions to organize your thoughts. Free Writing – just write down your thoughts List Key Words – list words that describe your topic Clustering/Webbing - create a web that links terms together (an example of webbing is on the next slide)

6 Example of organizing your info: Webbing - red is the topic
Relax. Play some creative music. Spelling or style doesn't count. Don't worry about organization. Free-associate ideas. Keep them simple. Write or sketch as quickly as you can. Write or sketch in any order. Develop all ideas. Keep working. ®Content and materials published in site may be duplicated for educational, non-profit, single school use only.

7 Formulate a Question Decide what question you want to answer with your research. Formulate a Question – the answer to the question becomes your thesis question. For example: How does exercise improve someone’s mental health? What are the effects of violent video games on elementary school children? What are tattoos and why do people get them? Why do sharks attack? What are black holes?

8 Starting Your Research
Decide what kind of information you need. Current or historical or both (if you’re writing about the past) Biographical information (if you’re writing about a person) Statistics Examples

9 Finding Information in Books
Find Books – at your local library At home Online

10 Decide on the Usefulness of a Book
How to Evaluate a Book for your PowerPoint: Read title as clue to content Scan table of contents Search for key terms in book index Should be written by an expert in the field

11 Finding Information Using Internet Resources
Select a search engine or website. Focus on using .org’s, .gov.’s and .edu’s. Avoid .com’s as they are often biased. Try non-profit websites that are specific to your topic. For example, check out the National Holocaust Museum is you are writing about a concentration camp.

12 Decide on the Usefulness of Internet Site Information
Evaluate Internet site: Find source of the site and information Who is responsible for the website? Who provided the information? a person who is known in the field of study. an organization that is reputable, i.e. American Cancer Society. Note currency of site – when was it last updated? Can you use it for your topic?

13 How to Avoid Plagiarism
How to Avoid Plagiarism (or stealing someone else’s work and calling it your own) Citing sources of information whether that information is an idea, fact, concept, etc. When you paraphrase, summarize, and quote tell where that info came from. Cite your sources both in the text of your essay and on the works cited page. Review the rules given in your lessons.

14 Taking Notes Organize Your Research Using Note Cards
Read source actively by highlighting important information. Record quotes that you may want to use later and include source and page number on card. Create paraphrases and summaries on note cards directly from your research. Record on each note card the author’s name and page number for later reference. …………..OR You Can…….. Organize Your Research Using a Computer -Start a word document for each “category” or subtopic - Write the information AND the source under each category.

15 Organize Your Research
Construct an Outline Use the planning document provided. Everything you intend to use in your PowerPoint should be on your planning document. Be specific. Write in complete sentences.

16 Drafting Follow your planning document.
Begin to put research material into each paragraph. Cite your source for each quote, paraphrase and summary. Use MLA formatting (slide to follow) Be sure to include your opinion and comments on the research (without using “I”). Write your conclusion based on your answer to your research question (your thesis).

17 Need Help with Writing Your Draft?
Skype Ms. Borgen at susan.borgen1 Office hours: special sessions this week a.m. K-mail any time, any place

18 MLA Formatting requirements
Title page. Begin on slide one with your name, course instructor’s name, and date. Anne Hathaway LAC102 Ms. Borgen April 5, 2013

19 MLA Formatting requirements
Number all slides including the title slide with your last name and page number in the top right corner. (Hathaway 1)

20 MLA Formatting requirements
Parenthetical references () should use the FIRST term written on the works cited page and a page number. This is usually the author’s last name or the title of the work: (Pitt 99) Write the parenthetical reference in the last sentence of the “idea” followed by the period: He really loves Anjolie (Pitt 99).

21 MLA Formatting requirements
Use quotation marks for direct quotations: “I dreamed a dream that God would be forgiving.”

22 MLA Formatting requirements
You must have a works cited slide. Follow the directions given to you in the module lessons. Be sure to cite only those sources you actually used in the paper. Center Works Cited on the slide. That slide should be numbered also. Do NOT number your sources. Double-space. Indent the second line and so on of each source. Alphabetize your sources.

23 Preparing the Final Version of Your Research PowerPoint.
Revise draft based on comments from your instructor. Check cited sources for accuracy and MLA style. Proof read your work – don’t forget the Spell and Grammar check in Microsoft Word. Add works cited page. If you have further MLA questions go to

24 Deadlines Because this is a labor-intense assignment your assignments are due: Topic Selection for your PowerPoint (Day 45) The Planning Document for your PowerPoint (Day 53) The First Draft of your PowerPoint (Day 55) The Final Draft of your PowerPoint (Day 63) Do an awesome job. Teach the teacher something about your topic. Meet deadlines on time for 20 extra credit points.

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